
AIML pattern matching - howto?

Hello. I'm having a problem trying to understand how does AIML pattern matching works. What's the difference between _ and *? And how I should use them to get the best match? I have this document only, but it lacks some good examples. ...

Prototyping neural networks

Hi all, from your experience, which is the most effective approach to implement artificial neural networks prototypes? It is a lot of hype about R (free, but I didn't work with it) or Matlab (not free), another possible choice is to use a language like C++/Java/C#. The question is mainly targeting the people that tried to test some neu...

Matrix power to minimize error in neural network using Newton's method

Hello, I have a non square matrix A and i want to know A^2. Actually i am working in neural network newton optimization method using second order Taylor series such that I want to multiply the hessian matrix H(second derivative) with the square of the weight vectors. It is written as: Delta(w(n))' * H(n) * Delta(w(n)) Actually it is ...

How to pick a language for Artificial Intelligence Programming?

Hi, what is the best programming language for artificial intelligence purposes? Mind that using suggested language I must be able to employ any AI technique (or at least most of them). Thanks. ...

How to determine for which value artificial neuron will fire?

I'm trying to determine for the articial neuron shown below the values (0 or 1) for the inputs i1, i2, and i3 for which it will fire (i0 is the input for the bias weight and will always be -1). The weights are W0 = 1.5 W1 = -1 W2 = 1, and W3 = 2. Assume the activation function depicted in image below. Please clarify your answer ...

Backpropagation issues

I have a couple of questions about how to code the backpropagation algorithm of neural networks: The topology of my networks is an input layer, hidden layer and output layer. Both the hidden layer and output layer have sigmoid functions. First of all, should I use the bias? To where should I connect the bias in my network? Should I pu...

XOR problem solvable with 2x2x1 neural network without bias?

Is a Neural network with 2 input nodes, 2 hidden nodes and an output supposed to be able to solve the XOR problem provided there is no bias? Or can it get stuck? ...

PHP Loop Performance Optimization

I am writing a PHP function that will need to loop over an array of pointers and for each item, pull in that data (be it from a MySQL database or flat file). Would anyone have any ideas of optimizing this as there could potentially be thousands and thousands of iterations? My first idea was to have a static array of cached data that I w...

Consolidating / Clustering Terms and phrases

Our application allows a user to enter company names that their organization works with. A current issue is that the way one user inputs the company name varies from user to user. We need to consolidate this data. Are there any proven approaches for tackling this problem? ...

Radial Basic function decision boundary

Hello, I am using radial basic function(rbf) in neural network using "newrb" method in Matlab and all things are good, but i hope to find a way which makes me able to draw the decisions boundary between the two samples that i have. For example in perceptron the decision boundary is a line with equation WX+b=0 W:weights, X:Inputs and b is...

Where to start Handwritten Recognition using Neural Network?

I've been trying to learn about Neural Networks for a while now, and I can understand some basic tutorials online. Now i want to develop online handwritten recognition using Neural Network. So i haven't any idea where to start? And i need a very good instruction. In finally i'm java programmer. What do you suggest I do? ...

Neural Networks in NeuronDotNet

hello i am using neurondotnet library for ANN programing, my input layer vector is 400 and my output layer vector is 5 and my sample for learning is only 28. my problem is that i don't have any idea of how to choose how many hidden layer i should have and the size of their vectors. can anyone put me on the right direction ? thank you. ...

The trade-off that comes with using BigDecimal instead of double in Java.

I'm writing code for a neural network, and I'm wondering whether I should do it or not. I'm actually somewhat worried that even using double might not wield good results and that I might have to migrate my code to a more efficient language, like c++. I've read in a question here that BigDecimal is 1000 times slower than double? That's a ...

Predict Stock Market Values

I'm building a web semantic project that gathers the maximum ammount of historic data about a certain company and tries to predict its future market stock values. For data I have the historic stock values (not normalized), news (0 to 1 polarity) and subjective content (also a 0 to 1 polarity). What is the best AI system to train and us...

Optimization of Neural Network input data.

Im trying to build an app to detect images which are advertisements from the webpages. Once I detect those Ill not be allowing those to be displayed on the client side. Basically I`m using Back-propagation algorithm to train the neural network using the dataset given here. ...

Getting a simple Neural Network to work from scratch in C++

I have been trying to get a simple double XOR neural network to work and I am having problems getting backpropagation to train a really simple feed forward neural network. I have been mostly been trying to follow this guide in getting a neural network but have at best made programs that learn at extremely slow rate. As I understand ne...

Neural Network Design

I am playing around with Neural Networks and wondered how the experts decided how many neurons is enough or say know what range would be proficient. Does one decide based on heuristics or are there logical amounts based on the application? Say for example I wanted a simple network to be able to tell the letter I with say a grid of 9x10....

Neural Network Expert System

Does anyone know how to emulate an Expert Systems using Neural Networks? An example of this is the website. I'm more curious to how the network would be designed; ie how many inputs, what the input represents, what outputs from the network, how these outputs point to an answer. Very interesting stuff. ...

Neural Network Definitions

I am writing a neural network class and have come across two concepts I don't understand. Would anyone be able to tell me what the bias and momentum is and does ...

Data Classification:sizes of training and test vectors

Hi I have an application which decides whether a human is handwaving,running or walking. The idea is i have segmented an action,say handwave,to its poses. Let's say Example; for human1:pose7-pose3-pose7-..... represents handwave for human3:pose1-pose7-pose1-..... represents handwave for human7:pose1-pose1-pose7-..... represents handwa...