
Theory recomendation about LDAP

Hello I need to implement application that supports LDAP authentication. I want to know in detail how such network works. Can you recomend some reading about it, a book perhaps with broader explanation of LDAP authenticated networking or at least some online tutorials. I would like to see step by step guide of creating such network an...

UDP connection test on BlackBerry Simulator

Hi, I am trying to send data using UDP (datagram). I am not able to test application on simulator. I tried running MDS first and then simulator,but it did not work. The error is displayed as Port 8080 already in use on BlackBerry simulator console. How do I change port in simulator? The UDP port to which I am connecting is localhost:501...

Is there any way to throttle the network bandwidth that an svn checkout does?

On checking out a very large svn repository I would like to throttle the bandwidth used by an svn client as to not impact a very sensitive network. Is this configurable within svn? Is this configurable in some other way? ...

Does a connection to localhost go out onto the network?

What I want to know is if I were execute something like ping localhost would the packets be redirected by the operating system and go directly to the destination port or would the packets go out on the network to the nearest router or switch which then bounces them back to your computer? ...

How to find the other point of a Unix domain socket on Mac OS X to write/read it?

Hello everyone, I listed open file for a process (a daemon) on my box which runs Mac OS X 10.5 : >lsof -p 89 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME ... xxxxx 89 xxxxxxxx 9u unix 0x34f8990 0t0 ->0x34f8880 I 'd like to find a way to open this socket and write in it. (that's my obsession...

Who can give me the latest netlink programming samples?

Hi, I'm writing a Linux driver using netlink to communicate between user space and kernel space. But I can't find some useful materials, because the netlink has changed from Linux kernel >=2.6.24. Who can give me some suggestions about how to create a netlink socket. Thanks in advance! ...

Why does an 8-bit field have endianness?

See the definition of TCP header in /netinet/tcp.h: struct tcphdr { u_int16_t th_sport; /* source port */ u_int16_t th_dport; /* destination port */ tcp_seq th_seq; /* sequence number */ tcp_seq th_ack; /* acknowledgement number */ # if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN u_int8...

Does the iPhone get a fixed IP address when accessing the web via the mobile phone network?

I’m guessing not, but I wondered if anyone had any experience. I imagine it could vary depending on the mobile network. I’ll do some testing here on O2 in the UK and update the post. ...

How to write a scalable Tcp/Ip based server

I am in the design phase of writing a new Windows Service application that accepts TCP/IP connections for long running connections (i.e. this is not like HTTP where there are many short connections, but rather a client connects and stays connected for hours or days or even weeks). I'm looking for ideas for the best way to design the net...

Why are my sockets only able to communicate client-to-server and not server-to-client?

I have written a simple Java dispatcher with a daemon thread to handle the incoming traffic, and using another thread to send out commands. The problem comes when the server receives the first message, then the client/server system gets stuck on where the server trying to send out a response to the client. The sockets on both end just ...

NDIS Intermediate driver interface to C#

I'm developing what is essentially a specialized firewall application. The solution needs to be 32 and 64-bit compatible. My company wants to keep the current program interface, which is written in C#. What I need is this: a way to monitor and manipulate all network traffic on the system. My research has led me to believe that a NDIS...

Why can't I connect with a non-browser application to this url?

Hi, Anyone knows why this url rejects connection requests being sent by a non-browser application (wget,curl, elinks!): It's my bank account and I'm trying to make my transfers with a script but as you see this super secured servers do not allow me. Any suggestions...

Metric for the impact of an application on network traffic

I'm writing an application and I'm able to set its throughput (the number of bits per second it sends over the wire) to whatever rate I wish. However, I would like to set it as high as possible, as long as other traffic on the network is not heavily impacted. The problem is, I don't have a good metric to measure that impact. I thought o...

UDP Client - Release version not working in VS 2005 only

Hi, I have a simple UDP client/server program that that sends (server) a text string and receives (client) that text string to display on the dialog box. This is a MFC C++ program and I have it working properly in Visual Studio 6.0, Visual Studio 2003 in both the debug and release versions. I am trying to get the same code executing o...

what network knowledge should i have?

what networking knowledge should I have in order to develop web applications?I know how to use XHTML&CSS plus javascript to develop frone-end static pages,then what networking knowledge sholud I learn in order to using,say PHP/python develope dynamic web pages? ...

Get IP address of arriving data package

Hi, So I'm creating an input socket using CFSocketCreateWithSocketSignature (NULL, &signature, kCFSocketDataCallBack, receiveData, &socket_context); Within the receiveData function (that gets called properly) I'm trying to use the CFDataRef address parameter to find out the sender address of the this "package". The IP address of the ...

How can I keep my DB connection from failing when the network is unstable?

We have a application that uses BDE connected to an Oracle DB. I use TQuery for the SQL queries, and it connects to TDatabase, we are not professional programmers, and we don't know what happens under the hood. Our network is unstable, we have an issue with packet loss. When the problem occurs, our application disconnects from the DB s...

reliable multicast in C#

Hi, what are my options for reliable multicast in c# /.Net 3.5? I don’t want to use MSMQ. I am open to commercial as well as open source options. Thanks ...

C# Seqpacket

I've done some research, and there is very little (basically none) information on how to create a socket of type SeqPacket in C# doing this will fail: listenerSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Seqpacket, ProtocolType.Tcp); I'm new to networking, so I'm probably doing something really stupid. ...

Critically efficient server

Hi, I am developing a client-server based application for financial alerts, where the client can set a value as the alert for a chosen financial instrument , and when this value will be reached the monitoring server will somehow alert the client (email, sms ... not important) .The server will monitor updates that come from a data genera...