
How to overcome root domain CNAME restrictions?

We are hosting many web applications for our customers. As is obvious they want to use their own domains to refer to those applications, usually they want that any user that either type or goes to their web application. The situation we are facing is that we need to have the flexibility to ...

Streams and UDP

Why does the UDP protocol not support streams like TCP protocol does? ...

A Parallel IP address space exlusively for a P2P network?

I would like to do this because it would make peer location much more effective in my p2p network as I would know that all the addresses would be part of this network. How could I do this while remaining compatible with current transport layer protocols such as SCTP, and the current hardware used on the big wide Internet? Thanks, Andr...

Using JMS, is there any way to store messages on intermittently disconnected clients and forward them to a broker when a network is available?

I am considering an architecture where I have clients that are intermittently connected to a network. I would like to store messages created on these clients in a JMS queue when the network is not available and have these forwarded to a central message broker when the clients are on the network. (The user has control over the network, e....

How to find empty port to start WCF web ServiceHost

How can I determine an un-used port to start a WCF ServiceHost to host a localhost web server on? I'm currently starting my service up statically on http://localhost:XXXX where XXXX is a static value in my code. I'd like to replace the XXXX with a GetUnusedPort() call... Any thoughts? ...

UDP Broadcast on Multihomed Systems

I'm working on a project that discovers/configures remote devices using UDP broadcasts. These devices may not have IP addresses configured yet, at least no to match the network they are connected to. Currently we use a single sendto with a target address of This works fine in most cases but on Vista machines with multipl...

How can I read data from a network stream synchronously in csharp

I want to read data from network stream in csharp. I have a list of clients that I poll regularly but when I start reading data from one client, I have to read the whole xml message and then continue to the next client. If there is some delay in receiving data I should not go to the next client. I should wait for some time and get the d...

In my application, why does readInt() always throw an EOFException?

(Forgive me because I do not write in Java very often.) I'm writing a client-side network application in Java and I'm having an interesting issue. Every call to readInt() throws an EOFException. The variable is of type DataInputStream (initialized as: DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(sock.getInputStream(...

In which cases should I close a TCP connection?

I'm currently writing a multi-process network game server (one gatekeeper process which tells players what games are currently running and allows them to create and join games, and a process per game instance). In which cases it would be useful for the gatekeeper to drop TCP connection to the client, and in which cases it should continu...

How to ping a computer if the computer name starts with dash "-"

How to ping a computer if the computer name starts with dash "-" ...

.Net SendAsync Allways sends all data?

Will Socket.SendAsync allways send all data in the byte[] buffer that the SocketAsyncEventArgs has been assigned with? iv tested some code but only on a local network and there it seems to be that way.. Edit: Ok but does it allways send all data befor running the compleated event? the only socket.BeginSend did not if i remember right.....

How to make use of full bandwidth?

Using WinPcap I crafted a series of custom UDP packets and injected them into the Ethernet layer. I sent 1000 packets, 1440 bytes each. It takes 2.1 sec for 100 Mbps bandwidth. How do I make use of full bandwidth? ...

Where can I get a network hub (not a switch) to sniff packets?

For an anti-hacking project I need to get a network hub that can sniff packets - not a switch. A lot of products are calling themselves hubs, but are really switches. Can anyone recommend a true hub? ...

how to disconnect a windows remote directory?

I'm coding a program to monitor a remote directory, and I use the windows API: WNetAddConnection. I use it to map remote directory to Z: by use a specified user/password. After I put this program to the working environment, someone use explorer location "\192.168.X.X\somedir" to login the same directory I monitored, and it makes my pro...

Practical implications of OSI vs TCP/IP networking.

Hi. I'm supposed to be setting up a 'geolocation based', ipv6, wireless mesh network to run on google android. I found what seems to be a good app to support the meshing: "Batman-advanced is a new approach to wireless networking which does no longer operate on the IP basis. Unlike B....

Transparently proxying telnet traffic?

We have written a tool to proxy telnet traffic, and fork the inbound/outbound streams for recording purposes (this is a testing tool to test a legacy system). However, we hit a snag. The legacy system relies on knowing a client's ip address in certain cases, but when we use our proxy the clients' addresses are all changed to the proxy's ...

Geolocation based, wireless mesh routing alogorithm: useful?

I'm in a team and we are supposed to be setting up a 'geolocation based', ipv6, wifi mesh network to run on google android. The idea is to use the geolocation (latitude, longitude, altitude) of each node to generate the IPv6 address, then use that to choose the closest node as the preferred node for routing through. Some optimisation i...

How can I tell if the connection has been broken in my sockets based client?

If my client's connection is broken on the other end( kill -9 server). It takes several minutes for the client to determine that something is wrong. Socket.Connected returns true even though connection is actually broken. What is the fastest way to determine that the connection doesn't exist, once the other end breaks the link? Client...

.net Detect disconnect with ReceiveAsync

Well as the title says how can i detect a disconnect with "ReceiveAsync" with all other .net network patterns you could just look if you recived 0 bytes or if any exception was throw however this does not seem to be true any more with this pattern... My first recive return 0 bytes but the second works thats why im confused.... ...

Design a networking application

Problem: I need to design a networking application that can handle network failures and switch to another network in case of failure. Suppose I am using three ethernet connections and one wireless also . At a particular moment only one connection is being used. How should I design my system so that it can switch to another network in ...