
Books on Networking

Can you recommend a book that explains packets sockets and network protocols. Really anything pertaining to how data is sent and received over the web. I'm a desktop only background and only really understand anything other than TCP Handshakes. But I want a book that is basic but goes in depths and explains alot. Thanks! ...

TCP/IP protocol and network topology

I am a newbie in network related aspects. I have few basic questions related to tcp/ip protocol and network If a network switch (in a LAN network) between two PC's running Client and server (that are communicating through async. sockets) is powered down. Can the client and server will be notified that the socket connection is no longer...

Software to receive printjobs and forward them to printers in a LAN

I want to create a software which windows will detect it as a installed printer driver and list that software under "Devices and Printers" Just like the ImagePrinter sowftware, you can access it through following link. when this Image Printer is installed on a computer, windows lists it un...

How to programatically create virtual IP Addresses in VB?

What I want to do is use one PC to test an application on another on the same 19.2.168.X.X I would like to make it seem like SOAP requests are coming from a variety of different PCs, just to make the applciations log file easier to read and I have been told that virtual IP Addresses are the way to go. So, how do I defien a range and th...

saving the xml data over network tcp

I have devices. Each one sends data to (server IP-address) over a particular port in a random time. Because it's an alarm device and it’s possible that more than one device fired in the same time. The data is in XML Format. Now I already got a small windows application which listen for the data But I got a few problems 1 problem i...

Accessing shared resources over LAN

Hi everyone! Have a problem with subj. I'm trying to get acccess to shared resources (folders & files) at VPS hosted in LAN. Of course I can map shared as a drive, but whis just doesn't suitable. I need to be able to browse throgh folders adn read/write to files. Is anyone guess a solution? Thanks in advance! ...

Java SocketChannel write and read correlation

If a write(ByteBuffer) completes, does it mean that the other side has received the data. Would TCP ensure that the data would reach other side? ...

IPAddress.Any Fail

Hello everybody ::- ). I got into a bit of issues today with the TcpListener. Things are strange. Initially, I used the new TcpListener(port) constructor, but that has been marked as obsolete. So I dropped it and used this instead: IPAddress ipAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList[0]; IPEndPoint ipLocalEndPoint...

Showing a taskbar baloon tip popup message in a remote computer's desktop in the LAN

Hope you all have noticed the messages that appears on the desktop as a pop up near the windows taskbar; in situations when New Windows Updates are available, when a print job is sent to a printer etc. I want to send a message to another computer in my LAN, and it should appear as a popup near taskbar as I explained above. Is there any...

filtering PerformanceCounterCategory

I want to get network performance for all of the machines on my lan, but this PerformanceCounterCategory methot gets all off the things on the target machine with this usage : System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory [] PCCategories=null; PCCategories = System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory.GetCategories(MachineName); are...

what is COP3 protocol?

I'm working on a file transfer application. Can anybody send me details about COP3 protocol which I got at link. Thank you. ...

How do I calculate network speed: either "goodput" Bandwidth, or real Bandwith?

I'm trying to determine the latency and bandwidth between the server and various clients in a multi-tier system. I believe the easiest item to get is the "goodput" or the effective Application-layer rate, but the latency is a bit harder to get at, yet harder still is the true bandwidth that includes "window size" and other technical fac...

xml data over network tcp . please help

I have devices. Each one sends data to (server IP-address) over a particular port in a random time. Because it's an alarm device and it’s possible that more than one device fired in the same time. The data is in XML Format. Now I already got a small windows application which listen for the data But I got a few problems problem is that...

What can I do to avoid TCP Zero Window/ TCP Window Full on the receiver side?

Hi everyone, I have a small application which sends files over the network to an agent located on a Windows OS. When this application runs on Windows, everything works fine, the communication is OK and the files are all copied successfully. But, when this application runs on Linux (RedHat 5.3, the receiver is still Windows) - I see in...

How to find which computer send the print job?

I'm creating a postscript printer for windows 7 which will accept print jobs and forward them to real printers. It will be shared in the LAN and can receive print jobs from LAN computers. I want to find out from which computer a print job came from before forwarding them to a printer. How can I do this? Is the details available in the pr...

WinPac-8000 OPC-server network access

Hello. I am to build an automation solution based on WinPac-8000 controller ( I split this project into 2 programs: 1st is running on the controller (it does some business logic) and second operates on user machine (it displays current results). The problem is: I use build-in ...

Using accept() and select() at the same time?

I've got an event-driven network server program. This program accepts connections from other processes on other hosts. There may be many short-lived connections from different ports on the same remote IP. Currently, I've got a while(1) loop which calls accept() and then spawns a thread to process the new connection. Each connection i...

gethostbyaddr too slow

Hi, I use the following code, results are correct, but gethostbyaddr takes around 30 seconds. function IPAddrToName(IPAddr: string): string; var SockAddrIn: TSockAddrIn; HostEnt: PHostEnt; WSAData: TWSAData; begin WSAStartup($101, WSAData); SockAddrIn.sin_addr.s_addr := inet_addr(PChar(IPAddr)); HostE...

Can I have an address family independent network packet struct?

I am adding IPv6 support to a network application. Some control packets should contain a mixed list of both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (the current code only supports IPv4): struct control_packet { [...] ushort ip1_afi; struct in_addr ip1; ushort ip2_afi; struct in_addr ip2; uchar reser...

HttpURLConnection implementation question

I have read that HttpURLConnection supports persistent connections, so that a connection can be reused for multiple requests. I tried it and the only way to send a second POST was by calling openConnection for a second time. Otherwise I got a IllegalStateException("Already connected"); I used the following: try{ URL url = new URL("http:...