
Are web-services THE defacto way of implementing client -> server communication when performance is not the dominating concern?

It seems that when people want to pass data from the client to the server, almost everybody just uses web services. Is the best way to do this when you don't need the performance of straight TCP? ...

Aggregated throughput of multiple connections (Linux)

Why do multiple connections from the same host achieve better throughput than multiple connections from different hosts? I suspect is something kernel-related (Linux) but a confirmation would help a lot. More details I have 1 receiver process, let's call it R. It accepts incoming connections and receives data using select(). I have 3 ...

Finding out if a message over tcp was delivered

When i send()/write() a message over a tcp stream, how can i find out if those bytes were successfully delivered? The receiver acknowledges receiving the bytes via tcp, so the senders tcp stack should know. But when I send() some bytes, send() immediately returns, even if the packet could not (yet) be delivered, i tested that on linux ...

get_file_contents fails with 400 response code

I have the strangest issue ever. I'm trying to get results of CGI script running on the same server with get_file_contents and it works everywhere except my local machine under Ubuntu. It works when I ask it to get url from different server (same script running on production), it works deployed on different server, I'm absolutely sure I...

Why are Route.EXE and WMI / IpHelper reporting different metrics?

When I call "route PRINT" from the command line in Windows XP I get (? characters are IP addresses I obfuscated intentionally for posting): Active Routes: Network Destination Netmask Gateway Interface Metric 25 0.0...

How to test if traffic through port is successful in iPhoneSDK?

Our application is using a few ports out of the standard ones (80 etc) and users are complaining that our app doesn't work but in fact it is their network that is restricting their access to those ports. Is there a way to detect this in the code so that we can warn them with some sort of error? ...

Standard way of using a single port for multiple sockets?

Hey I am writing an app in Twisted, and as it stands I have 4 servers bound two different ports all communicating with the client via JSON. Is there anyway to bind these 4 servers to the same port and have the interactions remain the same? For instance say the client subscribes to two different feeds, transmitted via a direct socket. R...

Server sockets question (sample code comment)

Hi, I am developing some additional stuff to the game server but I dont understand the code I recieved (however it works). I would be really happy if somebody could explain to me, why (in the recievedata method) there is socket list clearing and then again filling. I just cant see the point. this.mReceiveDataThread = new System.Threadin...

How to determine an incoming connection is from local machine

I have a SocketServer accepting incoming connections. For security reasons I should only allow local connections (connections from the machine on which server is running). How can I determine if an incoming connection is from another machine? Is the following code safe for this? Socket socket = someServerSocket.accept(); String remoteA...

unix network process

Hi, I was wondering how tcp/ip communication is implemented in unix. When you do a send over the socket, does the tcp/level work (assembling packets, crc, etc) get executed in the same execution context as the calling code? Or, what seems more likely, a message is sent to some other daemon process responsible for tcp communication? Th...

Detecting 'Network Cable Unplugged' in the Compact Framework

I've been through all of the Stack Overflow answers search comes up with, and neither Google or Bing are showing me any love. I need to know when a network cable has been connected or disconnected on a Windows CE device, preferrably, from a Compact Framework application. ...

How does speed bit video accelerator work?

What type of optimizations does speed bit video accelerator use. ...

sending DHCPINFORM message from non-DHCP client

Suppose I have static ip in a subnet that has DHCP server. If i gonna send DHCPINFORM message to the server, what will happen ? amit ...

Research documentation in cloud computing?

A well known company is promoting Cloud Computing research in my university, I would like to know where I can find good and trustworthy documentation about research in this subject. ...

Examples of OpenGL programs with networking code?

Hello, I'm wondering if anyone has/knows of any examples of networking code integrated with OpenGL. Basically, I need to send position coordinates of something over a network to my OpenGL display... which would then draw the object at the correct position. The problem I'm having is integrating my UDP code with the game. I basically ...

how to get started in p2p networking programming ?

I want to learn how to write a software using a peer to peer networking architecture but i don't know where to start, knowing that I use as a programming languages : c/c++ , lisp, a little of python. any pointer to documentation or tutorials is appreciated. ...

How can I setup a network connection for a hosted OS in Virtual PC, when the host OS doesnt have a network connection?

I just want a connection to talk between the hosted and the host OS's. ...

Getting HTTP xml error response using cURL

Hi I am currently using cURL to communicate to a cloud site... everything is going well except for an annoying issue. The issue is that I cannot get the site's xml response when there is an error. for example, when I use Wire Shark to check the transfer I can see that in the HTTP header that I'm getting which contains the error code; th...

Is there an alternative to inet_ntop / InetNtop in Windows XP?

I'm trying to compile beej's guide to network programming examples, but Windows XP doesn't have such a function. I'm using mingw, if it makes any difference. ...

detect ip conflict using C#

Is there any way to detect the message IP conflict? I will be using this in a thread in my program. ...