
Game Server: Broadcasting UDP packet over Internet?

A friend of mine made a small LAN-playable game, and ask me to change it, so it could be playable over the Internet. I don't want to make huge changes on the client application. When a game is created, the server keep sending UDP BROADCAST packets to tell everyone that a game has been created. Now, I just need to change this BROADCAST i...

C# How to know if a subnet is part of a bigger network

Hello, I am working with a BGP table of the Internet (a huge file). However, route summarization can be a problem. My main issue is that, sometimes, big chunks of IPv4 space are announced (i.e.,, but also more specific and smaller routes are announced too (i.e., So there are two redundant entries in the B...

How to sign J2ME Midlet for Vodafone? (To suppress network access permission prompts)

Hello, I'm looking for some instructions/pointers on how to sign our J2ME midlet for use on the Vodafone UK network so the user is no longer continually prompted to allow access to the network whenever it attempts an HTTP/UDP network transaction. The application currently installs and runs OK but the user is repeatedly prompted to allow...

Finding Unmapped Network Share Capacity in Windows

Hi, I need to find the underlying disk capacity (total size) of an unmapped network share in windows (in Win7, Vista, XP, Server 2008), given a UNC path (e.g. given something like "\\share_1\subdir"). I've looked all over the web for several days and seem to find no answer to this issue. I would appreciate any leads. Thanks in advance ...

"select count()" is very slow

I have a database with 1,000,000 records and a query like this: select count(code) from table1 It works well on the local system but becomes very slow on the network. Other queries like select * from table execute quickly, but select count(code) from table1 is very slow. I can't change the database's structure. My database is Foxpro a...

NetworkAvailability check returns false yet the phone is online

I have am having some issues with getting consistent results when checking if the network is available or not. I use this code snippet inside a class AppPreferences to check the availability of a network. /** * @return the networkAvailable */ public boolean isNetworkAvailable() { connectionManager = (ConnectivityM...

Winsock, accept request only from specific IP address

How can I make a Winsock program accept connection requests only from specific addresses? I would like denied connections to be ignored completely rather than get a TCP rejection. ...

Structuremap does not load registries when started from Network drive

Hello, I am an enthousiastic (new) user of structuremap but I am experiencing a problem loading registries. When I start my application from a local drive all the registries in my application are used to resolve types. I verified this by ObjectFactory.WhatDoIHave() However when I start the same application from a share then not all re...

Android network problem under screen off

In my application, have 3 threads: 1. main 2. network send 3. network receive Because the application need keep-alive the session, so thread #2 need send a keep-alive packet to server when idle more than 1 minute. If the screen is on all are ok, but under screen off, thread #2 like blocking somewhere, and if I plug-in the USB cable for ...

PHP Create File on Network Share

I can read files using PHP from a network share, but how can I create a file and folder on a network share? ...

How can I monitor the network connection status in Android?

I have a Service that is downloading a file from a server. I warn the user to only download the file over Wireless LAN before the download starts. My problem is that my download gets stuck if I loose the network connection. Is there a way to listen for changes in network connection or if it is lost entirely? ...

Using serial over lan with python

Hi, I'd like to write a python script to gather data from serial over lan but I can't seem to find a place to start with IPMI. I've looked at OpenIPMI's python bindings but there doesn't seem to be any documentation. Perhaps I can use the subprocess module and ipmitool? I'm not sure that would be simple though. Does anyone have any e...

Is this method of file locking acceptable?

We have 10 Linux boxes that must run 100 different tasks each week. These computers work at these tasks mostly at night when we are at home. One of my coworkers is working on a project to optimize run time by automating the starting of the tasks with Python. His program is going to read a list of tasks, grab an open task, mark that ta...

uncompress zlib network packet from hex

Hi, I am reversing some kind of protocol and it looks like it is using zlib compression, the current packet is : 170300002009254CBCE1DC7A5578D1588577EF63AE8DDCA721FFCA453775BCA7375CB65EE31703000090AA883A355CB9A7450EA7BA8D485C655EB5FCB71E22F274E9FF03F326296E7F2D5960AB7CFB2986C4985D6B7D33BE2C7348142D738B522C3B89AA3723A5CADB9C3DF124B3AB4...

Connect host-only vmware to bridged vmware on the same host?

I want to connect from a host-only vmware running windows 2003 server to a bridged vmware running ubuntu. Both are running on the same host. How is this possible? ...

Is there an alternative method to check the network availability in iphone instead of service reachability?

I'm creating a simple iphone application and there I need to check the internet availability. To check this most the forums recommended to use the reachability class. Based on that I have implemented the following code. struct sockaddr_in zeroAddress; bzero(&zeroAddress, sizeof(zeroAddress)); zeroAddress.sin_len = sizeof(zeroAddress...

Live monitoring of network connectivity status

Hi! A new client has recently asked me to develop a Windows service that will monitor whether or not his server has internet connectivity. The service should log when the connection goes down to Local Only and back up to Internet Access as shown in Network and Sharing Center. My original idea was to have the service ping a website like...

Run c# .NET Program from network share

Hello, got a interesting problem. I placed a c# .net .exe file on a network share. If i try to Start->Run: \\hostname\test.exe my software starts properly and everything is working. We also have a DNS Alias set for this computer, so if I try to run my program by: Start->Run: \\mydnsalias\test.exe My programm will cause an error me...

Resuming a failed compression using Java.

I have a smallish number (2-10) of largeish files (6-15GB) that compress really well (4:1). I'm writing the client and server in Java, and I want to send the files from the client to the server, so that 1. the client compresses the files as they are sent (i.e. no intermediate .zip file is created) 2. the compressed stuff on the server...

Best (and short) book on network security

For Linux and maybe other platforms. Could you suggest? ...