
Disable character echo on Java network connection

I have a Solaris daemon written in Java6. Clients can connect to it using a telnet style interface. They telnet to a particular port, and I read lines of input and act on them. At one point in I need to prompt the user to enter a password, and while they're entering that I want to disable the echoing of characters back to the telnet cli...

Network usage top/htop on Linux

Hi, is there a htop/top on Linux where I get to sort processes by network usage ? ...

WPF - How do i insert my proxy credentials in WebBrowser Control

Hello, i m using a webbrowser control in wpf to show a virtualearth map, but because i m developing behind a proxy of my company, every time i try to see the map, i have to inser my credetials, i would like to insert them automacly in the c# code, how can i achive that? i alreadt try in the navigating event of the web broweser using: ...

What are the dangers of giving the Network Service account read/write permissions to your ASP.NET Web application?

What are the dangers of giving the Network Service account read/write permissions to your ASP.NET Web application? I have to do this for any directory that my app needs to write to like App_Data for my VistaDb database and some random directories to uplaod images and make changes to text files, etc. What is the danger in doing this? A...

Can I use WMI to find the network usage by each process?

I'd like to use WMI on some windows systems to poll the network usage of each process. From what I can tell, there are many IO instances in the Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process but they are for the combined IO of network,disk,and device. Is there a way to break that up so I can get network and disk IO separate? ...

How do you change an IP address in C++?

I need to do a number of network-related things in C++ that I would normally do with ifconfig in Linux, but I'd like to do it without parsing the output of a group of system calls. Which C or C++ libraries can I use to tell if a network adapter is up or down, read or change an adapter's IP address and netmask, and change the default DNS...

MTU for WebServices

We have an ERP application which has all clients connect using WebService. My network engineer tells me that the MTU of the webservice is too small and we would like to increase it to improve performance. As far as I can tell there is no config section for MTU for dotnet web services. Any ideas on where we could configure this? ...

Java RMI Resources

Hi everyone I am currently undertaking a project that involves extensive use of Java RMI and I was wondering if anyone is aware of any good resources about it. The problem I am having with the material I am finding currently is that its usually quite out of date (like Java 1.3) and / or half complete. I would even be happy to buy a book...

Speed of file transfer NFS vs. Microsoft Network Share?

I would like to know, if there are any performance differences using NFS instead of standard Microsoft Network Share? ...

Java file locking on a network

This is perhaps similar to previous posts, but I want to be specific about the use of locking on a network, rather than locally. I want to write a file to a shared location, so it may well go on a network (certainly a Windows network, maybe Mac). I want to prevent other people from reading any part of this file whilst it it being written...

Why is exactly once semantics infeasible?

In RPC semantics where Erlang has hope for the best, SUN RPC with at-least once and Java RMI with at-most-once but no one has exactly once semantics. Why does it seem infeasible to have exactly once semantics? For example if the client keeps resending a uniquely tagged request until a reply is received and a server keeps track of all...

What is a lightweight way to monitor a network adapter in Java?

I want to be able to detect when a computer connects to a network. The environment is Java 5 under Windows. ...

Making GET and POST Requests from an iPhone Application - Clarification Needed

I'm following along with this useful looking answer to my question. It seems to be working, but here are two questions I have: How do I detect an HTTP error? The didFailWithError method doesn't seem to be getting called? UPDATE: It considers any response a success. So I guess I have to handle HTTP errors in the didRecieveResponse m...

What is the easiest way using common linux tools to check if a bunch of ip addresses belongs to given network?

What is the easiest way using common linux tools to check if a bunch of ip addresses belongs to given network? I just need a number of how many of given addresses belongs to given subnet. Lets say network is and addresses is,,,, and ...

Fedora 9 Address Resolution Issue

I have Fedora 9 installed on my PC. I used to have problems hooking on to the broadband (over ethernet). In a forum someone had suggested that I could disable NetworkManager and have a ifup eth0 entry in my /etc/rc.d/rc.local script. After I did that things have been ok to browse from the browsers. However, when I tried to run a yum upda...

Sniffing data from a switch

I have 2 network devices that talk to each other over Ethernet. I would like to sniff the traffic using Wireshark. But the devices are going through a switch. The switch routes the traffic to only the ports that need the data. At another location I have a hub. All the traffic is repeated across all the ports. Is there a way to te...

How to get data out of network packet data in Java

In C if you have a certain type of packet, what you generally do is define some struct and cast the char * into a pointer to the struct. After this you have direct programmatic access to all data fields in the network packet. Like so : struct rdp_header { int version; char serverId[20]; }; When you get a network packet you can do ...

How do you monitor network traffic on the iPhone?

We are looking for a Wireshark-like tool to use on the iPhone to test a 3rd party application before partnering with the 3rd party. Any suggestions? ...

Does anyone know a good network/graph visualization software - just add data?

I want to plot social network visualization, but don't want to do much of programming. Does anyone know a piece of software that can do plotting, zooming in out but does not require much of programming? Say, i could provide my data in format it accepts and bah - i have a java application, flash or anything displaying my graph. ...

MS SQL Server - Bulk Insert Across a Network

I have an application that uses MS SQL Server for which I'll need to do a bulk insert from a file. The sticking point is that the database and my application will be hosted on separate servers. What is the best way to do a bulk insert across a network? Two ideas I'd come up with so far: From the app server, share a directory that th...