
Client/Server both give up after 1 connection

I'm writing a client/server (as many of you probably already know!). The server is going to be sending data to the client. However, the client can connect once and after that it never attempts to connect again once the connection has been terminated. Similarly, once the server has sent it's message it will ignore future attempts to conne...

Software vs Network Engineer (Salary, Difficulty, Learning, Happiness)

What are your thoughts on being a Software Engineer vs a Network Engineer? I've been on the software field for almost 10 years now and although I still have a great deal of fun (and challenges), I am starting to think it could be better on the "other" side. Not to degrade network engineers (i know there are many great ones out there),...

How can I start an application on a different system remotely?

I've got a situation where i have one system running a master application that communicates with slave applets on other systems, problem is, i can't guarentee that the slave applets will be running, nor that an operator can physically utilize the system to start the applet (and I'm also assuming they don't know how to use Remote desktop,...

Advantages of uPNP/IGD over SOCKS?

I'm curious why is it more pervasive. Does it has a better API? I remember long ago when i first learned about NAT (i used it for sharing a dialup 14.4kbps modem), i thought that someday every home would have a router with NAT included, but it would "obviously" need also a SOCKS process to be able to open listening ports. When broadba...

Get the cumulative bytes sent and received from a NIC

Is there any easy way (via a script perhaps) to get the cumulative bytes sent and received from a NIC on Windows 2008 Server? For example, the NIC currently shows around 18 MB of sent data and 765 MB of received data. Since my server provider does not provide an easy way to see the monthly bandwidth usage, getting the NIC data seems t...

How to measure geographical access time of a web hosting?

I'm building a website targeted for US visitors; and this question came up while shopping around for reliable web hosting there. Since I'm located in the UK, a simple "ping" wouldn't represent the average access time from a US visitor's point of view -which is critical, since a new visitor spends around 3 seconds to evaluate a website. ...

SO for telecommunications & networking questions?

I'm taking a university course in telecommunications (textbook) and I have a number of technical questions regarding technologies such as multiplexing, flow control, frame relay, ATM, digital/analog modulation, encoding techniques [QPSK, BPSK, QAM]. SO doesn't seem like the right place to ask such questions. Any recommendations for m...

Behavior of connect() with TCP

I call connect() on the client. The client enters the SYN_SENT state and sends a SYN. Now it gets a SYN with no ACK in it, so the client enters the SYN_RCVD state. Does connect() return at this point? Technically you have enough information to be able to call send() and recv() on the socket. The RFC itself says, if you call SEND on a s...

Difference between SSH and SSL

Apart from enhanced authentication options offered by SSH, is there any difference between basic working of SSH and SSL protocols ? I am asking since we can use SFTP or FTP over SSL, both would require authentication. ...

How long is the request queue on a Vista-system?

Hi all! I'm currently hacking on a new project, a web-app. But something's wrong, and I think it's Vistas fault, when I'm stress-testing the app, not all of the requests are answered. The only thing I can think of is that the queue of incomming requests is getting too long, I've googled around, but can't find out how long the queue is,...

How do you send an Ethernet frame with a corrupt FCS?

I'm not sure if this is even possible since this might be handled in hardware, but I need to send some Ethernet frames with errors in them. I'd like to be able to create runts, jabber, misalignment, and bad FCS errors. I'm working in Python. ...

C# - a userland TCP stack in Windows XP SP III

Hi! I'm trying to create an application to craft packets to be able to debug some gateways here, and to experiment with TCP DoS situations. Nevertheless this should be very easy, I didn't find a way to implement this for a Windows application. I started using Impacket from Core Security in Python on a Unix box, but I want to avoid thi...

How can I send data over the internet using a socket?

I would like to send data over internet through a desktop application. I know a little bit about sockets. I have transferred the data within the LAN, but now I want to transfer the data over the internet. What is the best way to transfer both large and small quantities of data? My system is connected to the server which has the access t...

poll() in Ruby?

I am currently porting a self-written network application from C++ to Ruby. This network application often needs to manage around 10.000 sockets at the same time, that means it needs quick access to any sockets that have readable data available, incoming connections, etc. I have already experienced while writing it in C++, that select()...

Blocking access for a given geographic location

What is the most reliable way to prevent users from a geographic location to access a web available application? I understand that IPs are related to geo positioning and I also understand that the most naive way is to get the HTTP request header IP address and take it from there. It's obvious that naive methods, like the one described ...

When is it appropriate to use WCF over webclient or httpwebrequest?

I'm looking to understand when to use a WCF services instead of just using webclient or httpwebrequest. I guess I'm also looking to understand the difference between the design patterns that would be appropriate for both. ...

Communication Mechanisms that are both Decoupled and Low-Latency

Does anyone have experience with message transports that are both decoupled(senders and receivers don't know/care about each other) and low-latency for distributed and possibly remote interaction events? Do they exist? I'm researching/developing interaction technologies for tangible interaction devices(i.e physical buttons, knobs, slide...


Could anyone please provide me with the code or link to send and receive broadcast messages if possible using UDP? I have been stuck in a problem and hope if u guys could help me resolve it. Thanks ... Connection timed out: connect exception occur

Hi, I have this code, can you help me to solve this problem? I have written this code: out = new DataOutputStream(urlConnection.getOutputStream());//exception occur String content = (String) remoteUrlList.get(urlID + ".params"); content = (content == null ? "" : content + "&") + "content=" + URLEncoder.encode(textArea.getText()); if...

Behavior of shutdown(sock, SHUT_RD) with TCP

When using a TCP socket, what does shutdown(sock, SHUT_RD); actually do? Does it just make all recv() calls return an error code? If so, which error code? Does it cause any packets to be sent by the underlying TCP connection? What happens to any data that the other side sends at this point - is it kept, and the window size of the con...