
Checking if Class type is available in Javascript Namespace

I would like to check if a class type is even instantiable before attempting to instantiate it via the new keyword in javascript. For example var geocoder = new GClientGeocoder(); will fail if the GClientGeocoder class is not available in the namespace. What's the javascript idiomatic way to do this? ...

a library forces global overloads of new/delete on me!

I'm maintaining a plugin (implemented as a dll) for a big closed source application. This has been working fine for years. However, with the latest update to it's SDK the vendor overloaded global operators new and delete. This causes lots of trouble for me. What happens is that my plugin allocates a string. I pass this string into a stat...

Strings are objects in Java, so why don't we use 'new' to create them?

We normally create objects using the new keyword, like: Object obj = new Object(); Strings are objects, yet we do not use new to create them: String str = "Hello World"; Why is this? Can I make a String with new? ...

DI container, factory, or new for ephemeral objects?

When dealing with objects that require data known only at runtime, such as a username and password, where should object instantiation happen: by using new, in a factory, or in a DI container? For example, I could just new an object once I have the data: UserCredentials creds = new UserCredentials(dialog.getUsername(), dialog.getPas...

Confusion about virtual/new/override

I am a bit confused about the virtual/new/override thing, here's some example: class A { public virtual void mVVirtual() { Console.WriteLine("A::mVVirtual"); } } class B : A { public virtual void mVVirtual() { Console.WriteLine("B::mVVirtual"); } } class C : B { public override void mVVirtual() { Console.WriteLine("C::mVVi...

How to Add a new row to a DATAGRIDVIEW in ASP.NET

How to Add a new row to a DATAGRIDVIEW in ASP.NET....using c# Code ??? ...

More about Virtual / interfaces!

Hello again Yesterday I posted a question about the new/virtual/override keywords, and i learned a lot from your answers. But still i remain with some doubts. In between all the "boxes", i lost touch with what's really happening to the type's method tables. For instance: interface I1 { void Draw(); } interface I2 { void Draw(); } cla...

Does new() allocate memory for the functions of a class also?

class Animal { public: int a; double d; int f(){ return 25;} }; Suppose for the code above, I try to initialize an object, by saying new Animal(), does this new() also allocate memory for the function f()? In other words, what is the difference in memory allocation terms if I had this class instead and did a new Animal() ? : c...

how to use my_alloc for _all_ new calls in C++?

Imagine I'm in C-land, and I have void* my_alloc(size_t size); void* my_free(void*); then I can go through my code and replace all calls to malloc/free with my_alloc/my_free. How, I know that given a class Foo, I can do placement new; I can also overload the new operator. However, is there a way to do this for all my C++ classes? (...

Opening pop up in Joomla

I am trying to have people be able to open HTML widgets by clicking on a button in my Joomla page. All the widgets are different sizes. The code is entered as HTML in Jumi. Currently I have the action set to: "On click open in new window without browser navigation." The problem is this this always opens in a full screen size with the w...

Python multiple inheritance: which __new__ to call?

I have a class Parent. I want to define a __new__ for Parent so it does some magic upon instantiation (for why, see footnote). I also want children classes to inherit from this and other classes to get Parent's features. The Parent's __new__ would return an instance of a subclass of the child class's bases and the Parent class. This is ...

When do you overload operator new?

Possible Duplicate: Any reason to overload global new and delete? In what cases does it make perfect sense to overload operator new? I heard you do it in a class that is very often allocated using new. Can you give an example? And are there other cases where you would want to overload operator new? Update: Thanks for all ...

Issue with opening XFDF PDf's from PGP program

I have a system that prepopulates PDF fields via XFDF. THe XFDF code seems fine, but when I try to open it with the header() in PHP, PDF fires an error. If I ignore it and refresh the page, it works fine and poplulates the form correctly. Below is the XFDF code as well as the header I am using... Any idea why PDF doesnt display it rig...

memory questions, new and free etc. (C++)

Hi, I have a few questions regarding memory handling in C++. What's the different with Mystruct *s = new Mystruct and Mystruct s? What happens in the memory? Looking at this code: struct MyStruct{ int i; float f; }; MyStruct *create(){ MyStruct tmp; tmp.i = 1337; tmp.j = .5f; return &tmp; } int main(){ ...

Is is possible to replace the memory allocator in a debug build of an MFC application?

Background: I'd like to make use of Electric Fence in an MFC application. I'd like to track new/delete, and if I can track malloc/free that's an added bonus. Unfortunately, MFC redefines new and delete - but using macros (DEBUG_NEW) - so I can't use the standard C++ method of redefining them. (MFC defines them to have different signatur...

jQuery new element appended to DOM does not work

I have a script that selects and drags several elements. It works fine but when I want to add another new element to that function, append it to DOM, it does not work. The function is: $(function() { var selected = $([]), offset = {top:0, left:0}; $("#selectable1").selectable(); $("#selectable1 span").draggable(...

C++ Confusion. Reading Integer From Text File. Convert to ASCII

I am learning C++ for the first time. I have no previous programming background. In the book I have I saw this example. #include <iostream> using::cout; using::endl; int main() { int x = 5; char y = char(x); cout << x << endl; cout << y << endl; return 0; } The example makes sense: print an integer and the AS...

Why use GWT.create() instead of new?

What is the difference between GWT.create(SomeClass.class) and new SomeClass()? Why would you use one over the other? ...

new returns NULL when initializing static global variable in windows?

I'm working on integrating rLog with our code base, and I'm noticing a problem on Windows that I don't have on linux. In a header file I have a static variable that gives me a "verbose" logging channel (one up from debug basically), defined thusly: static RLogChannel *rlog_verbose = DEF_CHANNEL("verbose", Log_Debug); There's no probl...

How does operator overloading (especially 'new') arity work?

I've never quite understood how the argument lists for operator overloading are determined in a systematic way, and I'm particularly confused by a problem I have now. When you overload a unary operator it has one argument, or zero if it's a class member. When you overload a binary operator it has two arguments, or one if it's a class m...