
Limit Virtual machine network bandwidth in Micrisoft Virtual PC

Hello I'm testing a ClickOnce application in a Micrisoft Virtual PC Virtual Machine, and I would like to know if there is a way to limit the network bandwidth for the VM to test the application in a "slow" network. Any clue? Best regards, Paulo ...

Correlation between RTT and distance

Can anyone explain to me the correlation between RTT and distance as well as how to calculate it please? ...

Bonjour/Socket Win32 based app has trouble with some software firewalls

We have a Win32 based app that uses Bonjour to advertise itself, but plain ol sockets to actually communicate. On a regular XP, Vista, or 7 system using the Windows firewall service we have no issues. We have our installer set to allow ourselves through the firewall. But if a user installs McAfee as an example, even if they click to all...

How do I decipher garbled/gibberish characters in my networking program

I am working on a client-server networking app in Java SE. I am using stings terminated by a newline from client to server and the server responds with a null terminated string. In the output window of Netbeans IDE I am finding some gibberish characters amongst the strings that I send and receive. I can't figure out what these characte...

Sending data async over network with prefetching in .NET

If you have ever used SQL Server Management Studio, you would have noticed how query results begin to show in the viewer before the query is finished and all results are received by the client. I am looking to implement (reuse) that functionality for my own data store / data streaming farm. Client sends a query to the server and gets ...

How to ping the snmp devices for a range of IP addresses using java (thread)?

Hi All, I need to create a thread pool to ping a range of ip addresses simultaneously using java language. Please help me out. Edited 1 If there are lots of thread created, then whether we have to call stop() method explicitly to stop the thread? or will it be taken care? ...

How can I get a callback when there is some data to read on a boost.asio stream without reading it into a buffer?

It seems that since boost 1.40.0 there has been a change to the way that the the async_read_some() call works. Previously, you could pass in a null_buffer and you would get a callback when there was data to read, but without the framework reading the data into any buffer (because there wasn't one!). This basically allowed you to writ...

Making a TCP connection through a restrictive outbound firewall

I'm using Java to create a client/server application that communicates using TCP. The network that the client is running on has an outbound firewall that prevents the client from connecting to the server. Is there any way/workaround to create a TCP connection through this firewall? I have tried to use common ports that are open such as ...

Testing a slow connection

I am hearing of a report that my website crashes, when she is at home. She has not had a problem with the website in the past, and the only factor seems to come when she is at home, where her internet connection is dialup. My site is only 140KB, but it does use Scriptaculous and jsMath libraries. The latter one has an error when loa...

Neutral Messaging Language and XML

Hello guys, I have a question, quite desperate at the moment, because i couldn't find any proper info on the internet. Do you some how know the connection of NML and XML. I know that we can send XML messages in client and server architecture, for example, but is there any example of how NML is used? I know it is like a protocol, organi...

Correlation between RTT and geographical distance

Cany one explain what sort of correlation exists positive or negative between RTT and geographical distance?. How is it calculated ...

How to build "Auto Detect Proxy Settings" In Windows and in Mac

What are the steps to implement that feature in 1) Windows and 2) in Mac? I went through these, still I am not very clear! I am using C/C++ in Windows and in Mac. So, Win API or Mac API will be enough. I am also confused because Mac Firefox has also has a option "Use system proxy settings", which is not present in Windows Firefox. Thes...

Which books should I buy to find out about the internals of software?

I'm a student pursuing my post graduate degree. I got some fund to buy books. I want to choose books wisely. I'm interested in internals of things. I'm never satisfied with just knowing how to use something. I also want to know Why? How it works? etc.. I already have: Windows Internals Programing windows - 5th edition Databa...

How to add an IP address to an existing network adapter in Windows?

I am trying to add a new IP address to a local network adapter in Windows using the Windows API. Are there functions to do this in the Windows API, and if so, what are they? I am not trying to create virtual network adapters, but simply trying to assign multiple IP addresses to the same adapter. ...

Network Packet Inspector in Mac OSX

I'm trying to create a network packet inspector. I know you can do this with libpcap, but it's not a sniffer, i need to forge network packet, before it was sent on network. (sending via socks server) I found 2 ways to do this : Using an NKE. (Network Kernel Extension) Using a DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES to insert a library to hook network...

Using a specific network interface for a socket in windows

Is there a reliable way in windows, apart from changing the routing table, to force a newly created socket to use a specific network interface (I understand that bind() to the interface's IP address does not guarantee this)? ...

Remote Management and Data Capture: WCF, SQL Sync, SyncFramework, BITS or something else?

We have a few thousand Windows XP client machines on various customer sites that are all running some interactive software which is instrumented to collect anonymous usage data. The client machines use some old, old, old client-server software that uploads the data to an internet-based server, pushes configuration info back down to them ...

Seg fault with open command when trying to open very large file

I'm taking a networking class at school and am using C/GDB for the first time. Our assignment is to make a webserver that communicates with a client browser. I am well underway and can open files and send them to the client. Everything goes great till I open a very large file and then I seg fault. I'm not a pro at C/GDB so I'm sorry if t...

How to detect network breakage using java program?

Hi, Is there any way to detect the network breakage or weaker network, using Java? ...

Transmitting hand-written information over a network

A teacher is writing on a blackboard and we want to pass all the information on the blackboard over a low-bandwidth network in real-time. How do we do it? In one interview, I faced this question. ...