
How to draw social networking graph?

Hello, I want to implement social networking graph for companies and employees in my PHP CRM System. Do you know any php related technology or else can do this? Thanks a lot. Edit: chart -> graph ...

Can't create socket on Windows

I have quite an embarrassing problem. The following code simply will not create a socket on Windows; it fails and displays the error message. Could anyone briefly explain why this might be? I'm incredibly confused and frustrated that something so simple is failing. Thank you. int sock; if( (sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0 ) ...

Get remote MAC address using Python and Linux

How do I get the MAC address of a remote host on my LAN? I'm using Python and Linux. ...

Should Developers be on their own network within the company?

Does anyway have any information or opinion on if the developers should be in a separate network then the rest of the regular network users? What would be the benefit for them? The reason I ask is that we have a dev network that just has development servers, we also have stagin and production. Neither of these networks have a user ba...

intercepting network data from a particular program

Hello, im looking for a way to detect, and capture data being sent TO and FROM a specific program, ive attempted to use something like wireshark but it all seems to be a bunch of nonsense to me, so i was wondering if anybody could help me get the data, translate it into text, to allow for editing, and then to resend the new edited infor...

Nonblocking sockets with Select

I do not understand what the difference is between calling recv() on a non-blocking socket vs a blocking socket after waiting to call recv() after select returns that it is ready for reading. It would seem to me like a blocking socket will never block in this situation anyway. Also, I have heard that one model for using non blocking sock...

Troubleshooting an SSL flood

Users connect to our webserver via https, and stay on a secured connection throughout their use of our service. A typical user session will establish a small handful of connections to the server (one or two). There are a very small number of exceptions we are trying to track down. Particular users will intermittently have handfuls of ...

no route.h on the iPhone SDK

I am trying to build some code that is originally target at OSX/BSD/Linux for the iPhone. It uses struct rt_msghdr from route.h but as it turns out this header is not available in the iPhone SDK. Looks like the function tries to find the available bind addresses as a list of struct addrinfo. Does anyone have a suggestion how to proceed...

SMTP Settings Not working for Hotmail

Username : [email protected] Password : yyyyyyyy Pop3: Port: 995 SSL : TRUE sMTP : Port : 587 SSL : TRUE (Pott : 25 also not working) These are the details i gave: POP3 settings accepted and SMTP settings throw Exception: " Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?" I g...

Generating all IP addresses in the IPv4 Range

What would be a efficient way to generate all possible IP v4 addresses? other than iterating all bytes in a one giant nested for loop. ...

How to applications listen in local network on internet ?

I was wondering that how application like skype ( a popular chat client ) works in local network with one router, How it can listen on particular port? for example:= In one network A and B are two machines running skype , gateway of both is G1, now how A and B will have same IP on internet that is of G1, but how can they ensure that...

Possible methods to send the output of a PHP-invoked .exe program (that runs as a separate process, not in PHP) back to the iPhone client

My iPhone client app uploads a data to the server, which runs on PHP. There is a code to invoke a .exe program on the server side on PHP. The .exe program will take the uploaded data and run on a process on its own. That means the PHP execution will end without waiting for the .exe program to finish. After the .exe program finished proce...

Blackberry http connection using WiFi when not entering event dispatcher

My application can run in 2 modes first one instantiates itself after going into main() enters event dispatcher then works as normal. MyApp theApp = new MyApp(); theApp.enterEventDispatcher(); In another (used to update some background stuff) it does not enter into event dispatcher just runs an http request and does some extra stuff. ...

What types of networking/authentication issues could you encounter when applications on different platforms interact over local and remote networks?

My boss has asked me to look into this question but I'm not sure where to begin to research it. Any tips on the types of topics I should be looking into? ...

Java Sockets and Dropped Connections

What's the most appropriate way to detect if a socket has been dropped or not? Or whether a packet did actually get sent? I have a library for sending Apple Push Notifications to iPhones through the Apple gatways (available on GitHub). Clients need to open a socket and send a binary representation of each message; but unfortunately Ap...

Caveats of select/poll vs. epoll reactors in Twisted

Everything I've read and experienced ( Tornado based apps ) leads me to believe that ePoll is a natural replacement for Select and Poll based networking, especially with Twisted. Which makes me paranoid, its pretty rare for a better technique or methodology not to come with a price. Reading a couple dozen comparisons between epoll and ...

TCP disconnection if no data

Hi! I've checked out TCP protocol Wiki, but haven't found, if socket connection will time out if no data is transferred during the long period. I mean.. there will be no physical problems, but two computers will just have no data to send each other for some time. How connection will still exist? Will there be some low-level data transfer...

How do I implement port redirecting/mapping on windows?

I am programming a web proxy that is installed on client machines (same machine as the web browser). I would like for all traffic that is web traffic to get redirected into my proxy server. I am using a windows operating system (XP, Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Vista, Windows 7). What would I need to do, to redirect all internet traff...

Read-Write UDP connected sockets?

We are trying to get two programs to communicate with each other in a game-like fashion. They maintain a TCP connection with a central server for "control" type information, which that central server ensures both clients receive. The two clients then communicate with a udp server using sendto() and recvfrom() which just sends the infor...

Software development using SNMP

Hi!! I would like to write a code in java for network management and monitoring using snmp. Can somebody tell me how to go about with this? what are the inputs that are needed? Thanks, ann ...