
MAke New Table in SQL with same Schema

I have a table called W_US and i want to create W_UK in oracle with same schema as for W_US. ...

why does c++ have its separate syntax for new & delete?

Why can't it just be regular function calls? New is essentially: malloc(sizeof(Foo)); Foo::Foo(); while delete is Foo:~Foo(); free(...); So why does new/delete end up having it's own syntax rather than being regular functions? ...

Is "new" in Erlang part of the official standard and should we use it?

I ask this question as I have noticed that alot of OpenSource Erlang projects use "new" to pass parameters to Erlang modules, yet I hear at the same time that "new" is not part of the official language and may not be supported if it contains bugs. Before I use it in my own project I would like to clarify this issue. Update: I have since...

Open Source Form Designer

Hi, We want to find a web/browser based form designer which can be used by an End User for designing the forms as per their requirements. They should able to connect to database (MySQL) and retrieve table fields and records. Somewhat similar to formassembly . com/ . More closer would be OpenLink Ajax Tool Kit (OAT) Form Designer d...

How new keyword works in derive class

Hi All, I am having some confusion with the new keyword,things work fine when I am using virtual and override , but a bit different with new(I think I am missing something) class A { public virtual void Test() { Console.WriteLine("I am in A"); } } class B:A { public override void Test() { Console.Wr...

Magento 1.4 productIdentifierType

i am having problems with retrieving my products, in 1.3 it worked and i just added some products on 1.4 but there is a new function in the capalogProductInfo called the product identifier, i don't know what to put in there, i tried passing down product type form list but i keep getting a error that says that the product does not exit. ...

What does this dynamic allocation do?

Today, I found out that you can write such code in C++ and compile it: int* ptr = new int(5, 6); What is the purpose of this? I know of course the dynamic new int(5) thing, but here i'm lost. Any clues? ...

Emerging computer fields to gain expertise in, to boost professional development

Hi, I am a budding engineer and am trying to find an emerging computer technology field in which i can become an expert mainly to boost professional development speed. for example A linux kernel expert is valued right at the top in many companies. (I am looking for something like this in a more emerging field so that I can be one of th...

[C#] invoke a new method of a sub class from base class

Hello, I've some classes like this namespace ConsoleApplication1 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { A a = new C(); a.method(); Console.ReadLine(); } } public class A { public virtual void method() { Console.Writ...

operator new overloading and alignment

I'm overloading operator new, but I recently hit a problem with alignment. Basically, I have a class IBase which provides operator new and delete in all required variants. All classes derive from IBase and hence also use the custom allocators. The problem I'm facing now is that I have a child Foo which has to be 16-byte aligned, while a...

iphone ABNewPersonViewController seems to not be responding to delegate

Hi guys I'm halfway through implementing a very basic 'Add Contact' Button. I am calling the 'Add View' using the code (via a linked UIButton, that works) : - (IBAction)showAddContact { NSLog(@"Hit showAddContact"); ABNewPersonViewController *newPersonViewController = [[ABNewPersonViewController alloc] init]; addContactNavControll...

Why can't I use virtual/override on class variables as I can on methods?

In the following example I am able to create a virtual method Show() in the inherited class and then override it in the inheriting class. I want to do the same thing with the protected class variable prefix but I get the error: The modifier 'virtual' is not valid for this item But since I can't define this variable as virtual/ov...

What side effects does the keyword 'new' have in JavaScript?

I'm working on a plug-in for jQuery and I'm getting this JSLint error: Problem at line 80 character 45: Do not use 'new' for side effects. (new jQuery.fasterTrim(this, options)); I haven't had much luck finding info on this JSLint error or on any side effects that new might have. I've tried Googling for "Do not use 'new' for side ef...

C++: Why isn't operator placement new recognized as an inline friend function in a (template) class in VS2005?

I've inherited a Visual Studio 6.0 project to convert to 2005. It includes this fantastic MyClass class below that client code uses everywhere by invoking placement new on an instance of it (greatly simplified here): #include <new> #include <cstdio> template<class T> class MyClass { public: // This is what the author assumed would...

Why can't you access the size of a new[]'d array?

When you allocate an array using new [], why can't you find out the size of that array from the pointer? It must be known at run time, otherwise delete [] wouldn't know how much memory to free... Unless I'm missing something? ...

memmove, memcpy, and new

I am making a simple byte buffer that stores its data in a char array acquired with new and I was just wondering if the memcpy and memmove functions would give me anything weird if used on memory acquired with new or is there anything you would recommend doing instead? ...

How to declare a pointer to a variable as a parameter of a function in C++?

I have a function that takes a const D3DVECTOR3 *pos, but I have no reason to declare this beforehand. The most logical solution to me was using new: Function( //other parameters, new D3DXVECTOR3(x, y, 0)); but I don't know how I would go about deleting it, beign intitialized in a function. My next thought was to use the & o...

new with exception with Microsoft

As I'm coding for both Windows and Linux, I have a whole host of problems. Microsoft Visual C++ has no stdint header, but for that I wrote my own. Now I found out that MS C++'s new operator does not throw an exception, so I want to fix this a quickly as possible. I know I can define a Macro with Parameters in Parenthesis, can I define a...

Android new Intent

Hi Im trying to start android market via my app to search similar products. I'm using this code. Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,Uri.parse("\"some txt\"")); c.startActivity(intent); This works fine but when I hit on Home button with in the market and goto home phone home s...

Start a thread in a different process in Java

Hi there, is it possible to start a new thread in a different process in Java? I mean, I'm running a specific process and main thread, issuing ProcessBuilder for creating a new process. Before start() method is invoked, one must provide the command to be run in another process. Is it possible to start a new thread in newly created proce...