
CLSID_CNetworkListManager undeclared identifer - error

Dear All, I am developing an application to get the networks available on the system. Trying to run the same on windows vista. (The below code is based on the link : Below is the Code Snippet: #include "Netlistmgr.h" #include "Objbase.h" INetworkListManager* pNLM = NULL; ...

Linux to WinXP over UDP lag

I'm having a problem with a UDPSocket wrapper I've written. I have a high bandwidth low latency local network over which I'm sending UDP packets back and forth. I don't have a concern too much for reliability of packet arrival, but it is incredibly important that the packets that do arrive do so quickly. Here's the relevant code for s...

Any bugs or incompatibilities in 64 bit JVM?

Hi guys, I've got a little game that a friend and I are writing in Java. It's kind of badly coded and we're working on refactoring it, but that's not really the issue right now. We both have 64 bit machines and I guess before we were both using 32 bit JDKs, but recently I had some problems and so I removed all JDKs and installed the lat...

Whats the best way to check for downtime in Java?

Can you please advice on the best way to check if a server is running using java? I mean I want to check a site for downtime. Is connecting to the server and getting the status (if 200 returned then it's up!) the right way? Won't this slow down the server in case connection is established and status checked every 60 seconds? I'm curren...

scalable multimedia network engine

Could someone suggest an open source (preferably on Linux) scalable network engine for my multimedia streaming server. This engine should do : security/NAT handling/load balancing/handling many(thousands) clients etc. I guess Network games too require such components , right ? But could they fit into streaming use case ? links towards...

Networking for two firewalled computers

Say, I have two computers behind firewalls, routers, etc (ie. no incoming connections). Is there ANY way I can connect the two through TCP/UDP protocol without everything going through a special server somewhere? I know Skype does something like that, perhaps not exactly. Thanks. ...

How do I programmatically check to see what domain I am connected to?

If I'm connected to the local LAN here at work, I need to have my app access our server via an internal IP, otherwise, I'll need to use our external IP when out in the wild. Currently, I just try to connect via the local IP and then try the external if it fails... but the timeout takes a bit too long and I was wondering if there's a way...

Bind to any port available

I need an app that sends an UDP packet to some network server and receives the response. The server replies to the same port number where request came from, so I first need to bind() my socket to any UDP port number. Hardcoding the UDP port number is a bad idea, as it might be used by any other application running on the same PC. Is th...

SQL connection failure and network reliability

Are there any tools to quickly test network reliability to a SQL server? We are receiving error reports from a particular customer who has a random "connection failure" message popup throughout the day. We have identified a few spots where this error might occur, but at different times of the day the code executes perfectly. Some other ...

Resources to get started with IPv4/IPv6 basics and development

I'm looking for resources and book which one can use to get started with IPv4 and IPv6 network development. The most relevant book I've came up so far is "Unix Network Programming, Volume 1: The Sockets Networking API (3rd Edition)" which covers both protocols but apart from that I did not find very much. The information I'm looking fo...

NAT GRE (IP protocol 47) over Linux router

I have a host that has a permanent static GRE tunnel to a server on the Internet. Right now the host has its own real IP address. I want to put the host behind a Linux box (Smoothwall), and assign it a private IP address. Lets call: tunnel-server-ip = the IP of the end of the tunnel the host is connecting to (on the internet) real-ip = ...

Detect a 3G internet connection in .NET

Our application downloads data from the internet using RSS but is having connection problems on machines connecting with 3G. We'd like to detect 3G,EDGE,GPRS connections so that we can change the application behaviour, display warnings or status of connection. How would this be done? ...

How to monitor Network tarffic with MySQL?

ifconfig -output is somewhat messy thing to look at. When I saw the nice output below with the command (source), the question emerged: Is there some more structured way, let say MySQL, to look at ifconfig or similar data? It would be cool, if I could monitor the network traffic in databases. [prompt]$ mysqladmin -h localhost -u...

Yahoo Chat in Python

I'm wondering how the best way to build a way to interface with Yahoo Chat is. I haven't found anything that looks incredibly easy to do yet. One thought it to build it all from scratch, the other thought would be to grab the code from open source software. I could use something like zinc, however, this maybe more complex than it need...

Simple peer to peer network library for .NET

I have a server application that needs to find and exchange small amounts of data with other instances of itself on a local LAN. This is not a critical piece of the application. It must be done peer to peer without a central server or advance configuration. Are there any existing libraries that do something like this? EDIT I shoul...

Cocoa network streams and the garbage collector.

I'm writing a little network application in Cocoa, using objective-c 2.0. I have the garbage collector enabled in required mode (-fobjc-gc-only). When I run the code most of the time it works like a charm. But sometimes it just crashes without warning, and gdb launches. I'm as yet unable to get any useful info from GDB. The code is as fo...

network design documentation template

I want to write a report about a network I lately designed and I want to know about a general format or template that these kind of reports uses, and mainn topics that must be included in the network design reports. ...

Tcpip listener sockets SSL streams so much confusion

I am trying to code up a tcpip server using .NET. Looking at the threads on this site the general consensus seems to be use some variation of the .NET 3.5 SocketArgs classes to be maximally scalable BUT I have to use SSL as well, and the only way to do that seems to be to use a tcplistener and then grab a tcpclient from the Begin\End Acc...

How can we differentiate LAN and wireless data card network connection using NLM(NetworkListManager) API's?

I am working with NLM API's (windows). I have a LAN connection and Wireless data card connection. I am enumerating the networks available. Code: HRESULT hr; VARIANT_BOOL pBool1, pBool2; IEnumNetworks *pEnumNetworks; INetwork *pNetwork; hr = pNetwork->get_IsConnected(&pBool1); hr = pNetwork->get_IsConnectedToInternet(&pBool2); I ha...

Why doesn't this threaded network code work? (Java)

Code for server: Network Code for client: Basically, the client connects to the server, but beyond that, it does not work. When a message is sent, the client's System.out.println indicates that the GUI is calling the correct function. But there is no sign of the server...