
Change Cursor for Netbeans on Linux

Hi, I am recently have been successfully installed NetBean 6.8 on Ubuntu Box (10.04). But the problem is, NetBeans doesn't use the Gnome mouse Cursor by default. instead, It uses some freak mouse cursor that I hate! So, do you have any idea about how to change the cursor that appears inside netbeans.(I have looked inside tools> options...

In Netbeans+Ant, how do I avoid wsimport rebuilding web service clients every build?

I'm on a project where we use NetBeans (6.8). We use several different web services, which we have added as web service references, and Netbeans auto-generates the Ant wsimport scripts for us. Very handy, with one drawback: The web service clients are recompiled every time ant is invoked. This slows down the build process considerably an...

Finding subtitute pluggin (After Switching from Notepad++ to Netbeans 6.8)

i would like to ask about some Notepad++ feature that i couldn't find in netbeans. And this feature is somehow really helpful. It's called 'function list' created by Jens Lorenz. this feature will list all of declared function in a PHP files. So, is there any subtitute plugin that i can use to smooth my migration from Notepad++ to Netb...

How can I get a project type on Netbeans Platform?

Hi folks, Is there a way to know the type of a selected project? I would like to do some specific actions depending of the project type like a J2SE project. Below is the only way that I found to do that: public final class MyAction extends CookieAction { @Override public boolean isEnabled() { if(this.getActivatedNodes() == nu...

how to use JSF 1.2 and JPA in Netbeans ?

Hello... I'm trying to use JPA to connect my JSF components to database but the problem is that I can't figure out how to get this all combination works.I have done entity classes from database, also create persistence.xml file and now I don't know where to go!! I don't know how to use entity manager and entity manager factory. Is ther...

How to get rid of library references problem? Java

Hello, I created a web application and it used several libraries once upon a time. So i added them but later on i found alternative and actually better ways to do the same things. So i removed references from my project for those jars and libraries. Everything works fine but when i move the same project to my friend's laptop Netbeans 6....

How can i edit OSGi bundles manifest file in Netbeans 6.9?

I'm using Netbeans 6.9 RC2 and Maven OSGi Bundle project template. Actually i dont want to test my bundles in Netbeans environment so i copy the jar file to the OSGi container directory and install it from command line. But when i want to see its headers from OSGi console, i see a lot of Netbeans related unnecessary stuff. Is it possible...

Netbeans and EOF

Hey there, Java, ANTLR and Netbeans newbie here. I have installed a jdk and netbeans. I started a new project on netbeans 6.8 and i have added the antlr-3.2.jar as a library. I also created a lexer and parser class using AntlrWorks. These classes are named and I copied them into a directory named p...

configurate netbeans to remember my cursor position

how to configure netbeans so when i start open my previous work, it will put cursor into line number i have left them before. is it possible ? ...

NetBeans generates JpaController with errors

Hi, I am using NetBeans 6.8 for building Spring MVC application. Technologies : Spring MVC 2.5 Derby DB Hibernate for ORM GlassFish v3 server I use New JPA Controller Classes from Entity Classes for adding ORM file. It is supposed to generate class for managing queries with my POJO files. Problem is, that NetBeans generates follow...

What is the NetBeans keyboard shortcut for code generation for child class constructors?

I was coding in NetBeans (PHP) today, and my hand slipped while I was typing a constructor. It must have hit a keyboard shortcut, because a constructor that was designed for a child class appeared on my screen (i.e. it called the parent constructor, so it's not the Insert Code -> Constructor, I don't think). Does anyone know what the sho...

[java bean]hibernate Session breaks a java bean?

Hi all, i have a simple JPanel bean in my projects, now i want to drag my panel bean class into my jframe. My panel bean class is like this: public class BeanPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel { /** Creates new form BeanPanel */ public BeanPanel () { initComponents(); Session session=HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession...

connect java application to mysql server in netbeans 6.8

i am beginner in java as well as in netbeans .please give me complete procedure how i can connect my java application to mysql to insert data . ...

Disable 'Automatic compile' in mobility project in Netbeans IDE ?

hi, the question is quite self explanatory. I need to disable the automatic compilation in mobility project. I came across following post but it is for Java SE projects only. I don't find the "Save on Compile" option for mobility projects.... any help pl...

Broken console in Maven project using Netbeans

Hi, I have strange problem with my Neatens+Maven installation. This is the shortest code to reproduce the problem: public class App { public static void main( String[] args ) { // Create a scanner to read from keyboard Scanner scanner = new Scanner (; Scanner s= new Scanner(; String pa...

How can I create a bar in the bottom of a Java app, like a status bar?

I am in the process of creating a Java app and would like to have a bar on the bottom of the app, in which I display a text bar and a status (progress) bar. Only I can't seem to find the control in NetBeans neither do I know the code to create in manually. Thank you so much for helping! Paintrick ...

Can't compile grails Tomcat plugin

I'm using Netbeans to build a Grails app, while I have used this fine before on this new computer I can not get even the basic project to compile and run. I am getting errors around compiling the Tomcat plugin. If I uninstall the plugin it and use Jetty instead it will compile but the project isn't set up for Jetty and is missing files. ...

Running Eclipse/Netbeans as an applet

Would anyone know if it's possible/easy to strip down Eclipse or Netbeans to its bare core (project tree + code window) and run it as an applet in the browser? How-to hints appreciated. PS: it's for a simple online IDE ...

Override paintComponent in Netbeans GUI

I've added a JPanel to my Netbeans generated GUI, and add a JPanel BoxThing that overrides paintComponent and draws a small red box, but it doesn't display, paintComponent never even gets invoked. If I instantiate my own JFrame and put a JPanel containing a BoxThing in it, it works fine. I've seen this question asked a few other times o...

Java session facade not being found via InitialContext lookups

I have a project that is Java EE 5 running on Glassfish. The IDE is Netbeans 6.7.1. We periodically have a very annoying problem with new session facades not being located via InitialContext: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: No object bound to name java:comp/env/GlobalConfigEntityFacadeLocal In my class (within the same EJB contai...