
Sockets On Same Machine For Windows and Linux

How efficient is it to use sockets when doing IPC as compared to named pipes and other methods on Windows and Linux? Right now, I have 4 separate apps on 4 separate boxes that need to communicate. Two are .NET 3.5 applications running on Windows Server 2003 R2. Two are Linux (Suse Linux 10). They're not generally CPU bound. The amou...

How do i measure how much data has been sent over a C# socket

I'm building an application that needs to charge users based on the exact bandwidth used by their connections. I could of course keep track of how many bytes i pass to/from send/receive but that doesn't include IP packet overhead which i'd very much like to include since we're talking lots of small packets of varying size. I could es...

Running a simple TCP server with poll(), how do I trigger events "artificially"?

I have a fairly basic TCP server keeping track of a couple connections and recv'ing data when it's available. However, I'd like to artificially trigger an event from within the program itself, so I can send my TCP server data as if it came from sock1 or sock2, but in reality came from somewhere else. Is this possible, or at all clear? s...

Network link between multiple VirtualBox machines

I am trying out a conferencing application (BigBlueButton). For this I created an Ubuntu virtual machine that functions as the application server. On this machine I can test the application by navigating to the app url (for example I also created a second virtual machine that should function as a client. On this mach...

How to thread/which thread to use for background DLing .NET

I am writing front end app that connects to a DB and downloads any package it needs for a specified project. The user should be able to close the app which will not start any more DLs and wait for the current to finish and an option to forcefully close which will disconnect the current download and quit. The files i am downloading may b...

Capture IE resource requests

I am trying to create a custom HTTP request/response logger for Internet Explorer. In my application I have an embedded browser object. I have a pointer to IWebBrowser2 interface. This interface has BeforeNavigate2() and DocumentComplete() methods that get invoked only for base page requests. However those methods don’t get invoked fo...

Multithreaded server, bottleneck question

Hi, I am developing a multithread server which works nice so far - 1 separate thread for client accepting, threadpool for data reading and processing. Today I have added new thread for doing some stuff and sending messages to client every 500 ms (just 2-5 messages). I have noticed quite massive slowdown but Im not sure why - its separate...

32-bit to 16-bit Floating Point Conversion

I need a cross-platform library/algorithm that will convert between 32-bit and 16-bit floating point numbers. I don't need to perform math with the 16-bit numbers; I just need to decrease the size of the 32-bit floats so they can be sent over the network. I am working in C++. I understand how much precision I would be losing, but that...

Multiplayer UDP networking strategy, advice needed.

I'm attempting to create a C++ plugin for a realtime 3D game. Although I believe to have a firm grasp on the theory of UDP, how it works, what its strengths and weaknesses are, my primary matter of concern is performance, scalability and likely statistics. I am aware that I probably know only about a drop in the oceans worth when it come...

iPhone Network Connection after kIOMessageSystemHasPoweredOn

I've built an app that runs in the background (jailbroken phone, Ver. 3.0/7A341) that checks my website every hour. When the device goes to sleep, I set a time to wake up if it stays asleep My app wakes up fine, then tries to make a network connection, but no luck. I've tried what iphone-3g-connection-enabling recommends (NSURLConnecti...

Lots of ports with little data, or one ports with lots of data?

I've been checking out using a system called ROS ( for some work. There are lots of different types of data that get sent between network nodes in ROS. You define a struct of data that you want to send in a message, and ROS will handle opening a specific port between the two nodes that will only send that struct of da...

gethostbyname problem

I wish to use "gethostbyname" in my Suse m/c but it is not returning any structure. but on the other systems it is working fine what could be the issue with my m/c ?? ...

FileExists timeout

Possible Duplicate: Faster DirectoryExists function? I want to check if some file exists on a network drive. But FileExists is too slow if drive is disconnected. How can I check it with some timeout? Examples are welcome. ...

How to create a Boost.Asio socket from a native socket?

I am merely trying to create a boost ip::tcp::socket from an existing native socket. In the assign function, the first parameter must be a "protocol_type" and the second must be a "native_type", but it never explains what these are or gives an example of its use. I'm guessing the second should be the socket descriptor, but I'd really ap...

Downloading data to a PIC micro from the web

I have a client that would like a small PIC board that plugs into a PC's USB as a dongle in HID mode. It would basically just transfer small amounts of data over RF to another device across the room. They would like the data to come from the web. ie. user clicks a link in their browser which wakes up the PIC board and begins a download t...

UDP real-time games in Flash/Flex available Open source RTMFP implementation

Are there any examples of using the Flash 10 beta RTMFP UDP based protocol to build real-time Flash games. The RTMFP examples so far seem to focus on P2P networking between flash clients does anyone know of any examples of traditional client/server UDP based communication over RTMFP. Does anyone know the ability of RTMFP to do NAT firew...

How to check network connection type in Blackberry?

Hi All, In Blackberry application I want to check what type of network connection is being used on particular phone, whether it is BES/MDS,BIS-B or Direct Tcp. Is there any way to find out this? Many applications like Jive,Opera and many more are doing this kind of check. Please help. ...

How to test drive a networking application with custom protocol?

I'm currently developing two Java networking applications for school projects. One over TCP and the other one over UDP. In both I have to implement simple custom protocol. Even though I'm trying pretty hard, I can't find a way how to correctly test this kind of apps, or better develop with test first development. If I have a client and...

Can select() be used for clients, not just servers?

I'd like to make a TCP client that makes multiple connections while a select() loop that receives data from them is running in a separate thread. I'm not sure this is possible, though, because the select() loop is already running and thus I don't see how it would "notice" a new socket was added even if the thread-safety issues are dealt ...

How To Mutex Across a Network?

I have a desktop application that runs on a network and every instance connects to the same database. So, in this situation, how can I implement a mutex that works across all running instances that are connected to the same database? In other words, I don't wan't that two+ instances to run the same function at the same time. If one is...