
Checking network connection

I want to see if I can access an online API, but for that I need to have Internet access. How can I see if there's a connection available and active using Python? ...

C: Sending long strings with send()

I'm using Linux and trying to send a long message through send(). The message is 1270 bytes, but my client application is only receiving 1024 bytes. Since 1024 bytes is such a convenient number, I'm guessing that send() can only send 1024 bytes at a time. I looked at the man page for send, but all it says about long messages is: Wh...

Do large "in-house" enterprise web application run over SSL on the LAN?

Inside of large companies, is it standard practice to use SSL (e.g. https) for running corporate apps over the LAN. I am thinking of ERP systems, SFA systems, HR systems, etc. But I am also thinking of SOA...web service providers and consumers. In other words, is there any concern that something on the LAN could be sniffing plaintext ...

send a file using c in an adhoc network

i want to send a file using c in an adhoc network in mt linux platform...plz help me with the header files and functions that i need to use ...

Improving upload speed by sending chunk of bytes

I'm developing an android video uploading app and uploading large amounts of video is a problem, I get different type of exception sometimes (host not resolved, pipe broken), I do a multipart POST but I have a feeling if I upload chunk of bytes one at at time that'll increase upload speed as well as solve connection timeout and these typ...

Monitoring tools accuracy - Debugging application latency

Hello, we are having latency issues in one of our network application. Most of the time requests are being handled within 100ms. But sometime it can take up to a few seconds for no apparent reason. So I hooked up some monitoring tools and looked up what was happening (Wireshark to monitor the network externally through port replication ...

Graduation project ideas- Computer science

I need your help in my graduation project idea, I am interested in Networking and Embedded system, so Any ideas! ...

Lower Network Latency

Hello! I am sure this is a very common question and may have been answered but I am unable to find proper solution. I have a server that needs to be highly available and should carry a very minimal network latency. I did some benchmarking on the server alone and noticed that it responds pretty fast at an avg of 300 ms. But the network l...

Networking problems in games

I am looking for networking designs and tricks specific to games. I know about a few problems and I have some partial solutions to some of them but there can be problems I can't see yet. I think there is no definite answer to this but I will accept an answer I really like. I can think of 4 categories of problems. Bad network The messag...

Schedule NSStreams on secondary thread

Hello, In an iPad app I'm developing, I need to put the network handling on a separate thread since it occasionally blocks the UI of the app. At the moment, I have created a Connection object in which all the networking logic goes (NSStreams and its delegate methods). The main obstacle is how to create the secondary thread and schedule...

receive multicast from specific network interface on Linux

Hello, I'm trying to receive a multicast data from specific network interface on CentOS 5.5 sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons(1234); addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); bind(sd, (sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(sockaddr_in)); setsockopt(sd...

python socket.PF_PACKET

I am trying to send out an ARP request with python, working with dpkt, and I found some sample code that uses: socket.socket(socket.PF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW) I understand that you need to use raw sockets to send this, but it says that socket.PF_PACKET doesn't exist. And there is nothing in the python docs about it that I have seen. ...

how to pass a package to libnet(1.1)?

I hava captured some packages by libpcap and built ip header. The package is a const u_char type and named payload, so how to pass the payload to libnet , then I can forward the payload to another ip ? which libnet api can work for this ? ...

Get low-level iPhone network info

I have two free apps, iSys and iSysMonitor, that report info about my iPhone. Interestingly, they disagree regarding the IP address of my cell connection. Also, neither lists the name of my WiFi connection though I can see it in the iPhone's Settings. I'd like to settle the IP argument and also learn how to get the name of my network con...

Designing a self Recallable/Destructible email program

The title says it all. This is one of my assignments and I need some help in getting started. The basic idea behind the assignment is that I have to design a self destructible email program that is capable of destructing the message after (n) time duration. Speaking about self destructible emails, there are quite a few ones on the inter...

Creative brainstorming Q: Can traffic to multiple services on the same port be identified and re-directed?

Think of the following services on one box:  SOCKS proxy  HTTP proxy  SSH service  VPN service I have found a case where it would be beneficial to run all of these services on the same box (save on high server costs w/ low usage), but they all need to listen on port 80 (network security restrictions require it). I'm a proficient java d...

Doubling Internet Connection Speed

Hi Friends, Scenario: I have two ADSL modem that are connected to to different ISPs. Each has 256KBps Speed. Question:Is it possible to have 512KBps speed?(I have one PC that can be host any OS) Is any special appliance essential for doing that? Thanks in Advance, Ashkan. ...

c# udpclient receieve full response

When I use the following code to send a query and recieve a response from a game server only some of the response gets loaded into my byte array. Im new to using udp and networking things like tcpip, can someone point me in the right direction so that I can get the full response (when i send the query using netcat i get the full response...

How can I get the name of the current (WLAN) network in C#?

Hello, could someone help me by getting the name of the current connected (WLAN) network in C#? Or, in addition how can I see if this network changed? Thank you! ...

NDIS Driver to Limit WiFi to a Single Access Point?

I'd like to limit the set of Wifi networks that shows up in Windows to a single access point instead of seeing dozens of networks that are nearby. Alternatively, it's ok to see them if I have a way to prevent connecting to them (i.e. the 'unsecured' ones, with owners who refuse to secure their networks even when asked politely and offer...