
Deny application network access in windows shell

I'm going to write a script to disable/enable network access for applications in windows. My idea was to write a script that runs a windows shell command that do this. The scripting is the easy path, but i don't know how to do the "denying" part. Any ideas? ...

Python Library/Framework for writing P2P applications

Is there any library or framework for writing P2P applications in Python ? I know the initial Bittorrent client was written in Python. I'm looking something like JXTA but for Python. ...

Do I need to register ports as "in-use" with ICANN?

The application I'm currently working on requires three ports to be opened. At the moment these are 5024 through 5026 but on reading around I discovered that these lie in the ICANN registered range (i.e. ports < 49151). Is there any need for me to inform any organisation that I plan to use these ports if it's within a local network only...

Pub/Sub architecture

Hi, I try to write a pub/sub system ( client and server side ) , where client receives regular updates ( like heartbeat, message control ) and can issue command to server ( subscribe to some source , .... ). What would be a good way to do that? I have already a server implementing a threadpool to manage incoming client connection. ...

Recommend OpenSource or Freeware tool to inspect network traffic between two servers

I am currently in the process of locking down the network communication protocols that are available for use on given Windows application platform. Can you suggest a freely available tool that will allow me to monitor/identify the commuications protocols that are in use i.e. TCP/IP http https FTP SFTP ...

mouse followed drawing in C#

hey, I want to to make a shared drawing board in C#. This means that two people connected via a TCP connection can draw on this board. The idea (for now) is that people can click on the screen and draw. What do you think is the best method for this? It's easy enough to draw a dot when the user clicks on a certain spot, but it gets a lit...

How can one check to see if a remote file exists using PHP?

The best I could find, an if fclose fopen type thing, makes the page load really slowly. Basically what I'm trying to do is the following: I have a list of websites, and I want to display their favicons next to them. However, if a site doesn't have one, I'd like to replace it with another image rather than display a broken image. Any ...

How can I prove the "Six Degrees of Separation" concept programmatically?

I have a database of 20 million users and connections between those people. How can I prove the concept of "Six degrees of separation" concept in the most efficient way in programming? link to the article about Six degrees of separation ...

Erlang Hash Tree

Hello Everyone, I'm working on a p2p app that uses hash trees. I am writing the hash tree construction functions (publ/4 and publ_top/4) but I can't see how to fix publ_top/4. I try to build a tree with publ/1: nivd:publ("file.txt"). prints hashes... ** exception error: no match of right hand side value [67324168] in function ...

How to send an alert message to a friend in the same network?

I would like to send some messages to my friend who is in the same network as mine, but I do not want him to confirm any password or registration. Just a pop up windows appears on his screen. Any suggestion, please? Windows Vista is my OS, however If you could provide the tips which could pass across OS Plateform like Linux to Windows, o...

Network switching and VLAN

if I had 2 managed switches with vlans configured like: Switch 1: Server - Vlan 1 2 3 Desktop - Vlan 1 Switch 2: Desktop - Vlan 2 Desktop - Vlan 2 Access Point - Vlan 3 Switches are connected through 2 gigabit uplink ports would every desktop / wireless client see the server? (im not sure if you ...

Dns.GetHostEntry returns multiple IP addresses

This question probably highlights a lack of understanding of networking principals on my part, rather than a programming issue. I'm doing a lookup on a hostname using Dns.GetHostEntry This returns an IPHostEntry to me, which has an AddressList property which is an array of IPAddress. I always thought there is a 1 to 1 mapping betwee...

find the ip address of the client in an ssh session

I have a script that is to be run by a person that logs in to the server with ssh. Is there a way to find out automatically what ip is the user connecting from. Of course, I could ask the user (it is a tool for programmers, so no problem with that), but it would be cooler if I just found out. ...

Erlang: how to set or check TTL in UDP packets?

In Erlang, how can I: Set the TTL for sent UDP packets? Retrieve the value of the TTL for received UDP packets? I need to do this to implement GTSM ...

Spanning Tree Protocol

How to get switch MAC address while implementing spanning tree protocol? ...

How can I access a IPTV server programatically?

My University is currently running an IPTV trial. To access the service, you are asked to install VLC Media Player, and run the files, downloaded from the University's intranet, each representing a channel, through it. The files are of the format: #EXTM3U #EXTINF:0,ITV2 udp://@ Which I recognise as an M3U playlist fil...

How to intercept HTTP requests and responses of a client machine (like fiddler does)

I thought that the only way to intercept a request is to use a proxy, but fiddler somehow can intercept HTTP requests and responses without configuring anything on any browsers. What's going on under the hood ? And do you know any library to do that ? (In any languages) ...

Duplicate Logon Script

ok, so I'm writing a duplicate logon "worker" class in C# and I've ran into a bit of a snag. My logic behind it, I thought, was flawless! :( But, I can't for the life of me figure out why it's triggering on the first occurence rather than on just duplicates :( namespace Lab.Core.BackgroundWorker { using Lab.Core; using Lab.Core...

Is it possible to specify which network interface for a JVM ( or IDE ) to use

The situation goes like this, I have two network interfaces in my macbook pro. One is a statically defined Ethernet interface and the other one is a DHCP configured wireless interface. I am trying to figure out how to configure a specific java project to use my statically wired interface only and not simply pick the first one in the lis...

Mac client can't resolve Windows Home Server name

I think this is more a Mac networking configuration issue than anything else, but am not sure. I have Subversion set up on my Windows Home Server machine (similar to this: This setup has been working for me for months, using Windows clients. Now I'm ...