
Java network server and TIME_WAIT

I have run into a problem with a network server that receives signals from devices my company produces. The device will occasionally reuse the source port that it had just used. This causes the SYN to be dropped by the server. The device then retries until the old socket falls out of TIME_WAIT on the server. The server then SYN-ACKs....

Socket writing problem with TCP/IP

I am using TCP/IP socket example i.e. "echoclient", and I am facing problems with writing and reading. I am connecting to server socket but it shows null data. I don't know whether it is data conversion problem or any other issue. ...

Remote Locking

I am designing a remote threading primitive protocol. Currently we only needs mutexes (i.e. Monitors) and semaphores. The main idea is that there doesn't need to be a central authority - the primitives should be orchestrated amongst the peers that are interested in them. I have bashed a few ideas around on paper and in my head for a few...

problem with NetServerEnum() in c#

I am developing an application which requires to list all the current LAN machines. Inorder to list all the workstations on a LAN, i have used NetServerEnum() after importing it. On running the program, it seemed to work fine. The two existing machines were detected correctly. However, i want the list to be refreshed whenever required ...

Network Time Synchronization with Java

Hello everyone. I'm creating a p2p audio-midi streaming application using Java (unfortunately) and I'm searching for a way to provide network time synchronization between certain peers (sources) using a reliable protocol implementation (like NTP) but I can't find any related libraries to use.I also have a limited amount of time to spend ...

C# for resetting a network adapter

hi guys, I'm looking for some pointers to where I go in C# for simply resetting a network device. My reason being one of my boxes in work stops communicating with our Exchange servers after going into standby, and if I could have a small app that resets the adaptor with a single click it would be great. ...

How can I get the users network login name?

I'm building a C# application, and I want to identify users by their username. For example, if I logged onto the domain mydomain as the user myusername I'd want to get the mydomain\myusername so I can identify the user. How can I do this with C#? ...

How many connections/s can I expect between PHP and MySQL on separate server?

Trying to separate out my LAMP application into two servers, one for php and one for mysql. So far the application connects locally through a file socket and works fine. I'm worried about the number connections I can establish if it is over the network. I have been testing tcp connections on unix for benchmark purposes and I know that ...

Windows Filtering Platform Callout Drivers - Samples, Tutorials, Help

I'm trying to write a Windows Filtering Platform Callout Driver for a parental control program. Unfortunately, I've never written a driver before, and the MSDN documentation on it isn't too helpful unless you already know the basics (I'm guessing). Does anyone know of any good resources on the subject? Books, online samples, documenta...

Creating connection between two computers in python

The question: How do I create a python application that can connect and send packets over the internet to another computer running the same application? Is there any existing code/library I could use? The background: I am pretty new to programming (HS senior). I've created a lot of simple things in python but I've recently decided to st...

SSLStream.BeginRead and IOCP

Just like socket Begin\End methods use IOCP, would that also be true for SSLStream Begin\End Read\Write methods if not how do you get a tcp\ip server on SSL to scale thanks ...

How reliable is file sharing on Windows when using it for a database?

We have an application that produces a database on disk. The database is made of thousand of files. The application can have from 500 to 3000 file's handle opened at the same time. These handle are kept opened and data is continuously written to. Up until now, it worked really well on local hard drive, but when trying to put the datab...

Building an AVR with HTTP server and SNMP agent?

I need to build a prototype for a simple data collection device using an AVR microcontroller. The device will basically collect sensor data and make this data available via SNMP and a HTTP response. What are my options when it comes to AVR software that would already have a HTTP server and SNMP agent built-in? ...

Re-Implement 3rd party TCP Java client

I need to know if there are any tools to figure out the interface to a TCP client. My Company has purchased a 3rd party tool and we really like the Server side and most of the client side. I would like to see if I can figure out the calls that the client side makes to the server so I can create the client side functionality we want. I...

Why do some switches have uplink ports?

So, this appears, on the surface, to be a network admin (serverfault) question, but I'm looking for a lower level answer from a network hacker type. I was pretty much oblivious to how networks actually work in real life until I started my summer internship. Then, by way of having no other option (internship is at a pretty networking-ce...

Monitor UDP packet loss in Windows Server, Java

My Java application receives data through UDP. It uses the data for an online data mining task. This means that it is not critical to receive each and every packet, which is what makes the choice of UDP reasonable on the first place. Also, the data is transferred over LAN, so the physical network should be reasonably reliable. Anyway, I ...

How can I learn _really_ low-level network programming?

So I want to learn all about networks. Well below the socket, down to raw sockets and stuff. And I want to understand hubs, routers, access points, etc. For example, I'd like to be able to write my own software to do this kind of stuff.* Is there a great source for this kind of information? I know that I'm asking a LOT here, and tha...

Writing a c# client/server

I would like to write a c# server that will act roughly as a chat server ( clients are connected for a while, same message could be dispatched to many clients , .... ). I was wondering if you can give me some hints to start (what kind of architecture ( threads by clients / iocp / asynchronous / ...) that will allow to scale well ( shou...

suggestions on a project in C++ / distributed systems / networks

I'd like to work on a 2-3 month long project (full time) that involves coding in C++ and is related to networks (protocol stacks). I was considering writing my own network stack but that doesn't seem as interesting. It would be great to find an idea to implement a tcp/ip-like stack for distributed system/GPUs that is better as far as net...

sending messages over tcp with priority in C#

I am developing a chat protocol in C# and I want several types of messages sent on the same connections, for example, text and application(eg file transfer) messages. Because applications may easily fill the TCP buffer, text messages may have a big delay until they sent, so I want them to have a certain priority over other messages. //p...