
how to modify this code to include logging of ip address to another file

please look at the simple php webpage code below how can modify my code so that a log file is created on my server which logs each visitor's ip and whether it was successfully redirected to the correct page . something like that. <?php $a = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if ( $a == "" ) { header("Location: ad_sams_...

Platform ID in SERVER_INFO_101 Structure

Is there more precise documentation what PLATFORM_ID_DOS, PLATFORM_ID_OS2, PLATFORM_ID_NT, PLATFORM_ID_OSF, or PLATFORM_ID_VMS mean? The constants are defined in the lmcons.h file. Values can be got within the SERVER_INFO_100, SERVER_INFO_101, or SERVER_INFO_102 struct. Obviously PLATFORM_ID_NT means an NT-based platform. What's about...

Problem running Blackberry App without BES

I'm developing a Blackberry Application that does quite a bit of networking, using HttpConnections and InputStreams. I've been testing it in an environment where it has access to a BES, but will be demoing it with only wireless. Some preliminary testing on a Bold 9000 shows that although the web browser of the phone can get onto the in...

how to get all the system names connected to LAN using java?

Hi all, I want to get all the systems connected in a LAN? Can anyone suggest me? ...

Networking in C/C++?

I am a begginer C++ programmer. In C#, I used the System.Net.Sockets.Socket class, which represents a networking socket, to create/connect a server. How can I do the same thing in C/C++? Are there any classes like this? ...

Twisted: source IP address for outbound connections

I'm in the process of implementing a service -- written in Python with the Twisted framework, running on Debian GNU/Linux -- that checks the availability of SIP servers. For this I use the OPTIONS method (a SIP protocol feature), as this seems to be a commonplace practice. In order to construct correct and RFC compliant headers, I need...

Receiving data in TCP

If i send 1000 bytes in TCP, does it guarantee that the receiver will get the entire 1000 bytes "togther"? or perhaps he will first only get 500 bytes, and later he'll receive the other bytes? EDIT: the question comes from the application's point of view. If the 1000 bytes are reassembles into a single buffer before they reach the appli...

Loopback adapter name in Linux

Is it safe to assume that the loopback network adapter on a Linux system will always be called 'lo' - is this just a naming convention that may not be adhered to, or must it always be the case? ...

Client server application

Hi, Can any one please provide me the sample client and server application in win32, i just want to make my machine as server and client.. if i send a data from client i should be able to see at server, vice versa.. Thanks GrabIt ...

Testing NAT Breakthrough Code

I am very interested in at least trying to implement NAT break through for my senior project. (I am doing a networking API). It's not even a requirement of my project, just a interest of mine. I know the basics of how it works, correct me if I'm wrong: Two clients connect to a server that isn't behind a NAT and this server, knowing the I...

TCP Socket Sending Delays and Retransmission

I have a .NET 3.5 C# application that sends 2000-6000 byte packets to a linux machine running sles 10. The machines are on the same subnet. About 90% of the time, everything works fine. The linux machine processes my request and responds in 5-15ms. But about 10% of the time, there is an approx 200ms-800ms delay. Looking at the logs ...

Windows Explorer slow to open networked computer, fast to navigate once opened

I open Windows Explorer and enter an IP for a computer on my home network (\ It takes 30 seconds or more to present a list of the shared folders. Once they appear, navigating through folders and opening files is fast. Suspecting that the remote computer was being automatically indexed or something, I went into Tools->Fold...

does google talk use udp or tcp packets?

is it possible to determine whether google talk uses tcp or udp packets for transmission. i know it uses the xmpp protocol at the application layer, but does it run over tcp or udp. ...

API to set credentials for wired 802.1X in Windows

Hello, Is there any API to set user credentials programmatically for a wired 802.1X profile in Windows Vista/XP SP3 ? The corresponding API for wireless is WlanSetProfileEapXmlUserData (...) or WlanSetProfileEapUserData (...). Can the same functionality be achieved for a wired 802.1X profile is some way ? Thanks, crimsonbloat. ...

Not Receiving All Packets - Visual Basic Sockets - Async

Here's the code on the sending side of my sockets: Private Sub Send(ByRef Buffer() As Byte) Dim obj_StateObject As New StateObject obj_StateObject.WorkSocket = m_tmpSocket m_tmpSocket.BeginSend(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, New AsyncCallback(AddressOf OnClientSendComplete), obj_StateObject) ...

What is a protocol stack ?

I heard this term many times when I came across some protocol implementations, but could not imagine how 'protocol' relates to 'stack'? Is the stack used here literally a Stack data structure? If so why do we require stacks of protocols at client and server for communication. ...

Finding the end of a zlib compressed stream

I'm working on an NMDC client (p2p, DC++ and friends) with Qt. The protocol itself is pretty straightforward: $command parameters| Except for compression: "ZPipe works by sending a command $ZOn| to the client. After $ZOn a ZLib compressed stream containing commands will follow. This stream will end with an EOF that ZLib defines. ...

Open source library or class that punches through NAT/Firewalls for P2P data transfer

I'm looking for some C#/.NET library that I can use to do some NAT-Punching for multi-player game development. Using a central server to establish initial connection is OK, but ideally connections would drop into p2p mode after initial communication with server. ...

What is Connection?

I am getting confused between TCP being Connection oriented and UDP being connectionless so please somebody clarify this. Every communication between two computers whether its TCP or UDP is via packets. There is no hard wire connection between two peers whether its TCP or UDP. Then why TCP is said to be connection oriented just because...

Determining webservice outbound IP Address

My business has a .NET web service (not WCF) hosted in IIS on a server which has four network interfaces. The service makes calls to an external web service, hosted by a third party. In order to configure firewalls correctly internally and at the third party, we need to know which of the available IP addresses on the server the web ser...