
Bandwidth from Latency

DUPE: Can we find the bandwidth from the latency of ping .If yes how is it done ...

client-server communication

Hi! We have written a client-server programme. Programme is running fine when we run both client and server on the same machine on different terminals by calling gethostbyname( We have to communicate between different machine. So my question is, how to determine the IP of the other machine (server's), and how to find out t...

Easy way to measure LAN network speed of a partcular computer?

I want to measure the network speed between two PCs on Local Area Network. (I'm thinking of getting a Network Area Storage (NAS) device and I want to see how fast the current setup is to get an idea of how fast the NAS needs to be. I'm thinking I'll just copy some files and look at how long that takes, but I thought there might be a mo...

IE7 with Integrated Security is asking for credentals, but Firefox does not any idea why?

Hi Folks, We have a web-site configured for Integrated Security in IIS on the W2003 Server. When we attempt to connect using IE it is asking us for Network credentials. If we supply those credentials we get an Access Denied. If we configure Firefox to allow that web-site as a trusted URI, we can connect and use the site without any pro...

Can someone point me to a very reliable network communication library?

Hello, Can someone give me a link to a very reliable asynchronous communication library created using sockets which can simply send text messages from client to server and vice versa? The asynchronous library should work without memory leakage even if the client and server programs are fully closed and then re-opened and re-connected r...

Confusion about UDP/IP and sendto/recvfrom return values

I'm working with UDP sockets in C++ for the first time, and I'm not sure I understand how they work. I know that sendto/recvfrom and send/recv normally return the number of bytes actually sent or received. I've heard this value can be arbitrarily small (but at least 1), and depends on how much data is in the socket's buffer (when reading...

socket:client waiting even after recieving last byte

I have client/server program in C, through which I am transferring files to the client from server. But the client is waiting for recv even after receiving the last byte of the file. Client is terminating only if I kill it or server is killed by me. But server has to be in a loop as it to has to entertain the request of other clients. ...

Is there a way to replace on my local machine for test purposes?

I know it may sound stupid but anyway. Maybe there is a trick? I just want that the local web server receives requests from my local machine but somehow sees a different IP address? Even one single that is different from the infamous would of a great assistance. Are there any options available? ...

How do I get the speed of an Apple Airport from Perl?

I would like to be able to get the speed of the wireless interface under Mac OS X. I have a perl script that gets the other information for the wireless card but I still need to get the connection speed. For the moment I have statically set the airport speed with: $airport_rate = "54"; (see code below). What command could I use to get...

Detect a new network connection (linux-server) and it's status in java

Is there any way that java can detect that I have just plugged in a wired-network, and monitor it's bandwith? (I'm using linux, if that matters) ...

How do i use std.socket and std.socketstream? (D programming language 2.x)

i was wondering how to use those phobos modules to use networking? Or you can give a reference to how to use sockets (in a way similar or almost similar to D) ...

Compress and send image over network in java?

Hi. I have a server which waits for a connection from a client then sends an image to that client using the Socket class. Several clients will be connecting over a short time, so I would like to compress the image before sending it. The images are 1000 by 1000 pixel BufferedImages, and my current way of sending them is to iterate over...

How to Calculate One-way Packet Delay without using NTP, PTP

Hi All, I am looking for the way to calculate the one-way delay in a packet-switched network. I do not want to use NTP or PTP (Network Time Protocol, Precision Time Protocol). Consider the scenario: Host-1 Sends the packet to Host-2. Both Hosts have different Clock rates and the hosts are located in different countries. Packet may be...

Listener to socket at client(Android)

Hi folks, I want to have a listener for a socket at the client side. I am using Android which is Java. I am using TCP/IP but I don't want to loop at the client side. Is there any method for that or do I have to have my own mechanism for listening? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, ...

adding Virtual PC 2007 to host network

Hi, I am using Virtual PC 2007 with Windows xp Pro as the Guest. Is it possible to add the Virtual PC to the network of the guest PC and to the domain of the Guest PC? I enabled NAT shared networking but that only allows internet access on the guest.. Thanks ...

Where does NetServerEnum get its list of machines from?

Where does NetServerEnum() get its list of machines from? Does it use the computer browser service or will it use AD as a preference if AD is available? Links: NetServerEnum on MSDN NetServerEnum on PInvoke Decription of the Computer Browser Service ...

Can you use ARP-Poisoning (spoofing) to apply simulated external effects?

We are looking at ways of creating a network effects server. By this I mean a central server that will inspect all the packets on the network and apply logic (drop, delay, alter, etc) based on factors external to the actual network such as weather and line-of-sight. This is all to do with running simulations of multiple real-world ent...

Unused field value in transmission protocol.

I am writing technical documentation for a little protocol used internally on a GSM network. This protocol use pattern [id1] + [byte[] data1], [id2] + [byte[] data2], etc in a continuous stream of byte. The point is that for various reason (future expandability and backward compatibility) some fields are not used. The value of this fiel...

How to write a simple Ping method in Cocoa/Objective-C

I need to write a simple ping method in Cocoa/Objective-C. It also needs to work on the iPhone. I found an example that uses icmp, will this work on the iPhone? I'm leaning towards a solution using NSNetServices, is this a good idea? The method only needs to ping a few times and return the average and -1 if the host is down or unreach...

Pub Sub using http(port 80) ( NO WCF client)

I want to develop a scalable pub-sub system it has to be on port 80 firewalls \ NAT should just work and I cannot deploy a WCF client ( server can be WCF if needed ) any thouhts \ suggestions on how to get going ...