
Creating a Empathy chat window-like main view in Netbeans Platform

Hello, Before anything, I should admit that I am completely a newbie about Java Swing. I am trying to create an application that lists emails similar to the way that Empathy displays a conversation. What I want to achieve is like this: They are going to be clickable. The thing I hav...

Netbeans Visual Library and java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

Hello ! I'm trying to follow this tutorial to try and begin to understand the Visual Library. I followed it step by step, checked everything... and everytime I try to run the thing, I get this : Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openide/util/LookupListener at vislibdemo.GraphSceneImpl.attach...

Netbeans java desktop application: Resource Map internationalization

Hi all, I'm trying to introduce internationalization support for my app...I created it as a netbeans java desktop application. Netbeans automatically introduced the following code : public class ABC extends FrameView{ //constructor public ABC(Singleframeapplication app) { //introduced by netbeans automatically ResourceMap re...

How to put an applet that is written with Netbeans into a html file?

I have written an applet that connects mysql. Since i connect mysql it uses additional library.(JDBC Driver for MySQL (Connector/J)) When i finished writing and try to run on Netbeans there is no problem but i did not figure how to put that class into a html file. Do i have to put whole netbeans project up or what should i do? ...

importance of IDE when developing enterprise application

what is the importance of the IDE(Integrated development environment) when we develop enterprise applications. Thank in advance! ...

Create autoincrement key in Java DB using NetBeans IDE

Hi. I'm coming from MySQL world, please help. Is it possible to create autoincrement key from NetBeans IDE in JavaDB? Do you use some more advanced db clients, which? Thanks. ...

getchar behaviour at netbeans IDE

Compiling this code with netbeans 6.8 C++ (mingw) for(int i=0;i<100;i++) { printf("\r\ntest"); } getchar(); It don't print one hundred times the "test" word.. It just execute the getchar() prior the printf loop It's a netbeans problem, because it executes trough c:\msys\1.0\bin\sh.exe obviously if I try it...

Netbeans PHP getter/setter customization.

I'm using Netbeans for PHP code. When I use the generator for getter and setter methods in a class, the functions are named get_something() set_something() How can I generate the functions in the camel case: getSomething() setSomething() ...

NetBeans 6.9 and JUnit 4.8.2 package visibility problem

Hello, I recently upgraded from NetBeans 6.7.1 to NetBeans 6.9 and my old JUnit tests are showing "cannot find symbol" errors in the NetBeans editor around the import statements. Everything builds correctly on these unit tests and I can still run/debug the unit tests without any issues. However, auto-complete within the editor doesn...

Problems deploying WAR file from Netbeans to Tomcat

I'm trying to configure build.xml files for build forge, but it seems like I am having trouble with the libraries required for the java servlet pages. I am actually trying to use OWASP's AntiSamy library but I keep getting a Policy Exception followed by a file not found org.owasp.validator.html.PolicyException:

Can Netbean edit remote files

If yes, how to do it? ...

how to load android samples in netbeans

Is there a way to load the android samples (provided by the sdk) as is in netbeans 6.9 or do I have to piece the project together for the files? ...

Video lectures on NetBeans?

Can I get video lectures for NetBeans (any link)? ...

NetBeans: Code changes to javascript & css files are not reflected in browser after saving

This is driving me crazy. I'm developing an app in the NetBeans IDE in PHP, using the CodeIgnitor framework. I am making code changes to js and css files in NetBeans, saving them but the files the browser is loading do not contain the code changes. When I open the files directly outside of NetBeans, the saved changes aren't there. I'm ...

How to add javadoc for android to Netbeans

I just started using Net Beans. I am wanting to try my hand at developing android apps. I got the android sdk downloaded and everything is working well. I can create little apps and run them in the emulator. However, the intelisense popup for the android methods says that the Javadoc isn't found. Is there a way to add it? ...

Netbeans + derby + hibernate

I'm following tute to setup hibernate with derby in netbeans IDE. Netbeans fails to create hibernate.reveng.xml with error : "Cannot establish database connection with selected Hibernate Configuration file. Please verify the database connection details in hibernate.cfg.xml" My hib...

Ruby on Rails + Cassandra on Netbeans?

This equation works good? Ruby on Rails + Cassandra on Netbeans6.9? I have try installing the gem activerecord-cassandra-adapter, but the installation never works good. Is there anybody using this? ...

Relative path to server in NetBeans possible?

We use NetBeans 6.7.1 to develop Web Apps and deploy to Tomcat 6. Because we have customized Tomcat (slightly now, possibly more in the future), we keep both our NetBeans projects and Tomcat under source code control (svn). We've been careful to make all jar file references using relative paths. This makes the entire working directory ...

How can I run all JUnit tests in one package @ NetBeans ?

Hello! I have like trillion test packages with bazillion tests and I want to run just some of packages. Now I must run whole project (some tests takes long to complete) or I need to run every single file manually. How is possible to run just some packages in NetBeans ? I can't find this option ... ...

java netbeans design code order

I would like to know if there is a way to modify the template that NetBeans uses to generate the code for JFrame while designing it, specificaly the order. As you know NetBeans generates code for JFrame form as follows: class declaration constructor calling initComponents(); initComponents() method (folded & locked to editting) ma...