
How to bind an application to a particular network interface in LINUX?

How to do it? Like in windows, we have ForceBindIP see website ...

TCP Socket Testing

I have a class that receives data from a socket. What i'm looking for is a pre-existing application for testing sockets. For example I pass configuration data to the app which then fires up and sends a data to my 'receive' socket. It should also output debug information. Ive looked into hercules but I don't believe I can interop with it...

How to configure HAProxy to consolidate outbound appserver connections

I would like to use my HAProxy server to consolidate out bound application server requests. My application interacts with 3rd party, external services and I would like to be able to interact with these services using a single IP address. I would also like to be able to do this via HTTP and HTTPS. Any examples on the configuration to do t...

Developing a Hotspot billing system

Hello guys, My current project requires me to design a hotspot billing system whereby users connect to the wireless network and when they try to browse, they are prompted to enter their access code after which they will be allowed to browse for an allocated time. Now, the challenge is, i do not know hwere to start from. Any advise fro...

Win32 ,Multiple NIC computer , different DNS per NIC , how gethostbyname behaves ?

Hello SO, On a win32 multiple nic computer, how to force DNS resolving through gethostbyname() on a specific nic if all nics have different DNS configured and have the same metric ? Otherwise, how to know which DNS will be used to resolve names each time a gethostbyname() call will be performed by the application ? ...

Network programming abstraction, decomposition

I have a problem as follows: Server process 1 Constantly sends updates that occur to a datastore Server process 2 Clients contact the server, which queries the datastore, and returns a result The thing is, the results that process 1 and process 2 are sending back the client are totally different and unrelated. How does one deco...

URL routing, from to

Hello! If I have a website at, is it possible to get to point to so that when users browse at the directed site, they only see or how does it work? ...

Which method to use to set up a dynamic port mapper

I have a web app which relies on a number of back end services, and I would like to be able to dynamically switch between different instances of these services. So the thinking was to create an intermediate app which listens on some ports and redirects traffic as required. If I was dealing with pure HTTP I would look at doing this with...

Setting the Timeout in TCP

the timeout interval dynamically changes depending on the network. It is generally represented by TimeoutInterval = EstimatedRTT + 4*DevRTT But why do we you 4*DevRTT? Why can't it be 2*DevRTT?? ...

Get the correct local IP adress from java applet

I would like to determine the local IP adress from my java applet. The problem is when there are several IP adresses on the same machine, which has LAN and internet connections (palm, VMWare...). Here is my test : public static void main(String[] args) { try { String hostName = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(...

How do I make a TCP server work behind a router (NAT) without any redirection configuration needed.

The scenario is the following. I have two machines A and B: A: Client (behind NAT) B: Server (behind NAT) I want B to be able to listen on any given port, so that A can send packets to B through that specific TCP port and receive any response. If both machines are not behind a NAT it is pretty straight foward process. However how do I m...

tool to create and send test udp datagrams

hi there, im looking for sth like: udpsend [udp-data] [target-ip] [target-port] eg. c:\>udpsend "Hello, World" 4711 this should be out there anywhere, but i cant find it. thanks :) ...

How do I detect the presence/absence of internet connection on a machine?

I need to detect the presence/absence of internet connection. More precisely, let us suppose that the application is broken up into 2 parts - A and B. A is responsible for checking whether or not the system is connected to the internet. If it finds that there is no connection, it starts up part B. And as soon as it detects that there is...

.NET equivalent of MINA, GRIZZLY, NETTY... ?

Any existing framework specially for high performance network server app in .NET world? Thanks, ...

need to speed up my feed parsing and processing PHP

Hi I'm keeping my self busy working on app that gets a feed from twitter search API, then need to extract all the URLs from each status in the feed, and finally since lots of the URLs are shortened I'm checking the response header of each URL to get the real URL it leads to. for a feed of 100 entries this process can be more then a minu...

How to get this getnameinfo code working

i am getting the error ai_family not supported in call to getnameinfo. 1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <sys/types.h> 3 #include <unistd.h> 4 #include <sys/socket.h> 5 #include <netdb.h> 6 #include <arpa/inet.h> 7 #include <iomanip> 8 extern "C" { 9 #include "../../pg/include/errhnd.h" 10 } 11 12 using namespace st...

What package do i need to install for using routing sockets?

i am trying code given in Unix Network Programming by Richard Stevens. but i am not able to get the code to compile. here is the source code. i don't have the header file net/if_dl.h and the net/route.h header file does not include the constants and structu...

Is there a way to discover what different types of switches am I connected to?

I wanted to know if we could find out what type of switch our machine is directly connected to .. For instance if I am connected to a Cisco,Brocade,foundry and Force10 switch . Is it possible to write a perl script to find out the management address of the switch [without logging in] Is it possible to write a perl script to find out t...

httpconnection.getResponseCode() giving EOF exception

Hi, Im using Httconnection for connecting to webserver , somtimes request fails causing EOFException when calling httpconnection.getResponseCode(). im setting the following headers while making the connection HttpConnection httpconnection = (HttpConnection) .concat(";interface=wifi")); httpco...

How to use the opaque lsa in quagga

I need to use a opaque lsa option in ospf using quagga, this task is for enable traffic engineering in my network ...