
Is email@domain a valid email address

I'm evaluating a bunch of email validation techniques and someone of them output that email@domain is valid. I read somewhere that this email may be technically valid if it's being used for internal networking, but really for almost all practical purposes on the web today, this email should not evaluate to true. What does your email va...

How to remotely determine NIC teaming configuration on multiple machines?

I need a Powershell or batch script to determine the NIC teaming configuration for multiple machines. I need to determine if the cards are teamed at all, then if they're each card is in an active or passive mode. WMI doesn't appear to have the information I need, and I'm having issues determining this info from the registry. Even if you ...

Redis: weird protocol/network errors

I'm running Redis and connecting from Ruby using ezmobius's Redis gem[1]. Periodically (about once a day) I get a series of exceptions in my Rails app caused by Redis returning strange results. They are often triggered by an exception such at this: Redis::ProtocolError: Protocol error, got '3' as initial reply byte ...

UDP IP Fragmentation and MTU

I'm trying to understand some behavior I'm seeing in the context of sending UDP packets. I have two little Java programs: one that transmits UDP packets, and the other that receives them. I'm running them locally on my network between two computers that are connected via a single switch. The MTU setting (reported by /sbin/ifconfig) is ...

Copy a file on a network path without transfering it to my own machine

If my .NET client uses System.IO.File.Copy to copy a file from \server1\share1\file1.txt to \sever1\share2\file2.txt, the file's data get read down to the client and then written back up to the server. Is there an easy way to speed up things a bit by putting a process on the network-machine that realy does the copying? I dont look for ...

iphone sdk integer to network short and vice versa

Is there a way to convert an integer into a network short integer on the iphone? Also, how do I convert a network short to a host short. In c, it's htons and ntohs Thanks ...

increasing upload speed (multipart POST)

I have a phone application and I use multipart POST to upload multiple files. Is there a way to increase the uploading speed ? e.g. can multithreading the upload process increase the upload speed, is there any other strategy? can anyone refer me to any networks research regarding this area? If I switch from multipart POST to opening a d...

Bandwidth consumer in a network - reg

We are working in a LAN with some systems using Windows and other using ubuntu linux. Is there a way for me to figure out the maximum bandwidth consuming ip in the LAN from a single system. Kindly suggest me a suitable reply. Thanks and Regards, Saravanan ...

CAtlHttpClientT::SetProxy causing failed connection

I have some client code which needs to call methods on a remote web service. To allow the client out through any proxy server which may be in use I'm trying to use the CAtlHttpClientT::SetProxy function which, according to MSDN: "Calling this method causes all HTTP transactions to be routed through the given proxy server. Calling SetPro...

Programmatically connecting a wireless device to an unsecured network

Is it possible to programmically connect to an unsecured wireless network, if I know the SSID? I'd like to be able to do this in C#. ...

cisco any connect vpn on iphone

Hi, Do any guy know how to setup cisco any connect vpn on iphone. Iphone has vpn settings, which requires server, account, group name, group shared password (via IPSEC). However while using cisco any connect vpn, i just have server, account and group name information. Is there an app that similar to cisco any connect vpn there? Thank...

TCP packet splitting in node.js

I'm implementing a server in node.js for a protocol that has unterminated packets. i.e: _________________________________________________________________________ | packet type | string length 1 | string 1 | string length 2 | string 2 | So I don't know the length of the packet until it has been fully parsed. This causes problems, becau...

What are the units of winpcap captured packets, Layer 2 frames or layer 3 packets?

Just a wondering while developing a network traffic inspection program, no context is relevant! ...

Windows host name resolution

I was wondering how the windows host-name resolution system works. More precisely I wonder about the use, or lack thereof, of local caching in the process. According to Microsoft TCP/IP Host Name Resolution Order, the process is as follows: The client checks to see if the name queried is its own. The client then searches a local Hosts ...

How much network knowledge does a SQL Server DBA need to have to do their daily work?

How much network knowledge does a SQL Server DBA need to have in order to do their daily work? Are their any good resources to recommend? (websites, books, blogs etc) ...

How to advertise a service using Bonjour across subnets?

I am familiar with the usage of Bonjour for advertising services on the "local" domain. I have worked through several examples, and I know the corresponding Cocoa classes I use for that. I am curious about how I advertise a simple Bonjour service to a different subnet. Specifically, I am trying to write a network service that runs on ...

Measuring time difference between networked devices

I'm adding networked multiplayer to a game I've made. When the server sends an update packet to the client, I include a timestamp so that the client knows exactly when that information is valid. However, the server computer and the client computer might have their clocks set to different times (maybe even just a few seconds difference), ...

Why is my Linux prio based tc not improving network latency?

Hi - I am building a real-time embedded linux application that has a variety of network traffic. Of the set of traffic, two connections are time critical. One is the input data and the other for output data. My application needs this traffic to have priority over the other, non-time-critical traffic. I care about two things: Min...

TCP option SO_LINGER (zero) - when it's required

I think I understand the formal meaning of the option. In a legacy code I'm handling now, the option is used. The customer complains about RST as response to FIN from it's side on connection close from it's side. I don't sure I can remove it safely, since don't understand when it should be used. Can you please give an example when the ...

Rasdial error 720 on Windows Server 2003

Hi I am trying to start a dial up connection using rasdial on a machine running Windows Server 2003. I have attached my modem to it and the drivers are installed, it turns up in Device Manager. However, whenever I try to start the connection, I face this error H:>rasdial usb Connecting to USB... Verifying username and password... Regis...