
How to discover the MAC address of machines in and over a network?

How do I discover the MAC address of machines in a network? I need to discover the machines that are available just with only BIOS installed (no Operating System present). And I need to find the mac address of such machines that are up. I won't have physical access to the machines. this is for baremetal discovery! ...

Connect to a map network drive

I Have a batch file in a server in my network. I maped that shared folder (that batch file exist in it) every time that I want to run that batch file first I should have to connect to that network drive(with username and password) How can I do it in my code . Is there any way? I want to connect to that network drive by code in my form_lo...

Trouble calculating with CRC (computer math)

Hi So I have a CRC polynomial x3 + x1 + 1 on a letter 'P' I need to divide the binary code of 'P' by the polynomial But I'm stuck at this point.. 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 000 | 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 | --------- | 1 1 1 0 0 ? 1 0 1 1 I don't understand what to do with the 1 in front? Does someone know an answer here? ...

What % of traffic is network overhead on top of HTTP/S requests

If we: 1) Count bytes/bits at the network adapter level (raw # of bits through the NIC) and, 2) Count bytes in all HTTP/S request/responses. Assuming only HTTP/S traffic is on the box, and assuming a statistically relevant amount of "typical" web traffic: I want to know about how much more traffic will be counted at the NIC level than ...

Practical NAT traversal for reliable network connections

I've seen and read a lot of similar questions, and the corresponding Wikipedia articles (NAT traversal, STUN, TURN, TCP hole punching), but the overwhelming amount of information doesn't really help me with my very simple problem: I'm writing a P2P application, and I want two users of my application behind NAT to be able to connect to e...

Active directory - ldap attribute createTimeStamp in Windows Server 2008 R2

To check how many users were created in the past one year for a particular domain I queried like the following, (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!(sAMAccountType=805306370))(createTimeStamp>=20090831022227.0Z)) I have two domain controllers, DC-1 is Windows Server 2008 and DC-2 is Windows Server 2008 R2 and this query works ...

socket.getaddrinfo raises "Unknown host" mystery

I'm having a problem resolving a hostname using python's (2.6.2) socket class. From the shell I'm able to ping the hostname, and also resolve the hostname using the host command: host When I attempt to resolve it with python, a socket.herror exception is raised with the message "[Errno 1] Unknown host" socket...

How to use kismet as a command-line tool

I tried kismet, but it keeps putting me into this insane ncurses UI mode. In this mode, everything is a keyboard shortcut and it is not documented on the screen. Then when I exit, my WiFi stops working and I need to reboot. I just want something like tcpdump so I can sed, awk, and less my way to what I want to read. Does anyone know ...

How to control Network Activity Indicator on iPhone

I know that in order to show/hide the throbber on the status bar I can use [UIApplication sharedApplication].networkActivityIndicatorVisible = NO; [UIApplication sharedApplication].networkActivityIndicatorVisible = YES; But my program sends comm requests from many threads, and I need a location to control whether the throbber should b...

In tools like tcpdump, when exactly are the network packets captured?

One of the tools I am using uses encryption/decryption to send out data over the network. I am modifying the tool and I need to be sure that the data is actually being sent in an encrypted form. Are Wireshark and tcpdump the right tools for the purpose? At which point during the transfer do they capture the network packets? ...

Programmatically Enable/Disable Port on Network Switch

Greetings! I am trying to find a way in Java to programmatically enable/disable a port on a network switch over SNMP. I tried using SNMP4J but couldn't get much help on the mailing list on how to use it. I'm not too concerned what library is used (open source vs commercial) as long as it gets the job done. The switch I am trying to w...

Generic QoS Message batching and compression in Java

We have a custom messaging system written in Java, and I want to implement a basic batching/compression feature that basically under heavy load it will aggregate a bunch of push responses into a single push response. Essentially: if we detect 3 messages were sent in the past second then start batching responses and schedule a timer t...

Simulate Socket Hard Disconnect

I have a C# app where a server and some clients communicate from different machines using sockets. Most of the time, the server detects a dis-connect correctly when it receives 0 bytes in the sock.Receive(...) call. But when there is a hardware issue (say a network cable is unplugged), there is a problem. One server thread continues t...

transfering bits in an ip(IPv4) datagram

The bits in Ethernet are transferred in LSB first fashion, but IPv4 datagram is to be transmitted in big endian byte order. e.g. assume an ethernet frame with destination address as 12-34-56-78-9A-BC carrying an IP datagram in the data field. As I understand following will be the order in which the bits will be transmitted: preamble-SF...

Do TCP connections get moved to another port after they are opened?

If a TCP socket server listens on port 28081 for incoming connections and then accepts a connection and start receiving data. Is the port that data is coming into still 28081 or does the port get changed. for example what port does the incoming data come to in the pseudo code below? Is it still 28081 or does the OS assign a new port?:...

Networking with ios

Hi, I have an application that was written in Java and runs on the users machine. I now want to build an application on the iPhone which will communicate with my java app. Can somebody point me in the right direction on how I can send and receive TCP packets with the iPhone, I want to of course be able to do that using wifi and 3G. Th...


I just wanted to write a program in C to get the Network Interface Card(NIC) details of realtek 8139. would you help me out... ...

How to know programmatically whether a machne is in Global/Private network

I am trying to write a program in Java to know whether a machine is in Global/Private network or not. Below is my code snippet. I thought if a machine detects only loopback address( or ::1) then it can be assumed that machine is not in network. But in one of the System where multicast is enabled, I am getting following IP Addres...

Does Localhost perform better on windows?

I have a .NET 3.5 server application that usually has about 8 clients. I'm using System.Net.Sockets for all the networking. I've been told that if a client is running on the same box, it should use localhost:<port> or<port> instead of the machine's ip or name for better performance. Several people at work have said that thi...

Disconnect Network C#

Is it possible for me to disconnect the systems connection to the internet without the need for detecting the network adapter etc.? I would like to add this functionality to my software but can't find a proper method. Can anyone shine some light on this. I am running it through a WPF app. Thanks ...