
HTTPS Authentication and Cookies via Java

I am trying to login and retrieve status information from a HTTPS URL via Java programming. I login through /login.cgi, providing the username and password with a POST request to that script. The script then verifies the credentials and creates a specific cookie (with session information, user name, etc.) and then immediately calls a L...

Introducing errors in client-server transmission

I'm in a Math class about coding theory and we have to do a project for our term mark. My project is a client with an echo server, which shows what errors were introduced in the trip from the client to the server, and then back. And test different error correcting schemes for efficiency and how well they are suited to this task. The ...

how to create a vpn software

I want to create an application which creates a VPN between some endpoints, something like hamachi and i do not have a starting point. I haven't found any resource to explain how to create such a network application.I want to use c# because i have some experience with it. I really need some help, anything that can put me on the right way...

Stable way of retrieving the external IP for a host behind a NAT

Basically I want to display a hosts external public facing IP address regardless of whether or not it is part of a natted lan. What I'm doing now is just connecting to and retrieving it from there. I just don't know if I trust that site as a stable source. Is there some authority that facilitates this? ...

Simple networking help (C# WinForms)

Hi All I'd like my app to be able to communicate with itself via the internet but this is proving to be impossible for me. One thing I've never been able to work out is Tcp or the whole networking thing in general. I have read the docs and seen literally over 30 samples, none of which have ever worked. All I'm trying to do is send a m...

centralizing my objective C app's networking code

I am trying to centralize my app's networking code. Basically, in any of the various places that need information from a server, I create an object serverRequest of my class ServerRequest to get the information. When ServerRequest is done, it needs to send the information back to the calling object. Of course it should work asynchrono...

Difference between DatagramSocket and DatagramChannel

For this semester in university, we have to write networked games (in java) in teams of 4. I have volunteered to work on the networking code for my team. Reading up on java networking, it seems there are two UDP methods of networking: This is a standard looking UDP so...

Data serialization

Dear folks, I've got an objective-c/cocoa based application that I'm working on. This app is client<->server. Currently, the communcation protocol is based upon some fairly simple XML. While XML works for this task, it is not ideal in any aspect. It's a pain to serialize data to XML, it's not particularly light-weight, and difficult to i...

Networking -- Padding of Data

For a homework assignment, I was tasked with creating a "Ping Pong" layer that sits right above the Ethernet stack. I was able to easily complete the task but when I tested my application over my wireless connection and tried communication with my desktop computer (ethernet) on the same network I found some odd behavior. It seems like ...

How do I create virtual ethernet devices in linux?

I am testing an implementation of a protocol that talks between two computers using ethernet (not IP). In order to not actually have to have two physical computers, I want to create two virtual ethernet interfaces. These would only be able to talk to each other, so one endpoint program would bind to one interface and the other endpoint w...

When multiple computers have identical IP addresses, how can you connect to one of them programmatically?

Hi, This question is a bit hard to phrase and I'm not sure if I understand the underlying issue, but here goes: I have a java chat program. I run it using 2 jar files - a server and a client. You run the server in the background on a computer, and then when you run the client you just have to enter the ip address of the computer that's ...

Difficulties displaying the text in simple client/server chat program (current input gets displayed) - C

I am writing a chat program for my networking class and I have all the networking setup perfectly. My problem is if a client is currently writing a message and he receives a message from a different client then his current input gets displayed with the received message. For example if a client is writing a message "Hi there how are yo...

Multiple writes in boost::asio to a single socket

I couldn't find any thing about what happens if you try to do a second write to a boost::asio socket before a previous one completed. This seems like something that could potentially happen in many asynchronous programs (since after doing the first write, the program will then continue before waiting for it to finish, potentially causing...

How does CDN DNS Work

Recently, I saw I introduction on CDN at I was wondering, why user's web browser will know it need to contact Aflexi DNS Server in Los Angeles, but not DNS Server provided by ISP (Like AOL)? Thanks! ...

Looking for a library for simple protocol implementation

Hello, I need to implement a simple over-the-network interaction in C++ and I've been wondering whether there are libraries that do that already. My protocol basically sends messages and receives responses. Each message is just a set of 3-4 values of basic data types. I would like to find a library (or libraries) that can do one or more...

Matplotlib in Python - Drawing shapes and animating them

So I'm representing a token ring network (doing the simulation in SimPy), I'm a totally newbie to matplotlib, but I was told that it'd be really good for representing my simulation visually. So I googled around and found out how to draw shapes and lines - using add_patch and add_line respectively to the axes (I believe). So now I have t...

SSL: How are certificates protected against man in the middle attacks?

My question is about certificates specifically in ssl but I think the questions should apply to all certificates. I have included the SSL procedure for the sake of clarity. In SSL this is what I understand to be the procedure: 1)Client sends supported crypto algorithms sends client nonce 2) Server chooses (and sends) a sy...

LLTD Map generation question

How does the LLTD (Link layer topographic discovery) used by win7 and vista discover switches and such? I've successfully made a program to capture and decode the LLTD responses, however, I cant find any info regarding stations in the decoded info. <-- what I have found from the responses this far. Any ide...

Question about TCP/IP port binding

Hello, I would like to know whether a server application will always answer on the same port? I have read somewhere that in order to keep listening on the "listening" port, the server will use different port. Could anybody provide me with more details? Thanks! ...

Accessing web services localhost from computer on network

Hi there, I'm trying to develop an iPhone application to consume a Web Service written in C#. I want to be able to access the web page through the localhost on my PC (http://localhost:54053/Service1.asmx) so I don't have to push the Web Service live just yet. Any recommendations on how to do this? Thank you very much. ...