
Need help using the Windows IP Helper API & ParseNetworString in C#.

I'm attempting to rewrite some C# web service code that uses the Windows IP Helper API call "SendARP" to retreive a remote system's MAC address. SendARP works great - until you cross a network segment as Arp requests aren't routed. I've been looking at the "ParseNetworkString" documentation after happening across its existance on StackOv...

What is the largest Safe UDP Packet Size on the Internet.

I've read a number of articles about UDP packet sizes but have been unable to come to a conclusion on whats correct. A number of services restrict the largest UDP packet to 512 bytes (like dns) Given the minimum MTU on the internet is 576 , and the size of the IPv4 header is 20 bytes, and the UDP header 8 bytes. This leaves 548 bytes...

When is it appropriate to use UDP instead of TCP?

Since TCP guarantees packet delivery and thus can be considered "reliable", whereas UDP doesn't guarantee anything and packets can be lost, what would the advantage be of transmitting data using UDP in an application rather than over a TCP stream? In what kind of situations would UDP be the better choice, and why? I'm assuming that UDP ...

Pinvoke problem with the Windows helper API

This is my first serious attempt at P/invoke. This is a console app I'm using to work out the code for a web service that will hopefully return a mac address from an ip address or fully qualified system name. The code compiles. However when run without args, I get an unhandled exception-IndexOutOfRangeException. If I run it with args, I ...

How does blocking mode in unix/linux sockets works?

Does blocking mode put that particular task in a "Process Wait" state, as i think non-blocking sockets needs a "busy-wait" or "spin-lock" implementation, explicitly from the user. Or blocking mode sockets are nothing but implicit-implementations of busy-wait by the kernel. In locking mechanisms like semaphores/mutexes/monitors a lock is...

More recent networking books

I'm not sure if publish date matters, but it seems that all the recommended books I see are from like, pre-2000, or at the latest, around 2002. Hasn't there been much advance on the subject in almost 10 years? Are there any recently published network programming books, and are they any good? I posted this on GDnet but would like as many ...

How to transfer files from one computer to another over the network using Java?

I need a simple application, preferably a cross-platform one, that enables sending of files between two computers. It just need to accept and send the files, and show a progress bar. What applications could I use or how could I write one? ...

Publishing Audio from iPhone to HTTP

Hi All, I have read that Apple has allowed iPod Library Access in iPhone OS 3.0 and thus an App can access the data stored in the iPod. I want to know that is there a possibility that the audio being played by an App can be published over a Network Stream. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks and Regards, Muhammad Haseeb Khan ...

Classic file system problem - concurrent remote processing on a directory

I have an application that processes files in a directory and moves them to another directory along with the processed output. Nothing special about that. An interesting requirement was introduced: Implement fault tolerance and processing throughput by allowing multiple remote instances to work on the same file store. Additional...

In the windows API, is there a generic method which will give you the appropriate HTTP proxy for a URL?

I'm writing an application intended for distribution around the world. I recently discovered a method of WinHTTP: This can decode any Netscape-style PAC file (in Javascript) and tell me the correct proxy to use for any URL I might want to use. That's all great, but I've not...

Can the new client networking stack in Silverlight 3 directly connect to Azure Storage or Mesh?

From Tim Heuer: In Silverlight 3 we’ve introduced the Client HTTP stack as an option as well. You must opt-in to use the client HTTP handling. This gives you the ability to go more than just GET/POST (i.e., more REST-ful verbs), using response status codes/headers, etc. You can opt-in to use the client HTTP stack on all requests, req...

How to get next IP in range from Excel

I know there has to be a way: I need help getting any hot excel module/trick/script/macro that would look at a range of IPs and give me the next address up? e.g. ( --> ( Not sure i need sub nets, but will throw it out there as well. ( --> ( I bet is has to be done with vbscript...

Letting the client pull data

I'm writing a server in C# which creates a (long, possibly even infinite) IEnumerable<Result> in response to a client request, and then streams those results back to the client. Can I set it up so that, if the client is reading slowly (or possibly not at all for a couple of seconds at a time), the server won't need a thread stalled wait...

"Sliding Window" - Is it possible to add reliability to a protocol and avoid flow control Implementation?

As a part of a personal project, I am making an application level protocol (encapsulated in UDP) which is reliable. For the implementation of reliability, I have to keep track of which packets i send, and which packets are received at the other receiver end. This is done with the help of a sliding window, and it also maintains the flow-...

How to create a SSL connection in PHP with SO_KEEPALIVE?

I have some simple PHP code that creates a SSL connection $streamContext = stream_context_create(); stream_context_set_option($streamContext, 'ssl', 'local_cert', $this->sslPem); stream_context_set_option($streamContext, 'ssl', 'passphrase', $this->passPhrase); $this->apnsConnection = stream_socket_client('ssl://'.$this->apnsHost.':'.$...

Flow control Sliding window implementation. Which is better static-queue(array) vs dynamic linked-list?

I am implementing a sliding window for a trivial protocol. I was implementing the window using a static circular queue (array), as i though it is efficient. But one of my friends said, he has seen the implementation of sliding window in tcp, it uses a linked list. I dont think he has seen, as he doesnot know where is network code located...

Keeping objects in sync across a network?

In my application, I have two DLLs. One is written in C# and the other in C++. They communicate with each other across a network. Each has a list of object instances that are expected to be in sync with each other at all times. What network libraries are available for doing this? ...

tunnel failed in blackberry bold. why?

Hi, I created a j2me program and ported it to the blackberry bold. The program does some http queries. Every now and then these fail with the exception: 'tunnel failed' My APN settings are correct (since sometimes it does work). I connect with ';deviceside=true' appended to the url I notice that when the browser has just been active...

Thread pool sizing for network-bound tasks

What are the basic rules for sizing a thread pool which contains tasks that: are always network-bound; access external services with different throughput and latency. My main concern is using the bandwith optimally ( i.e. don't process tasks serially, but don't open 1200 network connections either ); ...

What are all the things we can do with telnet?

I would like to know all the things that can be done with telnet, currently i use it to determine if a remote machine is listening on some specific port like this telnet [machine] [port]. any ideas please ...