
networking design ; socket communication using polling

A few words about an ongoing design and implementation I send a lot of requests to the remote application (running on a different host, of course), and the application send back data. About client Client is a UI that spawn a separate thread to submit and process the requests. Once it submits all the requests, it calls Wait. And the ...

Software Bandwidth/Database Growth Formulas

Are there any industry standard formulas or rules of thumb for determining: Application bandwidth usage/requirements Database growth requirements I have recently started managing a new .NET 3.5/SQL Server project and would like to take a more structured approach than previously when determining exactly what my application needs in te...

Processing packets in the async loop or not?

In C#, when receiving network data with the BeginReceive/EndReceive methods, is there any reason you shouldn't process the packets as soon as you receive them? Some of the tasks can be decently cpu intensive. I ask because I've seen some implementations that push the packets off into a processing queue and then handle them there. To me t...

Is it possible to force network traffic through Wifi or the TMobile network?

I'm wondering if, with the G1, it's possible to force the network traffic to pass through the Wifi or through the Cell GSM network. I need to force an application to connect through the tower network to get some login information. Is this possible? Anyone have any ideas as to how this would be possible? I'm trying to accomplish this ...

Managing Duplicate Downloads

At my firm, we mostly self-administer software installations on our individual machines. Often several users download the same file. Is there a tool which can be used to cache downloads and queue new download requests? I am looking for a solution where the user is informed about a previously downloaded copy if one exists locally but stil...

Working over networks.

Hi guys, I am using a aix box over a network. I am using putty to work on the box. The problem is its too slow,But we do have a high speed network. Is there any terminal program other than putty that can help me work doing some buffering or other mechanism by which i wont feel like i m working on a dialup. Thanks. ...

Using DAAP sharing across NAT

I have a Linksys WRT54G wireless router connected to a big LAN in my dorm. We regularly use DAAP (iTunes sharing) to play our own music at the different lounges and kitchens. This works fine when I connect my laptop directly to the LAN, but as soon as I access it through my router, I cannot see other shares, and they can't see mine. Prob...

How do you determine the network transfer speed of a Windows application?

I would like to determine the network usage of my application. It uses various methods for data transfer (web services, net.tcp WCF contracts, P2P contracts) so I guess I'm interested in the statistics for the running process. Something like uTorrent displays for it's total transfer rates. ...

How can I compound byte[] buffers into a List<byte>?

So I'm receiving data over a socket using a buffer (byte[]) of size 1024, and I want to combine the reads together to form the entire packet in the event that they're bigger than 1024 bytes. I chose a List to store the entire packet, and what I want to do is add each buffer read to it as it comes in. I'd want to do: List.AddRange(Buffer...

Server running in linux kernel. Should listen happen in a thread or not?

I am writing a client/server in linux kernel (Yes. Inside the kernel. Its design decision taken and finalised. Its not going to change) The server reads incoming packets from a raw socket. The transport protocol for these packets (on which the raw socket is listening) is custom and UDP like. In short I do not have to listen for incoming...

How to connect to SQL Server through proxy server

Is it possible to connect to SQL Server server through proxy (http) using SQLSERVER oledb provider? How can I specify proxy address and port in connection string if it's possible? What nonstandard methods to bypass proxy you'd recommend if it's not possible? ...

How to measure the response time between a server and a client that communicate using the UDP protocol ?

The aim of the test is to check the shape of the network response time between two hosts (client and server). Network response = the round trip time it takes to send a packet of data and receive it back. I am using the UDP protocol. How could I compute the response time ? I could just subtract TimeOfClientRequest - TimeOfClientResponseRe...

How can I make networking work in my WinCE app without launching IE first?

I have a simple WinCE network application (in C, Win32 APIs). I find that networking doesn't seem to work unless I launch IE (or another network app) first. I assume that IE is setting up my network interface in some way. How can I do this for myself? Might I need to display a list of available interfaces to the user (eg. WiFi/Ethernet...

Java DomImplementationLS.

I'm looking to create XML Document objects in Java and serialize them to a byte array (prior to sending them across a TCP connection). I currently have code that looks like this: public byte [] EncapsulateThingy( ThingyType thingy ) { parser.reset(); // parser is a pre-existing DocumentBuilder object Document doc = parser.newDo...

Getting an ObjectDisposed exception when calling Shutdown then Close on a Socket

I have a SocketState object which I am using to wrap a buffer and a socket together and pass it along for use with the Begin/End async socket methods. In the destructor, I have this: ~SocketState() { if (!_socket.Connected) return; _socket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); _socket.Close(); } When it gets to Close(), I get an...

What's the difference between computer network and telecommunication network?

When we talk about network programming, does it means the "network" here is just the computer network? And what is the difference between the computer network and the network that not belongs to computer network? ...

How frequently IP packets are fragmented at the source host?

I know that if IP payload > MTU then routers usually fragment the IP packet. Finally all the fragmented packets are assembled at the destination using the fields IP-ID, IP fragment offsets and fragmentation flags. Max length of IP payload is 64K. Thus its very plausible for L4 to hand over payload which is 64K. If the L2 protocol is Ethe...

How to get my non-loopback network ip address in C?

For a communication between two hosts, I need to send the IP address of my host to the other site. The problem is that if I request my IP address, it might be that I get back my local loopback IP addres (127.x.x.x) , not the network (ethernet) IP address. I use the following code: char myhostname[32]; gethostname(myhostname, 32); hp ...

listen for data on TCP port C#

Hi all I would like to write a program that monitors for TCP ports, similar to TcpView, but the thing is, it must fire off events if certain ports are used. The scenario: License server, and client-program. The license server may use port 1234 to listen and establish multiple connections. The client connects from his pc to the server v...

Connecting to a CDMA network IN from Java

hello guys, Am using java to develop program that receives and processes SMS messages. I have been able to code the processing of the SMS Messages received and its working perfectly. Now the challenge i have is receiving the the SMS Messages from the CDMA network. When the application is about to go live, the CDMA network will setup a V...