
NAnt/NAntContrib 'VB6' failed to start on remote build

Background I'm putting together a Continuous Integration system at work on two VMs running on my local desktop. VM #1 (Toolbox) is running CruiseControl.Net, Subversion, BugTracker.Net and SQL Server Express. VM #2 (BuildMaster) is running NAnt with NAntContrib and has VB 6.0 and the 1.0/1.1/2.0/3.5 .Net Framework SDKs installed. The in...

How to get a recursive svn blame report in a single xml file for all non-binary files in a branch?

How can I get a fully recursive svn blame report for all non-binary files in a branch, where the output is in a single file in xml format and includes revision, date, author, filename & path, and the text of the line of the file itself? The entire output needs to be in a single file. It will be executed as part of the build via a CCNet...

Sample Request: <msi> task of nant-contrib

Can anyone please provide me a sample build file demostrating the use of the task of nant-contrib for creating an installer of a web application project. ...

Successful Implementations of NAnt bcp (SQL Server) Task?

I am looking for either a NAnt Task for SQL Server bcp, or the file format for bcp native output. I supposed I could build a NAntContrib Task for bcp but I don't have time at the moment (Do we ever?). Has anybody strolled this path before? Advice? Thanks - Jon ... nant results different from

I've a nant script that builds a VS2008 solution. When I run it myself by typing 'nant' in the command line all the correct DLLs are copied to the respective bin directories. But when Cruisecontrol performs the CI build no DLLs are copied to the bin directories. Any ideas what's causing this? ...

In NAnt, can I create a fileset of the files listed in a VS project?

I'm rewriting our NAnt build scripts to make them cleaner and simpler, as well as more general purpose. One of the steps in our build process is to package certain files into a zip file. Before we had created a fileset with lots of included file types, trying to catch everything that might be in the project. This occasionally caused...

IIS site and nant/nantcontrib?

Hi, is it possible to manage IIS web applications with NAnt? For example stop or start it? ...

Running builds using .net 3.5 MSBuild and NantContrib

I noticed that projects that were originally created in VS 2008 do not compile using the nantcontrib msbuild task. There is a solution that I've seen here but it seems like a bit of a hack, considering 'MSBuildBinPath' has been depricated, and I don't exactly like the idea of changing this property on every single project file that I cre...

Hidden Features of Nant

Continuing the Hidden Features series for Nant. One of the things I learned recently was <xmlpoke> Allows you to replace text in an xml file. e.g. Question will be updated to show the top voted answers ...

Syncing a folder against a Subversion repo

Hi, Is there a quick way, command line tool or whatever, that will look at a folder and work out the SVN operations required to add new files, delete old ones, update existing and then commit everything? I'm hooking this up via nant and don't want to have to mess around doing it myself. thanks ...

<msbuild> task or msbuild.exe with NAnt?

It looks like there are (at least) two options for getting nant to use csproj files: using the task of NAntContrib or using msbuild.exe directly (e.g., codecampserver). Am I reading this right, and if so, what is the advantage of using msbuild.exe over the NAntContrib task? ...

The 'SQLNCLI' provider is not registered on the local machine

I have a NAnt-based script which that I run on my local PC that connects to SQL Server 2008 Express also running on my local PC to drop and recreate databases using .sql files - this works fine, no problem here. The problem comes when I have recreated the same set-up on another PC, I get the error in my NAnt script saying that: Syst...

How to use hyphen in the Nant properties

Hi, I would like to use "en Dash"(unicode value=8211) in one of my property in the NAnt script. When i use that property the unicode value that is returning for the en dash character is HYPHEN( value=45) but not the value corrusponding to the En Dash( which is 8211).The script i am running will check for these characters. So it shoul...

NANT: ReplaceToken, loop over all properties defined in build

Hi, Is it possible to loop over all the properties and replace all token which correspond to them? For example, if I have three properties defined, a,b,c, I want to replace all three tokens @a@, @b@, @c@ . I however do not want to set up the filterchain manually as properties may be added/removed later on. I can accomplish this using ...

Security issue using Nant

I need to store authentication information and I rather not have the password in plain text: <property name="user" value="theUser"/> <property name="password" value="secret"/> Has anyone figured out a way to encrypt property values in Nant? I've looked in Nant and Nantcontrib docs but no mention of encryption. I am considering...

Unexpected attribute "BuildInParallel" on element <msbuild>

Hi I am trying to use the BuildInParallel option on MsBuild. I have an NAnt & NAntContrib script e.g. <project xmlns="" name="Css Manager Solution Build" ToolsVersion="3.5" default="deploy"> <target name="clean" description="Delete all previously compiled binaries."> <delete...

nantcontrib msbuild vs aspnet_compiler.exe

Hi, I am using nant to compile and publish my web applications and am unsure whether to use nantconribs msbuild task or aspnet_compiler.exe. I have a number of projects in my solution for business logic and data access. When msbuild runs it compiles the solution and outputs to my /dist/ folder. All the dlls are in the root of this fol...

Check files out of PVCS with nant & nantconrib

I'm taking my first steps with nant and nantcontrib so please bear with me! The steps I would like to perform with nant are the following: Get the latest files from PVCS Check-out (i.e. for editing) the AssemblyInfo.cs so I can automatically take care of versioning etc. Once the build has completed, check in AssemblyInfo.cs Label all ...

Is NAntContrib dead?

Is NAntContrib dead, or maybe it's just "resting" like NAnt was used to few months ago? Any one know something about it? And by "dead" I've ment that there were no updates since 5-6 years, and I'm wonder if it's/will be updated someday - like nant was few months ago. ...

How to create a Visual Source Safe branch using NAnt

Summary I currently have a NAnt build script that performs a vssget on either the latest source code, or a specific branch (using a ${branch} parameter). Whenever we do a production build/deployment the code-tree that was built has a branch created, (so that we can continue development and still know what codebase is on production, pret...