
.Net Winforms navigation issue

Hi, I am facing a problem with a Winforms app. If I scroll down and then minimize the app and then maximize it, navigation goes to the top of the page. I need to fix this so that people using this app dont have to find where they were before minimizing the app. Any help or thoughts would be great. ...

Entity Framework 4.0 - Including entities - Eager loading problem

We have 3 tables in our db that each have an entity in our edmx. To illustrate my problem, imagine 3 tables: Table: Make Fields: makeID make Table: Model FIelds: modelID makeID foreign key model Table: Car carID modelID foreign key car Our Make, Model, and Car entity have all of the navigation properties in the entity model. La...

jqueryui tabs : is it possible to keep the navigation tabs visible when content is scrolled vertically?

My jqueryui tab-set consists of several pages of fairly lengthy content -- the user must scroll vertically to move through each document. Here's a simplified version: /MAIN TEXT\ /END-NOTES\ ============================= blah blah blah . . . (lots more text) . the end If the user is reading through the main text, and has sc...

Vertical Javascript Navigation

Can any one point me to a tutorial for a navigation (in sidebar) in JavaScript? I want it all in one page. Is there any tutorial like that or ready-made script? I have scripts but they are horizontal navigation. ...

How to change the UINavigationbar dynamically in iPhone App?

Like the iPhone browser, when you tap the url text field, all navigation bar expand and "Cancel" button show up. Hit the "Cancel" button and the bar change back. ...

how to create a navigation bar programmatically

i have a view in which i have table view and when user taps these cells in tabel view it gets loaded another view .. like this i have view hierarchy and i need a navigation bar at bottom of my view whatever is the view currently visible in this heirarchy and i need to place 3 buttons on it ... home,about,visit... if any suggestions appr...

What is the best way to integrate Prism region management with WPF's Navigation Services?

I have a Prism (CAL) shell with defined regions. Each region is responsible for its Navigation Journal and some regions will inherit from the parent. The issue is that you cannot define Prism regions in a Frame's content template. What is the best approach for implementing NavigationServices in the Shell.xaml and playing nice with Pris...

silverlight page caching

I'm having trouble figuring out how to cache pages already visited in my silverlight application. I have an array of URIs declared like so: let pages : UriUserControl array = [| new Module1.MyIdeas() :> UriUserControl ; new Module1.Page2() :> UriUserControl ; new Module1.Page3() :> UriUserControl ; new ...

how to insert png image in navigation bar and tab bar plz help

i am so sorry i am talking about iphone i cant insert image in navigation bar ...

Predetermining redirect_to for awesome navigation

I have a slightly complex navigational system with numerous landing pages, multipage forms, and multiple ways of accessing the standard CRUD functions. Objective: To maintain a variable such as (params[:target]) throughout the system such that each controller knows where to redirect a user based on the location and circumstances of the ...

Case sensitive UriMapper issue in Silverlight 3

In Navigation API of Silverlight 3 the UriMapper class is case sensitive. For the following uri mapping <nav:Frame Source="/Home"> <nav:Frame.UriMapper> <uriMapper:UriMapper> <uriMapper:UriMapping Uri="" MappedUri="/Views/HomePage.xaml"/> <uriMapper:UriMapping Uri="/entity/{code}" Mapped...

WebCalendar Control fires ValueChanged event when it shouldn't

On the event WebCalendar1_ValueChanged(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.ValueChangedEventArgs e) I redirect the user to another page. If the user goes back to the initial page (with the calndar) using the back button the following happens: when he tries to navigate to the next month the control fires the WebCalendar1_ValueC...

How can I prevent Backspace from taking me back to the previous page while I use the login box.

the login box is in the header of the website, availalbe on all pages. I'm using a javascript : <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> history.forward(); Which solves the issue of the backspace in the login box. But while I'm browsing the rest of the website, I can use backspace to see the previous page, I'd ha...

Navigation between tabs in TabHost

Is there a possibility to navigate between Activities tabs in TabHost using back button? When I press it, I go out of the main Activity to the previous one. ...

Replacing content in the modal window

Hi, When my page is served, I am writing several divs to the page which are later displayed in a simplemodal. I would like to be able to "navigate" between these different content blocks WITHIN the modal window. I tried using .replaceWith(), but the modal container disappears when I do this, and if I just call modal() again when it's ...

WebSite Navigation design

Hi all, I'm designing a blog site and is confused about position of navigation pane on my site. Please suggest wheather I should go with design having navigation panel on top of page, on left sidebar or on right sidebar? Which one is preferred? Can you give some examples supporting your answers? ...

Display all sites and disable access to a site where a user does not have permission.

SharePoint 2007 is great! It security trims all my menu navigation; if the user does not have permission to a site then they won’t see it in the navigation. However, the business owners don’t see it like this; they would like the user to see all the sites that are potentially available and where the user does not have permissions to a s...

Howto design Tables for Navigating Hierarchical Regions with Diamond Structures

Our solution needs us to work in hierarchies of regions which are as follows. STATE | DISTRICT | TALUK / \ / \ HOBLI PANCHAYAT \ / \ / ...

ASP.Net server-side navigation menu based on html contents

I need to do some styling to a bunch of webforms, containing articles formatted in a rather uniform way. I can change any source code I want. What I need is a quick way to dynamically create a navigation menu (on the server side) for an ASP.NET webform, based on contents of a specified div. For example, given the following HTML: <div ...

Create submenu with Zend Navigation

Is it possible to create a submenu in Zend Navigation? At this time i've got this in my application.ini: resources.navigation.pages.indexHome.label = "Home" resources.navigation.pages.indexHome.controller = "index" resources.navigation.pages.indexHome.action = "index" resources.navigation.pages.indexLogin.label = "Login" resources.navi...