
What's the best way to locate devices on a network?

I'm building software for a company that sells hardware devices. They want the software to be able to locate all devices on the network without restricting either of their IPs. What's the best way to do this? I'm thinking the hardware could subscribe to a "known" multicast address, have the software broadcast to it and the hardware woul...

Not able to run ASP.NET web app using Development Server

My development machine (Vista) was working perfectly fine for over a year and then suddenly (without explicitly installing anything) I am unable to run the websites using ASP.NET development server. The development web server starts fine, but IE cannot display the page: Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage Firefox says ...

IT Question: Two NICs with identical gateway metric

Windows Vista Business with SP1 I have two NICs in my Vista Business SP1 machine - one NIC is connected to our corporate network, the other NIC is connected to a private network. Both networks are using DHCP, with the private network obtaining it's address from a LinkSys WRT54G (not being used as a router - just a switch with DHCP). Th...

Programmatically getting per-process network statistics on Windows?

I'd like to find out which processes are using my network. This is quite easy in Linux, but I'm stumped as to how to do this in Windows. Essentially, I'd like, for each process, to know how many bytes it has read/written to the network over a time period. If I could know IP addresses/port numbers, etc., that would be awesome. Any point...

How to detect device on network?

Some printers include a CD which is able to detect a device without an IP address assigned or with an invalid IP in the LAN. We are developing an appliance whishing to be able for the user act in the same way: they connect the appliance on network and from the client side a tiny software detects configuration, launch wizard, ... How ca...

What is the best way to correctly read a HTTP POST request from a socket byte stream?

I am accepting a POST request like so: Socket connection = m_connection; Byte[] receive = new Byte[1024]; int received = connection.Receive(receive); Console.WriteLine(received.ToString()); string request = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(receive); Console.WriteLine(request); The post values end up being weird, if I post text values a lot ...

How to read and write network sockets in Java ME on a device with simplex connectivity?

Dear all, I am working on a mobile communicator and after establishing connection to the server using following method (to illustrate that I am using StreamConnection, InputStream and OutputStream) I distribute inputStream and outputStream between two separate threads, lets call them Sender and Receiver. Connection method: private I...

Asynchronous connection

I need to use the function BeginConnect but then i havent been able to find any vivid example of its usage. So i want to have my callback function as say 'funct' how would the syntax be? The syntax is given in a lot of sites but i am getting a few errors when i use the method. Just send in a line that shows the usage of the method call....

Why PathPing is faster than Tracert ?

I wanted to know why PathPing is faster than Tracert. I googled a lot but was not satisfied with the answers I found, most of the answers talked about its features but not about why it is faster than tracert. Tracert works by incremental TTL and gathering response from every node until it reaches destination But how does PathPing work?...

Headless Linux -> broadcast IP to Windows workstation?

Hello I'd like to sell headless Linux servers to SOHO users. Typically, they'll have a DHCP-capable ADSL modem cum switch to which they'll connect their workstation and the server. In order to just show up with the server, I need to find a way to just plug the server into the switch to get an IP address from the modem, and then have th...

On interface up, possible to scan for a specific MAC address?

I admit the linux network system is somewhat foreign to me, I know enough of it to configure routes manually and assign a static IP if necessary. So quick question, in the ifconfig configuration files, is it possible to add a post connect hook to a python script then use a python script to reassign a hostname in /etc/hosts and spawn off...

Baffling networking question

Bit of a random question (and I know a lot of the technology invovled is not described) but are there any networking gurus out there that can answer what is probably a simple M$ networking question that has me baffled? Connected my laptop to the corporate network today in the same manner I do eveyday. I was allocated an IP address as pe...

Can I use the /etc/hosts file to configure an alias

The /etc/hosts file can be used to override dns definitions, i.e. to point an hostname to a different ip. I want to use /etc/hosts to make an alias record, i.e.e to make my computer think that does not point to a "hard coded" up but instead is synonym of Can it be done? ...

managing features on a license basis for a C++ app

Hi there, We are trying to offer a license mechanism for every feature our Linux application is running and we are thinking of controlling it in a centralized way using a license server: Our aim for licensing is: Deny features the operator has not bought. Offer trials (features which expire if they are not bought). Activate features ...

SLM248P Linksys/Cisco Switch Web Interface

I have some SLM248P linksys switchs. It says you can connect do it via a web browser. My question was how do i know the switches ip address is? ...

How to make Teredo hosts within a subnet talk to each other

While I can successfully ping a global address from my teredo-enabled end-host, I'm unable to connect two end-host within the same ipv4 subnet. We are running windows XP. Any thoughts? ...

What is the quickest way to HTTP GET in Python?

What is the quickest way to HTTP GET in Python if I know the Content will be a string? I am searching the docs for a quick one-liner like: contents = url.get("") But all I can find using Google are httplib and urllib - and I am unable to find a shortcut in those libraries. Does standard Python 2.5 have a sho...

Users can't connect remotely to MySQL

Problem Users from other IPs on the (Windows XP) LAN suddenly cannot connect to my local MySQL server. Background I've set up MySQL on my local Windows computer so that other computers on the network have access to the root account. I've added each IP as a host for root. Up to some weeks ago, things worked flawlessly and I could conne...

Is SCTP good for peer-to-peer apps?

I am considering using SCTP instead of TCP for a p2p app written in C. Should I do it? Also how does the speed of SCTP compare to the speed of TCP? EDIT: I found that SCTP can be tunneled over UDP with the only problem being tunneled SCTP is not interoperable with untunneled SCTP. ...

Correct way to close a socket and ObjectOutputStream? [Java]

Hi all, I am writing a networked application in Java, to communicate between the Client and the Server I am using Serialized objects to represent data/commands and sending them through object output/input streams. I am having problems cleanly closing the Connections, I assume that I am missing something fundamental that I do not really...