
Android Network Programming: IOExceptions and StackOverflowError

Hi Everybody, In my Android app, I try to connect to a port on a local server to get some packets. I've encased to code in some try & catch's but with the following code: address = ""; public void run() { try { smtpSocket = new Socket(address, 60001); os = new DataOutputStream(smtpSocket.getOutputStream());...

Exchange Server And Network Issue

Hi Everyone, I had a issue with our Domain Controllers last week at our office. First problem is - Network gone down (Domain Controller is Crash and Need replacement) No one can't connect to Network. Second problem is - MS Exchange is Down next day after we replaced the new Domain Controller but Exchange Server is still reference to O...

Netflow IPFix Java Library/Example

Hello all, Anybody knows if there is any Java library or example for Netflow/IPFIX stuff? Thanks! ...

Determining Network Quality on the iPhone

I have looked at several variations on the Reachability example such as the Donoho change and erica saduns UIApplication extension, but none of these allow you to determine the quality of your 3g connection. Is there a programatic way to see signal strength and link quality? ...

Java Event: slow network

Hi, I am trying to do a bit of asynchronous programming, but my Java skills are a bit rusty... Here's my code: private static String uname="xxx"; private static String pword="xxx"; private static int productId=82; private static String sessionToken=""; public static void main(String[] args) { BFGl...

Help: How to Login Google Accounts via TOR(The Onion Router)?

OS: Windows XP Internet Browser: Firefox 3.6.6 TOR: Vidalia 0.2.7, Tor, Qt 4.5.3 I can browse web pages via TOR correctly. But when I browse, Google asks me for my account name and password. I enter those information correctly, then press enter. But the login page presents again and again. What shall I d...

Check ports with SNMP (net-snmp)

Hello, Is there a way to monitor server ports using SNMP (I'm using net-snmp-python to check this with python). So far I've checked pretty simple with "nc" command, however I want to see if I can do this with SNMP. Thank you for your answers and patience. ...

Post HTTP data error

NSString *myRequestString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"&nbr=%@&import=%@",tmpString,noSpaces]; NSData *myRequestData = [ NSData dataWithBytes: [ myRequestString UTF8String ] length: [ myRequestString length ] ]; NSMutableURLRequest *request = [ [ NSMutableURLRequest alloc ] initWithURL: [ NSURL URLWithString: @"

Bandwidth throttling in Python

What libraries out there let you control the download speed of network requests (http in particular). I don't see anything built-in in urllib2 (nor in (Py)Qt which I intend on using). Can Twisted control bandwidth? If not, how can I control the read buffer size of urllib2 or Twisted? sleeping to suspend network operations isn't an optio...

How can I measure network traffic?

For example as Download Meter app does. Can I track packages dispatched? Does iOS a traffic tracking system that I can poll somewhere? ...

How to find the IP Address of HTC Incredible on a CDMA Network

How can I find the IP address of the an HTC incredible connected to Verizon's network? My other question - do I have to make any changes to my App to run it on a cellular network? Till now the App was running on a Nexus One connected to a local Wi-Fi network. Thanks. ...

Common practices for SQL Server access from Windows Application on remote network?

Background We have a Windows .NET application used by our field employees who travel all over the country and live out of hotels most of the time. Recently we added some features that connect directly to our SQL Server 2005 for data access (i.e. SqlConnection.Open()). Since then we have run into some issues with this generating errors...

Socket operation errors with MATLAB and the Parallel Computing Toolbox

We're using the MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox for one of our projects and we intermittently get the following error: The client lost connection to lab 2. This might be due to network problems, or the pmode parallel job might have errored. This is causing: An operation on a socket could not be performed because t...

file syncronization library

Hello I'm looking into C/C++ libraries (Win/Linux) that allow me to synchronize information over network. I want to run multiple instances of my program (on different PC's), and want to synchronize files locally instead of accessing files remotely over the network at a single location. If all instances are to maintain DB consistency it...

What's the use of Reading from an URL object in JAVA

such as create an inputStream from URL.openStream(); and read from it. what is the use of this information read? When we create an URL object using an URL address, actually we are not setting up a connection between our java program and the URL on the internet, right? Since no such connection is built (our 2 are isolated in other wor...

network topology

Hi, I'm trying to build an application that would display network topology, using c or maybe c++. I have knowledge of sockets. I know this a broad question with little details. It's just that i haven't found anything to start from. I have no idea what to do. ...

network communication encryption in java

Hi there o/, A friend and me are working on a Java Game with a client/server - architecture. It is working well, but i ran into a problem. We use TCP Sockets for networking between server and client. Our network protocol isnt encrypted and can just be read by anone who bothers to watch the stream. We thought about how we could apply s...

java converting ints to send over network

Is there a built in function to convert ints to Big-endian or little-endian for sending over the network? like htonl and ntohl in c Also, is there something similar to strings, datetime, etc.. Thanks ...

Detecting if path is on a windows mapped network drive

Hello, Is there a simple way to tell if a given path lives on a mapped network drive? Or to tell if a given drive is a mapped network drive? I hoped they would have a reparse point attribute but GetFileAttributes() returns nothing but a directory flag. ...

how to implement thin client app with pyqt

Here is what I would like to do, and I want to know how some people with experience in this field do this: With three POST requests I get from the http server: widgets and layout and then app logic (minimal) data Or maybe it's better to combine the first two or all three. I'm thinking of using pyqt. I think I can load .ui files. I c...