
ServiceMix -> NetBeans OpenESB?

Hi guys, I've picked up a project that needs to import some (old) JBI components that were developed using ServiceMix about three years ago. I need to bring these into to a modern GlassFish environment. So far, it's not very clear what or how I should do it. Any tips or pointers? My worst case scenario is to wrap the JBI component call...

Detect design time in NetBeans

When using the Swing graphical editor in NetBeans is it possible for a custom component to detect that it's design time? E.g. public CustomComponent() { initComponents(); if (!isDesignTime()) { someIcon = IconFactory.loadIcon("icons/SomeIcon.png"); } } Basically I'm after something like .net's Component.DesignMode...

Build file and Ant Targets from Project Menu in Netbeans (6.7)

I've recently started using netbeans for a few hobby projects. I've come from a JDeveloper background and I'm used to been able to see my ant build file from the project explorer window. In JDeveloper this has the advantage of allowing you to right click on it, allow easy edits, or run a required target when you want to. The only way ...

Dependency bundle (jar-files/sources/API docs) in Eclipse

I'm developing various in-house extensions for JIRA, the issue tracker we use. So far I worked with Netbeans and everything worked like a charm. However, now I need to switch to Eclipse and I'm having struggle setting up the environment for this development project. First a clarification why I'm using the approach I'm describing here:...

Running unit tests on both windows and linux

Is there a way, a method, to be able to effectively run unit tests (phpunit) on both linux and windows? I need to do this because some parts of the system is only available under linux, but i do want to be able to run certain parts of the test suite in my IDE, which is netbeans by the way. The problems i run into have to do with paths ...

Privileged operations in netbeans mobility

I'm writing a Java ME app that will use privileged operations such as messaging. By default the user is prompted to confirm each of these operations, but I would like to run it as a background service. Documentation says to request permission in the jad file, I have done so and presume it will work on a device. However I would like to...

Adding test files to a Junit test in Netbeans 6.7.1 - getResource issues, missing file in build directory

I'm adding a Junit test to one of my classes using NetBeans 6.7.1, I need to be able to load a an xml file specific to testing, so I've included it in the "Test Packages" folder (along with my actual test). I'm running into 2 issues, (1) getResource is looking in the wrong directory (2) my xml test file doesn't get copied when I run t...

java GUI programming tools?

Hi , which is one is the best java GUI generating tool NetBeans Jigloo Please suggest me if you have any other choices. I need the following functionalities: Drag and drop feature able to add code manually after some point of time code readability need to rename variables. ...

Java Library and Class Path Problems

Quick personal background: I was hired a few months ago as the sole .NET developer (C#) by a company whose other devs are all php devs. A week into the job I was told they wanted to switch to Java instead of doing .NET. Not an ideal situation, but I'm trying to make it work. I don't think I understand the relation between a project's li...

Can't Run JAR Files

I can run my project through netbeans but after I make a jar file and double click it I get the error cannot find Java runtime environment? I am on Windows. ...

Launching jEdit From Java Swing App Using Runtime.getRuntime().exec()

I'm writing a Java Swing Application running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 server that I would like to launch jEdit to view log files. Here is some example code. public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String cmd = "sh -c \"java -jar /tmp/jEdit/jedit.jar /tmp/test.txt\""; System.out.p...

How to create a tar file from a jar file, Netbeans, ant

Hi I have netbeans 6.7.1. My build.xml file creates a jar file. Now I want both jar and tar file. my tar file must be created from my jar file. SO how to create tar file from my jar file by making some changes in build.xml. I think it uses ant to create jar file. Thanks Sunil Kumar Sahoo ...

How do I work with the Card Layout in the NetBeans GUI builder?

Does anyone know how to work with the Card Layout in the NetBeans GUI builder tool? I want to show panels as per the JRadioButton selection, so I want to lay this out using the Card Layout. ...

How to get Javadoc to include documentation for a sub-project?

I have two projects in Netbeans that are closely linked. They are separate projects because one of the projects is a util package that could be used in the future for another project. Is there a way to configure Netbeans so that the Javadoc generated for the main project will include links to the objects defined in the util project inste...

Netbeans unicode problems

I am switching to Netbeans for php programming (I currently use gedit). Some characters from the original source code ( à, á, é, è, etc.) are not shown in Netbeans, regardless of the fount used, and a little quotation mark is shown instead. Those files are shown perfectly in both gedit and firefox. If I modify the file in Netbeans, cha...

Deployed NetBeans web app that uses JDBC gives "java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found"

I have a Java web app using JDBC created in NetBeans deployed to Tomcat that gives a "java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for ..." error. The same app works fine when I run it as a non-web Java app. I have the jar of the JDBC driver I'm using added to the libraries of the web app. ...

IDE that provides design view for JSPs using JSF

NetBeans used to do that but with the deprecation of Woodstock (rather merging with ICEFaces) and with ICEFaces not supporting Visual Web Project it is difficult to choose NetBeans now [1]. Eclipse (the J2EE version) has a very basic version that provides drag and drop etc. of JSF controls. So, I wanted to know which free IDEs (if any!...

Error with Web Service reference in NetBeans 6.7.1

I have created a java web project to make a servlet. However, it used to work fine before i reinstalled it. the Web Service reference doesnt not show the operations and gives the following error: javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl not found at javax.xml.parsers.Doc...

Netbeans 6.7.1 Bug,Feature or Correct Php Syntax

Hello I develop My Php Apps with Netbeans. If i acces a object like this $this->db-> and hit the space key it just shows me "No suggestions". But if i acces the same object like this $this->db- and hit the space key it shows me correct suggestions for complettiong the code. Is this a bug a feature or is this the correct php syntax like ...

Netbeans CVS - existing repo - existing working copy

I'm using Netbeans to develop with Drupal. I'm trying to let Netbeans get drupal core and modules from the repository on to my local working copy. Problem is: I already have a working copy that is not versioned yet. When I try to checkout a copy from, Netbeans asks if I want to create a new project - I don't. Ho...