
What is a TCP window update?

I'm making my own custom server software for a game in Java (the game and original server software were written with Java). There isn't any protocol documentation available, so I am having to read the packets with Wireshark. While a client is connecting the server sends it the level file in Gzip format. At about 94 packets into sending ...

Design for wire between server and access point and RF to endpoint device

We're about to design an inhouse industry network consisting basically of the following: 1 server connected via wire to up to 100 proprietary RF access points (basically embedded devices), which each can be connected via radio to up to 100 endpoint embedded devices. Something like this: Now, I'm wondering about some design decisions t...

What networking libraries/frameworks exist for Python?

I was wondering what good networking libraries/frameworks there are for Python. Please provide a link to the standard API documentation for the library, and perhaps a link to a decent tutorial to get started with it. A comment or two about its advantages/disadvantages would be nice as well. ...

Selecting optimal server without using ping?

I'm looking for the best approach for selecting the "optimal" network server. Use case: A user at home needs to access a network through any one of the geographically dispersed servers, and we want our desktop app to automatically select one in under a second. The servers block ICMP packets so ping won't work. We're thinking of sending H...

Blackberry - download and play video from web

I want to play video from a url in my Application...i want to first stream the video and store the data in a buffer and feed the data from the buffer to the player... ...

looking for a simple UDP packet generator

hi there, im looking for a simple (gui based) tool to send custom UDP packets. thanks! ...

Why is host aborting connection?

I'm teaching myself Python networking, and I recalled that back when I was teaching myself threading, I came across this page, so I copied the scripts, updated them for Python 3.1.1 and ran them. They worked perfectly. Then I made a few modifications. My goal is to do something simple: The client pickles an integer and sends it to t...

Does all HTTP trafic go through HTTP.SYS on Windows?

I know Microsoft created HTTP.SYS to increase the performance of IIS. My question though is does HTTP.SYS handle HTTP traffic for all apps? What about a JVM for instance, if its using Winsock to receive HTTP traffic, is HTTP.SYS transparently passing this data through the Winsock API? Or has Winsock been replaced by HTTP.SYS on newer ker...

How is google giving every page a rank out of 10?

Hello according to wikipedia:PageRank A probability is expressed as a numeric value between 0 and 1. A 0.5 probability is commonly expressed as a "50% chance" of something happening. Hence, a PageRank of 0.5 means there is a 50% chance that a person clicking on a random link will be directed to the document with the 0...

TCP Operation Timed Out

I've got a TCP server and client written in C that opens up a connection that should be open forever. On the first send, errno returns 0 which is fine. On subsequent sends it gives me an errno 60 which is that the operation timed out. The packet is still recieved by the server though and nothing seems to be wrong. What could cause the th...

How can I send network packets with Perl?

I'm trying to send a packet via Perl, I sniffed the traffic of the packet I want to send and the packet from wireshark is: 0000 00 19 e0 98 17 e8 00 1a 92 41 32 13 08 00 45 00 ........ .A2...E. 0010 00 a7 03 56 40 00 80 06 7f 5d c0 a8 01 64 5e 67 ...V@... .]...d^g 0020 57 2a ea a8 08 be 41 03 2a a1 5e 12 bf 5f 50 18 W*....A....

Multiple threads for multiple ports?

Hello, To start off, I don't know very much about network programming... So given that, I have a program (process) which needs to listen on 3 ports... Two are TCP and the other UDP. The two TCP ports are going to be receiving large amounts of data every so often (could be as little as every 5 minutes or as often as every 20 seconds...

Unit testing a Java multi-threaded network app

I am writing a Java multi-threaded network application and having real difficulty coming up with a way to unit test the object which sends and receives communication from network clients. The object sends out a message to a number of clients and then waits for responses from the clients. As each client responds, a dashboard-style GUI i...

How to enumerate all available WiFi networks using Delphi

How can I detect all WiFi networks availables using Delphi? ...

Wireshark ------- Source port: timbuktu-srv2 ?

Hello, all I am trying to establish peer to peer (UDP) communication via firefox extension. I have python program that works on command line. I built a xpcom component using it. But surprisingly I could only receive message through it from command line python program. We tried following ( All working on localhost ) : Firefox XPCOM co...

Jumping straight to network container

Hello, I am currently working on a project where I need to get all the computers inside a network resource. I am currently using WNetOpenEnum and its associated functions to find the computers, but as this is running on a large network, it takes a while to iterate through all the network workgroups. Is it possible just to 'jump' to a c...

Can an application affect TCP retransmits

I'm troubleshooting some communications issues and in the network traces I am occasionally coming across TCP sequence errors. One example I've got is: Server to Client: Seq=3174, Len=50 Client to Server: Ack=3224 Server to Client: Seq=3224, Len=50 Client to Server: Ack=3224 Server to Client: Seq=3274, Len=10 Client to Server: Ack=3224,...

How to build a server that can handle 20.000 concurrenct connections?

It's hard for me to go into exact detail on what the server needs to do (due to NDAs and what not), but it should be sufficient to say that it needs to handle a lightweight binary protocol with many concurrent connected users, ~20.000 is where we have a pretty decent estimate. Note that clients won't be sending/receiving constantly, but...

How to calculate the Network Bandwidth using Core Java

How to calculate the Network Bandwidth using Core Java Any pointers ...

In Ruby on Linux, how can I check for the existence of a named network interface like eth0?

In ruby 1.8.5, how can I check for the existence of a named network interface like eth0 or wan0 under linux? Even checking the existence would be a start. I'm aware that I could wrap a shell command to use ifconfig or somesuch, but would rather have a pure ruby solution. Another way of phrasing the question might be "If I was implemen...