
How to receive event when network is connected and also when user logs in

I have a service that runs and I'd like to receive notification when: a) the network is connected. b) when a user logs in to the machine. How can I do this? (C# .NET 2.0) ...

database connection doesn't work when service starts at boot but works when it's manually started

I'm trying to track down possible causes of my app not being able to connect to a db server. I have a windows service that connects to the database when it starts. The service runs on machines with a reliable wired network connection. It's installed with startup Automatic so normally it starts when windows does, and in almost all cases...

how to disconnect a windows share dir by known IP?

windows only record 1 user/pwd to a remote share dir, and my program need to connect a dir, but the user may login first, let my program failed to connect, is there a method to disconnect it? i only know the IP. I use wnetcancelconnection2(remotedir) first, but still cannot work, and return 1219 error(credentials supplied conflict w...

What happens to a file when the connection through SFTP is interrupted?

I need to implement a file transferring from a web server to a SFTP server. When the connection is interrupted during the file transferring, what happens to the bytes already transferred? ...

TCP: How are the seq / ack numbers generated?

Greetings and salutations! I am currently working on a program which sniffs TCP packets being sent and received to and from a particular address. What I am trying to accomplish is replying with custom tailored packets to certain received packets. I've already got the parsing done. I can already generated valid Ethernet, IP, and--for the...

Why is this error happening a lot ", sql server"?

I have this error which happen many times on my site: "A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error:...

Tool to time shift a PCAP file?

Does anyone know of a tool that will take a PCAP file as input and output the same file with modified timestamps? For example, say I have a PCAP file whose time range is March 1st, 2009 1:00pm to 2:00pm and I want to change the times so the file contains the time range March 31st, 2009 1:00pm to 2:00pm. ...

In Ubuntu, how do I figure out which process is a network pig

Using top it's easy to identify processes that are hogging memory and cpu, but ocasionally I see my computer's network activity spike, but I'm unable to determine which process is generating the activity. Where is the right place to look for this information? ...

How to determine the IP address of a Solaris system

What command do I want to issue when I want to know the IP address of the Solaris machine I'm logged onto? Thanks in advance for any suggestions. --James ...

Programmatically disable network auto-tune in Windows Vista

One of our applications is exhibiting poor network behavior on Vista due to the new network stack's auto-tuning functionality. I'm working on tracking down why the problem's happening, but in the meantime, it'd be wonderful if we could simply disable auto-tuning on our application for the time being. Is there any way to do so programma...

Windows networking using only Ethernet Frames

I'm doing a project where I must write a network library for a device connected to a Windows machine. The complication comes in that I may only communicate with the device using ethernet frames. So there is no TCP/UDP/IP at all. I don't think the bind/listen/accept approach can be applied here, but maybe I am wrong. Also, there is no ...

UnknownHostException while redirecting queries to google and getting results in JSon object

Loading classifier from D:\PROJECT\classifiers\NERDemo\classifiers\ner-eng-ie.crf-3-all2008.ser.gz ... done [2.0 sec]. Original Query was riot in India. Parsing Queries and expanding tokens from the Ontologies.. {locations=[India], events=[riot]} Search query is null Something went wrong... ajax.googleapis...

what is the exact difference between Closed and Stopped State in PPP State machine

I wanted to know what is the exact difference between Closed and Stopped State in PPP State machine. It would be great full if someone explain in detail. I am designing ppp stack using C++. Thanks a lot in advance. ...

Looking for cross platform Packet Capture Library

Hello beside wincap , is there any recommended cross platform Packet Capture Library to use with c/c++ ? Thanks ...


Ok guys I've racked my little brain and have been unable to find a solution. The problem here is that I am being able to call begin-receive once, but after that I am unable to find a proper technique by which the method can be called again and again. Consequently although a connection is being made,messages can be received just once and ...

Website running at impossibly fast speeds?

I was pinging my website at and I am getting a ping back at less than 1ms. How can the internet not have any latency. Can others please confirm. This problem cropped up today after I did my windows update on my web server. I noticed a new process in my task manager on the web server called AnsibleCom.exe, thoughts? ...

TCP and POSIX sockets accept() semantics

Situation: The server calls accept(). The client sends a SYN to the server. The server gets the SYN, and then sends a SYN/ACK back to the client. However, the client now hangs up / dies, so it never sends an ACK back to the server. What happens? Does accept() return as soon as it receives the SYN, or does block until the client's ACK is...

Connection refused on Windows XP network

This is only marginally a programming problem and more of a networking problem. I'm trying to get a Django web app to run in my home network and I can't get any machines on the network to get to the web page. I've run on ports 80 and 8000 with no luck. Error message is: "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at 192.168.x.x....

(network sockets) bytes stuck in Send Queue for 15 minutes; why?

I have a Java program running on Windows (a Citrix machine), that dispatches a request to Java application servers on Linux; this dispatching mechanism is all custom. The Windows Java program (let's call it W) opens a listen socket to a port given by the OS, say 1234 to receive results. Then it invokes a "dispatch" service on the serve...

Is NAS / SAN + HTTP server a good match?

Is NAS / SAN + HTTP server a good solution for serving large number of static files over the internet? ...