
Serving different pages as different Domain Names in IIS (6 or 7)

Hi, I have a ASP.Net MVC application which serves user pages with URL like -, and, now I want this one application to serve pages to two different domains from outside. Like - ww...

Sample read/write handling of packets in C

I'm a bit new to C, but I've done my homework (some tutorials, books, etc.) and I need to program a simple server to handle requests from clients and interact with a db. I've gone through Beej's Guide to Network programming, but I'm a bit unsure how to piece together and handle different parts of the data getting sent back and forth. Fo...

JBoss - ExportException: Port already in use: 1098

Hello, I'm getting the following error when I try to start JBoss 10:10:43,298 INFO [WebService] Using RMI server codebase: 10:10:43,938 ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Start: name=jboss:service=Naming state=Create mode=Manual requiredState=Installed java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port alre...

Why HTTP protocol was designed to be connectionless at first?

As far as I'm concerned, Ajax provides a workaround for behaving like connection-oriented with HTTP protocol. But why wasn't HTTP protocol designed to be connection-oriended at first? ...

Why does rDNS reversed store IP address?

For example, an address record for pointing to the IP address is stored as Why do we reverse the IP address? ...

Identifying characteristics of certain categories network traffic (originating from load balancer or port based NAT)

I'm using a sniffer (such as Wireshark) to monitor network traffic. I have no prior knowledge of the network topology. My purpose is to identify IPs as load balancers or NAT entry points. How can I identify that a particular packet originated from a load balancer or has come through a firewall and has had port based network address tra...

Combining DNS wildcards and search domain

I have a setup where one webserver ( is serving lots of subdomains, so it would be convenient to use a wildcard DNS entry. At the same time I'd like to use as search domain, so that foo resolves to The problem now is that if I set it up like this, resolves to the webservers IP if there is no

serialize and sync data on embedded device

In my embedded project I have to move(sync) data between two systems. The data structure is complex and hence need some quick utility.I guess i should convert my data to XML format and sync it using rsync ? Boost is not going to be there on our embedded platform. Could someone suggest lightweight yet efficient library to convert my da...

Why Fragmentation is Done at IP why not for TCP/UDP.

I am looking for the reason Why Fragmentation is Done at IP level but why not for TCP/UDP. Suppose say my frame looks like this |MAC|IP|TCP|Payload|FCS. the whole size if say for eg: 1600. PathMTU happens here, why fragmentation is implemented @ IP level is my question and why not implemented @ TCP/UDP level/code. Thank in advance. ...

Writing a topic pub/sub system

I am writing a client/server application that will publish and subscribe to topics. I have few questions about the architecture and the implementation for this project. First to setup the basis i will use c# ( .NET 3.5 ) and i want to explicitly use raw Sockets/AIO/Threads(No WCF at first as i do want to fine tune the server and clien...

Unclear on Nagle's Algorithm

I've been doing some research on Nagle's algorithm out of idle curiousity. I understand the basic concept behind it (TCP packets contain a significant amount of overhead especially when dealing with small payloads), but I'm not sure I grok the implementation. I was reading this article on Wikipedia, but I'm still unclear on how it works...

Traffic Shaping, Failover tools

I have just become the only IT manager of a small business. We have multiple internet providers (Comcast, Time Warner, XO and Qwest). I'm looking for some solutions that can aggregate those connections, and use traffic shaping to provide the best route. What are some of my options? Free? Low cost? I don't mind using a linux based sys...

Opening a password-protected website from servlet

Hi All, The scenario is intended user will access the servlet (e.g http://someip/myservlet) which in turn authenticates a password protected website (e.g. - which is hosted on IIS server with Use Windows authentication enabled) implicitly and then opens that – so that: target users will not get prompt for usernam...

Easiest way to read from a URL into a string in .NET

Given a URL in a string: What's the easiest/most succinct way to download the contents of the file from the server (pointed to by the url) into a string in C#? The way I'm doing it at the moment is: WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(""); WebResponse response = reque...

Any free/cheap bandwith shaping or network impairment software with API?

I'm looking for a (preferably) free software to install on a dual NIC box to shape badwidth and/or introduce packet loss, latency, etc. Now I know dummynet and similar software but I need an API to control it. Maybe a simple RESTful http or SOAP based one. Preferably something more manageable than command line. It may not be a producti...

How do I communicate with HTTPS? (Basic Stuff)

I'm not too familiar with networking in JAVA but what i'm basically trying to do is create a couple of threads that will "talk" to each other using HTTPS for security reasons. I'm not sure about the terminology so what I'm looking for is a pointing in the right direction. Hopefully, this should be pretty easy for experienced JAVA networ...

How to code a Download/Upload Speed Monitor in PHP,Python, or Java?

Hi everybody. I have to code a up/download speed monitor. It will obtain the current download and upload transfer speed of the computer which it has been installed and post it to another server periodically. c But I don't have an idea about how to catch instant transfer rates of a computer. As you know some of network monitoring program...

Inconsistency in WMI Win32_NetworkAdapter class (AdapterTypeId property)

So I am exploring a Win 2008 Server machine with WMI queries on the Win32_NetworkAdapter class. This class is documented here: Here's what it says about the possible values of that property. There's also an AdapterType property that returns the same information, only in the fo...

is there any SDK provided by microsoft for network application development

Hi all, I am writing a Network program, and i am using NP_ENUM_NETWORK in my win32 application. when i serach in my system i am not able to locate this enum can i know in which header file, i wil get this enum. is there any SDK provided by microsoft for network application development where i can get this enum. with regards Vinayak...

Programmatically detect system-proxy settings on Windows XP with Python

I develop a critical application used by a multi-national company. Users in offices all around the globe need to be able to install this application. The application is actually a plugin to Excel and we have an automatic installer based on Setuptools' easy_install that ensures that all a project's dependancies are automatically installe...