
How do you quickly check if a network location exists using Delphi 5?

Possible Duplicates: Speed up File.Exists for non existing network shares Faster DirectoryExists function? We need to write text to a file on our network, but there may be a situation where that location does not exist and we need to write to another location instead. How do you check quickly that a network location exists? At...

facebook app django server connection

I am creating a Facebook app in Python + Django. I followed all the instructions mentioned on this page: But it ended up giving me this error: The URL is not valid. Please try aga...

BlackBerry - Question about signing, deploy and networking

hi i have developed an j2me application, which uses these api's: import javax.microedition.lcdui.Item; import javax.microedition.lcdui.ChoiceGroup; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Form; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Display; import javax.microedition.lcdui.TextField; import javax.microedition.lcdui.List; import javax.microedition.lcdu...

Forcing a WWAN connection on iPhone, even when Wi-Fi is available

I need to make a network connection over WWAN (i.e. the mobile network) on an iPhone, even when the device is connected to a Wi-Fi network, however I can't find a way to do this. I've tried going down to the socket level and iterating through the available interfaces, however when connected to Wi-Fi, the WWAN interface (pdp_ip0) disappe...

What could cause the dead loop, indicated by print "Dead loop on virtual device " in linux kernel?

The print comes when the 'current lock owner' of a kernel resource is current CPU. I don't know what could lead to this condition. Couldn't find much on the net. Anyone debugged this? ...

Getting an iPhone app communicating with an Adobe Air desktop app

I am creating a desktop version of an iPhone app and would like to have some sort of sync option. The desktop version of the app is an Air app. I know that I can have them communicate by: Starting a server on the desktop or the phone Ask the user to enter the IP of the device into the other one Make GET and POST requests over the htt...

UDP Problem With Non-Reception

Hello, I am new to Network Programming, and I am having a problem with some code I've been testing as the basis of a LAN chat program. Server Code: public static void Main() { UdpClient publisher = new UdpClient("", 8899); UdpClient subscriber = new UdpClient("", 8800); IPAddress addr = IP...

Do ping requests put a load on a server?

I have a lot of clients (around 4000). Each client pings my server every 2 seconds. Can these ping requests put a load on the server and slow it down? How can I monitor this load? Now the server response slowly but the processor is almost idle and the free memory is ok. I'm running Apache on Ubuntu. ...

Avoiding TIME_WAIT

I'm trying to avoid TIME_WAIT in a client. I connect and then set O_NONBLOCK and SO_REUSEADDR. I call read until it returns 0. When read returns 0, the errno is also 0. I interpreted this as a sign that the server closed the connection. However, if I call close, the socket is set to TIME_WAIT, as confirmed by netstat. Since I make ...

Sending an object over the Internet

I define a class, and then I instate an object of that class type. I want to send this object to another Java application running on a different computer transparently. What is the best technology to accomplish this? ...

C select() writefds

I am having trouble understanding what it means to add a descriptor to writefds set for select() in linux. I wrote some simple code that adds the descriptor for stdout to the writefds set and uses a timeout of NULL. Now, my code just infinite loops checking if this descriptor is set, and if it does, it prints "WRITING". When I run my cod...

PHP: Stop the auto appending of for the "From" field using email

Hey guys/gals, I want to be able to send texts to phones via email (since each phone has their own address), and for specifying the from, I want to specify my own number, is there a way to do this? For example: $from = '7785555555'; if(mail($to, $subject, $message, "From: $from")) echo "Mail sent"; If I do this, the From in the em...

BlackBerry - App connects to webservice on simulator, but not on device

hi, i have developed an application, that gets installed in the mobile phone. The brief information of application is it is accessing web services, from another machine. Now i tested the application on the simulator in 2 ways 1) MDS: in the application , there is a url of the machine, where web services are present. this url is in t...

How do I set the Alternate DNS server?

Hi. I'm trying to set the Alternate DNS Server using .NET. I have managed to set the main DNS server by using this bit of code. ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"); ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances(); foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc) ...

Determine asymmetric latencies in a network

Imagine you have many clustered servers, across many hosts, in a heterogeneous network environment, such that the connections between servers may have wildly varying latencies and bandwidth. You want to build a map of the connections between servers my transferring data between them. Of course, this map may become stale over time as th...

TCP/IP and designing networking application

i'm reading about way to implemnt client-server in the most efficient manner, and i bumped into that link : saying : "Concurrent connections should not exceed two, except in special purpose applications. Exceeding two concurrent connections results in wasted resources. A ...

Network Communication between a java socket (server) and a C++ socket (client)

I know this must be a pretty common problem, but I haven't been able to find a definitive answer on how to do it. First, assume we have a java server that accepts queries such as (I've just put the relevant lines, and I've taken out the exception handling for clarity): ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(port); while (true) ...

Access data passing through the networkcard using C++

Hi, Is there a way to control the data coming from the internet from specific address through the network card before it received by the kernel of the operating system using C++ or any language? In another word, Is there a way to access OSI Seven Layer Model using C++ to control the data passing through any layer of the seven layer or ...

Voice Communication over TCP/IP

Hello, I'm currently developing application using DirectSound for communication on an intranet. I've had working solution using UDP but then my boss told me he wants to use TCP/IP for some reason. I've tried to implement it in pretty much the same way as UDP, but with very little success. What I get is basically just noise. 20% of it is...

In need of a SOCKS5 server library

I'd like help finding a library that adds SOCKS5 server functionality to my program. Please note, I do not want to connect to a SOCKS proxy server; rather, I want to actually run a SOCKS proxy server within my program. While there appears to be many SOCKS servers, they certainly were not built with the intention of being used as librari...