
Datagram coming from the "wrong" IP

Hi. I have a Linux box with a virtual IP set up. Here's part of the output from ip addr: 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 1000 link/ether e4:1f:13:60:10:34 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global eth0 inet scope global eth0 ...

Measure connection speed and show it in a web application

Hello, we have a Java software to receive and send customer and contracts data from and to our servers. The software runs in a web browser. Sometimes our agents complain about the lag, but it is related to their network connection. It's our thought to build in some kind of network monitor to show the current network speed. My first thoug...

How exactly does a Server Socket work?

How exactly does a Server Socket work? When I create a java server socket and accept connection at port 1234. Does the server actually uses the port 1234 for all clients? I've read that when you write a network server the socket actually opens another port once the connection is accepted. Is this true? If so, why am I not seeing it in n...

simple load balancing alghorithm

Hi Im trying to write app, which will redirect or not some web traffic. Suppose, i want to redirect 10 % of movement on to another web server. The thing is, that i dont know how to transfer that conditon into logical condition in my app. As the input i got number of requestes. How to obtain which request should be redirected, and which ...

Python SocketServer: sending to multiple clients?

Well, I'm trying to build a small python prgram with a SocketServer that is supposed to send messages it receives to all connected clients. I'm stuck, I don't know how to store clients on the serverside, and I don't know how to send to multiple clients. Oh and, my program fails everytime more then 1 client connects, and everytime a clien...

Why does NSOperationQueue on iPhone OS 3.1 hold on to long-cancelled (and released) operations?

I have an app that uses NSOperations to manage service calls to a web API (the calls are based on CURLOperation in Jon Wight's touchcode). There is a certain call that downloads map locations when the center of a map view changes significantly; since these can stack up so quickly, if you move the map around, I try to aggressively cancel...

UDP how can two computers that are on separate networks connect to each other?

Hey guys I had some questions about udp networking. First of all how can two computers that are on separate networks connect to each other? I know that you can do this with port forwarding but I know things like xbox live don't work through that. How is this possible and is there a way to obtain an address to another computer on a separa...

Virtual PC (XPMode) - Can host port forward to virtual machine with NAT?

Just start to try out the XP mode function of Windows 7 recently. A web server is set in the virtual machine. Everything is fine except the access to the virtual machine from the internet (or host's subnet). I need to set the network of the virtual machine as NAT explicitly in order to pass some firewall setting. So, the virtual machine...

How does the home wireless perform if it connects to a public access point?

Assuming that there is a access point(hotspot) covering a dozen of houses. Besides, these houses also have their own wireless network. So, if everyone in each house connect to the Internet at the same time, will problems happen? The performance of this network will be reduced or not? ...

what is benefit of CIDR?

Hi, What is the basic usage of CIDR in networking and also give me the benefit over SubNetting. ...

Check for network connectivity

I am building a simple application that listens to NetworkAvailibilityChanged Event. It's all good, except in the case of a modem PPP interface connection, where the app gets notified of the availibility only when the network is connected but not when disconnected. Am I missing anything? I tried it for LAN and it worked perfectly. ...

Client Server Applications for Iphone.

I have a question regarding this topic.Like for Client Server Applications 1) is it necessary to load database directly into the Application. Suppose if I have a DB in the back end and My application has to connect to that DB and display the results on the View for this do I need to Add DB into the Application directly. 2) can we ac...

VBS: Check IP address and open URL (but only once)

I'm trying to create a VBScript which will detect if the computer it is being run on is connected to our LAN at work by checking its IPv4 address (assigned by DHCP) and then open a specific URL depending upon whether it is inside or outside our network. The script will be mainly used on laptops which will roam between work (

java server to handle multiple tcp connections

hi, im trying to write a simple web server in java. right now ive only got a simple program but id like to extend it so that it can serve multiple browsers by establishing multiple tcp connections. ive been reading about threading. my understanding is that you can make a new thread and that will continue as if its another program ent...

Binding multiple times to the same port

Hi, is there a way to bind multiple listening TCP sockets on the same {IP, port}? I know I can just open a socket, bind, fork and then listen in each of the processes. But I'd like to do the same with separate processes that cannot fork after binding. Is there some way to allow this and not get the "Address already in use" error? The on...

Vmware Server 2.0.2 : Bind webAccess(bundled Tomcat) to only listen on 1IP

Hello, I recently installed VMware Server 2.0.2 on a Dedicated Server. My problem is that the Tomcat server bundled to serve the webAccess application is listening on all IPs on all interfaces. I would like to bind it to localhost only (So I could only access it while SSH tunneling) and prevent it from being accessed with the public IP....

C# Network Packet Spoofing

I am connected via ethernet to a simple I/O hardware device which is controlled by a very old, inflexible .NET driver. I've used WireShark to peek at the packets and they are very small, simple packets containing the name of the driver and a few bytes for data (unencrypted). Each packet receives a success packet from the hardware device ...

Network connection lost every time an Activity is created?

I am checking to see if my app has a network connection: public boolean isOnline(){ ConnectivityManager conMgr = (ConnectivityManager)getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); if ( conMgr.getNetworkInfo(0).getState() == NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED || conMgr.getNetworkInfo(1).getState() == NetworkInf...

PowerShell Socket object different if created through function, vs. through the CLI

I have a function: function QuerySMTPServer ([string]$strSMTPServerName) { # open up a socket to the SMTP server $socket = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient $socket.connect($strSMTPServerName, 25) $socket # output for testing # read response data (should be a line starting with 220; cf. RFC821) $stream = $...

Possible to configure OS X VPN to split traffic between VPN and local interface?

I'm using the built-in OS X VPN tool to connect to my company's network. I notice that, when I'm connected, all traffic goes over the VPN. In the past when I've used the Windows VPN tool I was able to configure it such that only traffic to certain IP ranges and/or host names went over the VPN and everything else went over the local net...