
Deploying a web service to a server

I have a web service currently running in Glassfish through Netbeans. Netbeans automatically created a wsdl for this, at Logging listening at address at http://localhost:8080/LogWebService/LoggingService where LogWebService is the project name and LoggingService is the class name. I want to move the service to an external server so I c...

Configuring server startup of SeleniumRC in NetBeans

Hello! I want the logs from the Selenium Server Console write to file. I know how to do this if i start server frome console (cmd.exe) java -jar selenium-server.jar -log logfile.txt But i run selenium test in NetBeans and selenium server start from NetBeans. I can to set port and way to start for the selenium server screenshot url:...

Is it possible to have Netbeans generate hashCode and equals using the Apache Commons HashCodeBuilder and EqualsBuilder?

Netbeans will generate equals and hashCode for you, but I would like the generated methods to use the Apache Commons EqualsBuilder and HashCodeBuilder instead. In Eclipse it's possible using a plugin (Commons4E). How can I accomplish this in Netbeans? ...

NetBeans: How to provide offline XML schemas?

I would like to have the code completion and XML validation that comes from NetBeans having access to the schemas referenced in XML documents. Unfortunately I need to use NetBeans in an offline (completely disconnected from the Internet) location, meaning NetBeans fails in downloading the referenced .xsd files. However, I have all of t...

Switch between Tabs in Netbeans on Mac?

I feel it annoying to have to mouse click the Tabs in Netbeans when I want to go to another opened file. Is there key command to navigate to the LEFT and RIGHT on Mac? ...

Javascript Array

i want to use javascript array globly using netbeans ide.. i declare the array like this.layer=new Array(); and var layer=new Array(); but the problem is that when i use the array in function the drop down menu of Array functions is not shown as netbeans shows. ...

What's exactly happening when I press F11 in NetBeans?

The NetBeans command to run an Ant build for a project is F11. I always believed that the target that it executes is named "default". I overrode the default target to do nothing other than simply flag that it ran. When I manually run the target from Ant, or by selecting the particular default target in Netbeans, I get the expected "flagg...

Android Development Missing "drawable" folder (NetBeans IDE)

Hello, I recently switched to Ubuntu and decided to use NetBeans for Java development instead of Eclipse which I used on Windows. The problem is, in the Eclipse I used on Windows, I had a folder named "drawable-hdpi" with the standard app icon in and a few other folders like "drawable-mdpi" (I think). But with NetBeans, there doesn't ...

Setting indentation for specific file types in Netbeans

I'd like to specifically set the number of spaces per indent for HTML files in Netbeans. In Options->Editor->Formatting, there are settings for "Number of Spaces per Indent" and "Tab Size", but the only granularity available seems to be either "All Languages" or "Java". Is there a way to specify settings for specific editors/file types ...

How to manually organize files and folders in NetBeans?

I'd like to be able to manually adjust placement of objects in a project browser tree in netbeans. Reorder, introduce virtual folders, etc. Is it possible? Is there a plugin providing this functionality? Or should I try another IDE? ...

PHP call hierarchy

Hello, I am moving to PHP in a netbeans environment from Java in Eclipse. I love the 'call hierarchy' window in eclipse, does any php IDE (with priority on netbeans) have this functionality? Thanks for any help! EDIT: maybe love is too strong a word, but you get the picture... ...

Rails 3 RSpec 2 NetBeans integration

NetBeans 6.9 provides a custom Runner class for RSpec to be integrated into the IDE. I'm trying to get my Rails 3 applications specs to be correctly displayed inside NetBeans, but RSpec 2 seems no longer to support custom Runner classes in general. Any ideas how to get the specs into the IDE anyway? ...

problems on Qt on netbeans

guys i have asked a few times ago about Qt usage then problem was that Qt was not configured properly on my system now i have installed metbeans and everything is ok just i have following problem here is code #include <QtGui/QApplication> #include <QDir> #include <QFileInfo> #include <QtDebug> int main(int argc, char **argv) { ...

Netbeans code for Postgresql and Eclipselink - identifying relation question

I have the following database tables: party, with a pk "pty_id" connected to a sequence for generating pk values. person with a fpk "prs_pty_id" in an identifying relation to party.pty_id. company ... which is not involved at the moment, but obviously this is kindof sub-superclass setup, and it could probably have been implemented with...

Using JavaPathFinder in Netbeans

Hi, I am trying to run Java Pathfinder(JPF) in the Netbeans IDE so I can perform testing. On the JPF website it provides a link to a netbeans site on how to do this but of course this document no longer exist. Does anyone know how to do this or can you point me in the right direction? ...

Changing dafault Netbeans Platform

Hi! Im developing application on top of Netbeans Platform. In NetBeans IDE it is possible to choose different Netbeans Platform (it can be added under NetBeans Platform Manager), but i cant find option/property to change default selection. Is this even supported on Netbeans IDE? ...

is there any NETBEANs plugin that can give design view of webpages ?

i am developing a web application and working with java servlets and JSP i need to view the design of JSP pages in NETBEANS is there any plugin etc. to do so ...

Netbeans 6.9.1 & Glassfish 2.1 Jax-Ws wsdl generation

Hi I am using netbeans 6.9.1 with Glassfish 2.1 locally installed. I have Maven Web project which has one web service with it. When I compile and run the application everything goes well. I can access the web service page but when I try open the web service wsdl url I get HTTP Status 404, resource not available... I tried to generate ...

Looking for the Control List Window of NetBeans GUI Builder

There was a window listing all Swing controls at the left bottom of NetBeans window. I guess I closed it for some reason. And now I cannot find it anymore. Anyone knows what the name of that window is and how to open it? ...

Netbeans 64bit Edition

Does Netbeans have 64bit edition for Windows 64bit or Netbeans only published in 32bit edition? Regards ...