
what's the correct way to release a new website?

so i've been working on a website on and off for about a year now, and i'm finally at a point where it's functional enough to test out in a sort of private beta (not ready for live release). but i never thought about the correct process for doing this and what things i need to take care of. i've never released a public website before. ...

Why do I need to call new?

Possible Duplicates: When to use new and when not to, in C++? When should I use the new keyword in C++? It seems like I could program something without ever using the word new, and I would never have to worry about deleting anything either, so why should I ever call it? From what I understand, it's because I would run out o...

IE won't load PDF in a window created with

Here's the problem, which only occurs in Internet Explorer (IE). I have a page that has links to several different types of files. Links from these files execute a Javascript function that opens a new window and loads the specific file. This works great, unless the file I need to open in the new window is a PDF in which case the windo...

C++ new memory allocation fragmentation

I was trying to look at the behavior of the new allocator and why it doesn't place data contiguously. My code: struct ci { char c; int i; } template <typename T> void memTest() { T * pLast = new T(); for(int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { T * pNew = new T(); cout << (pNew - pLast) << " "; pLast = pNe...

C++ delete[] operator

Is this the right way to use delete[] operator? int* a=new int[size]; delete[] a; If yes, Who (compiler or GC or whoever) will determine the size of the newly created array? and where will it store the array size? Thanks ...

Malloc function in C++

I am transitioning to C++ from C. In C++, is there any use for the malloc function? Or can I just declare it with the "new" keyword. For example: class Node { ... } ... Node *node1 = malloc(sizeof(Node)); //malloc Node *node2 = new Node; //new Which one should I use? ...

Problem using delete[] (Heap corruption) when implementing operator+= (C++)

I've been trying to figure this out for hours now, and I'm at my wit's end. I would surely appreciate it if someone could tell me when I'm doing wrong. I have written a simple class to emulate basic functionality of strings. The class's members include a character pointer data (which points to a dynamically created char array) and an ...

When is #include <new> library required in C++?

Hi, According to this reference entry for operator new ( ) : Global dynamic storage operator functions are special in the standard library: All three versions of operator new are declared in the global namespace, not in the std namespace. The first and second...

Keyword Implementation in C#

Hi All Is there a way, and how would I go about implementing my own keyword such as in, and as (etc), to be used in my code? Here is what I had in mind. I want to (just for my own personal reasons, I guess) add a few keywords of my own, one of which would be the "was" keyword: if(Control was Clicked) { // etc etc } ...

a nicer way to create structs in a loop

Hi guys, I haven't coded in C++ in ages. And recently, I'm trying to work on something involving structs. Like this typedef struct{ int x; int y; } Point; Then in a loop, I'm trying to create new structs and put pointers to them them in a list. Point* p; int i, j; while (condition){ // compute values for i and j with som...

How to make the WebBrowser to scroll up when new content is appended to the bottom of the page?

In order to achieve this effect, I would like to know how I can make the WebBrowser to scroll up when new content is added to the HTML page? "Allow more entries to be displayed in the view: When the user clicks more, additional entries should be displayed in addition to the ones which are already displayed. The code should cause the U...

TextBox Label Control

Hi All I am not worried about whether this is in Winforms or WPF. Is there ANY way at all that I could develop my own user control like the one found in Microsoft Paint, below: If you can't see the pic above, it's here: Is there anyway at all I can do something like this in C#? Thank...

What's the equivalent of new/delete of C++ in C?

Or it's the same in c/c++? ...

allocating extra memory for a container class.

Hey there, I'm writing a template container class and for the past few hours have been trying to allocate new memory for extra data that comes into the container (...hit a brick wall..:| ) template <typename T> void Container<T>::insert(T item, int index){ if ( index < 0){ cout<<"Invalid location to insert " << index << endl...

error C3662: override specifier 'new' only allowed on member functions of managed classes

Okay, so I'm trying to override a function in a parent class, and getting some errors. here's a test case #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A{ public: int aba; void printAba(); }; class B: public A{ public: void printAba() new; }; void A::printAba(){ cout << "aba1" << endl; } void B::printAba() new{...

How can i store several iphone contacts in sqlite3 table

Hi to All, I developed an iPhone app which displays iPhone AddressBook contacts list. I want to add extra fields to the selected contact. Using AddressBook framework,it was not possible.So,i want to attach those values to the "contacts" table of my database. How can i insert those existing contacts into sqlite table(contacts). Pleas...

Adding a Line Break in mySQL INSERT INTO text

Hi Could someone tell me how to add a new line in a text that i enter in a mySql table. I tried using the '\n in the line i entered with INSERT INTO statement but '\n is shown as it is. Actually i have created a table in Ms Access with some data. Ms Access adds new line with '\n. I am converting Ms Access table data into mySql . But ...

Where does "new" fit in the flex creation cycle?

In the following code, the call to results in an exception because myChild is null. myParent is a valid object. What I don't understand is why myChild has not been created yet. I have read the following document related to object creation sequence, but I am unsure how "new" is related:

Show a form in a new window in silverlight 4

I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to mimic the ".show();" method silverlight 4? Basically I have a form that includes a button. When that button is clicked, I would like the program to bring up another form that I have created. So essentially, in Page1.cs I have: private void btn_Button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) ...

Problem adding Contact with new API

Hello, I am trying to add a new contact to my contact list using the new ContactContract API via my application. I have the following method based on the Contact Manager example on android dev. private static void addContactCore(Context context, String accountType, String accountName, String name, String phoneNumber, int phoneType...