
In ColdFusion, is there a way to determine what server the code is running on?

Is there any way in ColdFusion code to determine on what server the code is executing? I have few load-balanced ColdFusion servers. I want to be able to know on which server the code is running when I catch an exception, so I can include that information in the logging / reporting code. The servers are Windows 2003/IIS, if that matters....

How to learn about computer networking?

I've read KOZIEROK's the tcp/ip guide(okay,almost.nearly 1100 pages outof 1500).but i found after reading this book,i only grasp how IP,TCP,DNS,BGP,OSPF,NAT(OSI layer 3-4,without 5-7,i.e,TCP.IP application layer) protocol works at the conceptual level,which i thought wasn't that helpful. So,in order to know the bolts and nuts of network...

How to handle code for network failure and resume back?

suppose am in the middle of updating some information and the network connection goes off. How should i write my code to handle such situation and resume from where the code was last executing? One possible approach i could think of is to catch the exeception. and redo the logic again. While(NetworkProblem){ NetworkProblem = false; t...

How to send files b/w two machines through socket programming?

Hi, I have requirement to send all the files in the directory to a different machines, the directory may internally contain child directories. Is there any help available on this? One more doubt is: I also heard that we can send the files using FTP, if so which is the best between the two. Is there any help available for this? I nee...

Java on Linux: Listening to broadcast messages on a bound local address

I have a somewhat weird requirement to be able to listen to a number of network interfaces from Java on a Linux machine and determine if one of them receives UDP packets of a certain type. The output data which I need is the IP address of the interface in question. Is there any way to do this in Java? Listening on the wildcard address ...

How can you prevent bogus high scores from appearing on a global high score list?

Suppose you are designing a PC game that keeps track of high scores. In addition to keeping local scores, a global high score server is set up that is accessed by the game over the internet. Players should be able to submit their high scores to the global high score list right after they have completed a game, or later, from their local ...

What is a Connection in JDBC ?

What is a Connection Object in JDBC ? How is this Connection maintained(I mean is it a Network connection) ? Are they TCP/IP Connections ? Why is it a costly operation to create a Connection every time ? Why do these connections become stale after sometime and I need to refresh the Pool ? Why can't I use one connection to execute multipl...

Restore of data replicated with erasure-coding

I need your help on the design of the restore-procedure in a backup system I'm building. The prerequisites are the following: A restore can be made of one or several files. A file consists of 1 or more data-blocks (on average 16mb in size, minimum 4mb maximum 64mb). A data-block is replicated using erasure coding into replication-bloc...

Difficulty with netsnmp: using snmpget and logging errors to STDOUT

In the man page I see the following: -L LOGOPTS Toggle various defaults controlling logging: e: log to standard error o: log to standard output This excites me very much because I'm in a situation where it would be advantageous for me to capture errors from STDOUT rather than from...

How to get a list of open sockets in Linux using C?

Hello, Is there a way to get a list of all open sockets ( socket address or socket descriptor ) in Linux using C in user-space or kernel? Thank you ...

C# fastest way to test internet connection

Hello, C# 2008 SP1 I am using this code to connect to our client website. This is for a softphone application. Before the user makes a call, the softphone has to test if there is an active Internet connection. So, want I have done is used the httpWebRequest class to connect to our clients website. If the response is ok, then the Inte...

C# auto detect proxy settings

Hello, C# 2008 SP1 I am using the code to detect if a proxy has been set under "Internet Options". If there is a proxy then I will set this in my webclient. So I am just checking if the address of the proxy exists. If there is not, then there is no proxy to set in the webclient. Is this the correct way to do this: Many thanks for a...

how to calculate the network diameter

I have data stored in relational database mysql and PHP. I have a table called "rel" which has two fields: from_node | to_node ===================== 1 2 1 3 2 3 and so on...... How can I calculate the network Diameter of a network. I know it is the longest or shortest path between any two p...

NSURLConnection do not launch

Hello experts! I'm trying to create a very simple app which connects to an URL and gets the contents of that URL, in this case a simple xml document. My problem is that that the request never seems to gets sent. I have created a new project(Foundation tool) which runs from a main file. I have set the delegate of the NSURLConnection to...

Remotely create network shares

I am trying to figure out how to accomplish the following task: Create a network share on a remote computer using .NET The target computer is on the same network. The target computer's admin username and password are known. Your thoughts? How would you go about to accomplish this? ...

Is Twisted an httplib2/socket replacement?

Many python libraries, even recently written ones, use httplib2 or the socket interface to perform networking tasks. Those are obviously easier to code on than Twisted due to their blocking nature, but I think this is a drawback when integrating them with other code, especially GUI one. If you want scalability, concurrency or GUI integr...

Impersonating domain user in WPF - UnauthorizedAccess

Hi all, I am trying to impersonate a domain user account in a WPF application so the application can write to a folder on the network. The domain user has sufficient rights to write to this location. I'm using some code found on the net to perform the impersonation. Basically, it calls the native LogonUser method which returns a securi...

Handling more than 1024 file descriptors, in C on Linux

I am working on a threaded network server using epoll (edge triggered) and threads and I'm using httperf to benchmark my server. So far, it's performing really well or almost exactly at the rate the requests are being sent. Until the 1024 barrier, where everything slows down to around 30 requests/second. Running on Ubuntu 9.04 64-bit. ...

Determine network interface bandwidth/type without transferring data

Is there any way in Win32 to programmatically determine the bandwidth of a given network interface without actually transferring any data? I only want to distinguish between different types of interface (e.g. dialup vs DSL vs LAN), so a rough order of magnitude is fine, I don't need to actually measure the bandwidth. Background to the ...

Determining the network connection link speed

How do I programmatically determine the network connection link speed for an active network connection - like Task Manager shows you in the Networking tab? I'm not really after the bandwidth available, just a figure for the current connection, e.g. 54Mbps, 100Mbps etc. ...