
How to implement application protocal

Hi all We want to implement a server/client application for internal use. Does anyone have know how to implement an application protocol based on the socket? Best Regards, ...

Should I make and implement a network protocol by hand or use a middleware (if so which)?

I have some data that I need to share between multiple services on multiple machines. Stuffing the data into a database or shuffling it over http won't work in this situation and ideally the different pieces of software will need to communicate with each other directly (or through one central coordinator that can send and receive). Is ...

Keeping multiple clients showing up-to-date information in Python?

I am new to network programming but old to Python. I have a simple blotter program that is to be used on multiple client computers. The blotter works two ways, it can show and update the information in the database. To avoid any blotters showing old data, how can I make all blotters re-fetch information from the database as soon as anoth...

Handling Password Authentication over a Network

I'm writing a game which requires users to log in to their accounts in order to be able to play. What's the best way of transmitting passwords from client to server and storing them? I'm using Python and Twisted, if that's of any relevance. ...

How do I monitor net traffic for a given application using .net?

How can I monitor the network traffic for a given app using .net? UPDATE: How can I monitor the network traffic of another application using .net? ...

Monodevelop Proxy Settings

How do I set the proxy settings of Monodevelop? I tried to modify the Monodevelop.exe.config with the following code <> <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true"> <proxy proxyaddress = "" bypassonlocal = "true"/> </defaultProxy> </> ...

TcpClient send data and receive data over network

I am a newbie on socket programming. I need to develop a service that will connect to a TCP server. Main tasks are reading incoming messages and also sending commands to the server in ten minutes, like a synchronize command. E.g. I used the TcpClient object as shown below: ... TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient(); tcpClie...

UDP socket network disconnect behavior on Windows-Linux-Mac

Hi folks, I made an application using boost.Asio using UDP multicast. I don't think the question is really specific to boost.Asio but to sockets programming in general, since boost.Asio's network facilities are mostly wrappers to socket functions. I constructed the application based on the multicast examples (

File/Directory synchronization across network

Hi All I need to synchronize few directories/files within the cluster. Say if a file content changes in one node I need to propagate the change to other nodes so that the file content are same atany point of time.Same applies when some files/directories are deleted. DRBD is not a option so is there any library which can do this for me....

Active directory - ldap attribute createTimeStamp in Windows Server 2008 R2

To check how many users were created in the past one year for a particular domain I queried like the following, (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!(sAMAccountType=805306370))(createTimeStamp>=20090831022227.0Z)) I have two domain controllers, DC-1 is Windows Server 2008 and DC-2 is Windows Server 2008 R2 and this query works ...

Communication over WAN

Hi, I want to create app client-server in C# but not only in LAN. There it's easy: TcpListener, TcpClient etc. I want to make sth like in this e.g. On my comp is server that's waiting for a connection. Someone in another network has client. He begin connection, but...where...what is a IP of server? He see only ip of router. Any ideas?...

Is there a way to forbid connection from outside of the local session in Windows ?

Let's consider I have a service in my user session that listens on some TCP port. Is there a way, on Windows, to only authorize processes from the same session to connect, and to deny connections from the "outside" ? ("outside" means another computer, and another user session on the same host). I will also accept any alternative to TCP...

Multiple simultaneous tcp client connections for performace test

Hi i need to create multiple TCP connections simultaneously to some custom TCP-server application for its performance testing. I know a lot of such for Web (i.e. curl-loader based on libcurl), but I didn't found some general one. Scenario for client is the simplest: create connection, send special data, read the answer and close connecti...

How do you programmatically get through a firewall to a SOAP server from a remote client?

I have been looking at posts discussing SSH tunneling which sounds analogous to what I want to accomplish. However, we are programming in Java and have a remote SOAP server behind a firewall. The server is running under Linux but the rest of the network might be either Linux or Windows, or anything else for that matter. ...

General network MVC framework for Python

I have been using Django for web-development, and have become quite fond of that framework. However, I would like to use a similar framework but for more general network applications. Is there such a framework? Or is it possible to modify Django to be able to have a more general network/protocol backend? ...

CFHTTPStream segmentation faul during NSRunLoop

I'm trying to assemble a toy application to interact with http servers via CoreFoundation. I'm not using NSURLConnection because I want to be able to specify a proxy different from the one set in the OSX System Preferences. My problem is that I wasn't able to find any working example and the Apple documentation do not provide a working ...

IP Hook through java

Hey guy's I'm an intermediate programmer looking to learn more. I'm trying to figure out the basic idea about IP Hooking. I'm trying to make a program similar to what the hosts file does in windows but for one specific program. How would I go about doing this? I want to implement it to a website ...

Measure connection speed and show it in a web application

Hello, we have a Java software to receive and send customer and contracts data from and to our servers. The software runs in a web browser. Sometimes our agents complain about the lag, but it is related to their network connection. It's our thought to build in some kind of network monitor to show the current network speed. My first thoug...

It is possible to figure out which internet connection is correlated with which networkInterface?

I am a noob in netoworks stuff, but I must to get to know something. When I have list o networkInterface rmnet0 eth0 lo //etc. How can I tell, which kind of connection (wifi/bluethoof/UMTS) use which networkInterface? ...

writing a network discovery tool in Objective-C

I want to embark on a project for a CS class. Can anyone provide insight on how to write a tool that will map out a network and state device info, IP info, open ports, etc. I will be using OS X. ...