
Neo4j OutOfMemory problem

Hi! This is my source code of It was grabbed from neo4j-apoc-1.0 examples. The goal of modification to store 1M records of 2 nodes and 1 relation: package javaapplication2; import org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.RelationshipType; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Transa...

Efficient way to find node set having relationships to given nodes using neo4j

Is there an efficient way with given two nodes to find a set of their common nodes (with defined relationships). For example, having nodes A1, B1, C1-C4 connected with relationships x and y: A1 --x--> C1 A1 --x--> C2 A1 --x--> C3 B1 --y--> C2 B1 --y--> C3 B1 --y--> C4 a common node set for A1(x) and B1(y) would be [C2, C3]. ...

Neo4j spatial within distance query

I would like to store coordinates as nodes in neo4j to do simple querys For example a list of 10,000 nodes: Node[1] - lon=-74.007124, lat=40.714550 Node[2] - lon=-94.626824, lat=39.113380 Node[3] - lon=-105.937406, lat=35.691543 Node[4] - lon=-122.329439, lat=47.603560 Node[5] - lon=-122.420139, lat=37.779600 .. .. ...

What are the best ways to store Graphs in persistent storage

I am wondering what the best ways to store graphs in persistent storage are, for later analysis, search, clustering, etc. I see neo4j being an option, I am curious if there are also other graph databases available. Does anyone have any insights into how larger social networks store their graph based data (or other sites that require the...

How to represent user paths through a web site in a database?

I want to be able to query a database so that I can find out which pages on a web site users visit before registering. I was planning on using a graph database - neo4j probably - but I can't decide how the data should be represented. Each user has an ID and can make multiple visits, each with their own ID. Obviously each page is identi...

Is there a way to shard and replicate neo4j data?

I am considering the option of neo4j for some of the new projects I am working for. For the given data needs (inherently graph based) neo4j fits well and a quick prototype is giving good response time for me. What I want to understand is how to scale a neo4j deployment. Specifically: How do I shard my data across neo4j deployments. Sin...

What is the largest known Neo4j cluster?

What is the largest known Neo4j cluster (in db size, graph stats, or # of machines)? ...

Spring Configuration Settings For Neo4j

Hi I would like to integrate the "neo4j_config.props" file from into the : a neo4j spring app, the graphDbService which is configured the in app-config.xml: <bean id="graphDbService" class="org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase" init-method="en...

How to use Neo4j BatchInserted nodes after they have been created and indexed?

I'm using the BatchInsert and LuceneIndexBatchInserter api's to create my graph (~10000 nodes for now). The thing is BatchInserter.createNode(...) returns a long. BatchInserter inserter = new BatchInserterImpl( DB_PATH, BatchInserterImpl.loadProperties( "neo4j.props" ) ); long node = inserter.createNode(properties); where properti...

Populating a spring bean using a constructor-arg field

How can i inject a properties file containing a Map to be used as additional constructor arg using the field. With a Map being loaded from a properties file the bean is currently setup using: <bean id="graphDbService" class="org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase" init-method="enableRemoteShell" destroy-method="shutdown"> ...

Neo4j vs OpenLink Virtuoso

I've been using OpenLink Virtuoso as an RDF store for some time now and although it's great with large data, I'm not satisfied with the graph traversal performance using SPARQL. Recently I've heard a lot about Neo4j's traversal performance and thought it's worth a try. So, for the purpose of having a large RDF store with good traversal ...

Neo4J installation problem

hi all, I am installing on ubuntu 10.04 and i got the following errors while executing: $ sudo python install Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 146, in main() File "", line 143, in main setup(**args) File "/usr/lib/python2.6/distutils/", line 113, in setup _setu...

Importing CSV hierarchical data file to

Hi all, I am wondering if there is a Python script to import csv hierarchical data file to i made the below python script, but i need a better way to check if a node is already created before creating it. graphdb = neo4j.GraphDatabase(lparam_database_path, classpath=lparam_kernel_class_path, jvm=lparam_jvm_path, heap_size=ls...

How to decide which NoSQL technology to use?

Hi, What is the pros and cons of MongoDB (document-based), HBase (column-based) and Neo4j (objects graph)? I'm particularly interested to know some of the typical use cases for each one. Maybe any Slideshare or Scribd...

Neo4j server setup recommendations

I am setting up a Neo4j based system in jRuby running on glassfish. Glassfish as with most rails systems allows for some mechanism to run multiple instances. In glassfish case there is an internal setting for the thread pool size. My issue is that I am having problems with the Neo4j database being opened more than once and this is ...

I need to store & query "relational, hierarchical, graph, document" hybrid data. I'm looking for the best DB solution.

I am working on what is currently a pet project. Soon it will be going into mainstream production. My biggest barrier is the data storage. The bulk of the data is "document" with specific indexes that would span across several types of data. So a single collection with indexing would work just fine. I know MongoDB, Caché, and M will ha...