
Why does NHibernate not realise my domain object needs updating, not inserting?

Hi all I have a web page which uses NHibernate to load a domain object. The object's state is then stored in the page controls, and when the user clicks the save button, a new object is created and its properties (included the Id) are populated from the page controls. I then call session.Save() on the object. This to me means that NHib...

How do I use Fluent Nhibernate many-to-many for optimal performance?

I have a product table that has a many-to-many relation to itself (using a two-column many-to-many table) and I have set it up in Fluent NHibernate with the following code: public class ProductConfiguration : ClassMap<Product> { public ProductConfiguration() { Table("Product"); Id(p => p.Id).GeneratedBy.Guid(); ...

NHibernate - How to fetch conditional data from database using hbm file mapping

Hello, Currently I am using many-to-one element in hbm file to fetch the data object from database like following.... <property name="ContactId" length="4" /> <many-to-one name="DefaultContact" column="ContactId" class="Models.Contact" update="false" insert="false"/> This code is fetching the data properly, but no...

NHibernate MappingException: Could not compile the mapping document

Hi all On my dev web app NHibernate is working just dandy. When I precompile and deploy the site, I get a MappingException when the SessionFactory is created. Here's some info from the trace: NHibernate.Cfg.Environment 2010-07-15 09:20:59,577 [7] INFO NHibernate.Cfg.Environment [(null)] - NHibernate ( 0.452...

NHibernate many-to-many relationship question: can select, can't update

Each user has a list of roles: <class name="User" lazy="false" table="Users"> <id name="Id" type="int"> <generator class="native"/> </id> <property name="Name" /> <bag name="RoleList" table="User_Role" inverse="true" lazy="false" collection-type="Roles"> <key column="UserId" foreign-key="Id"/> <many...

Fluent NHiberante - Many To Many Relation

I have Product and Category tables in database. One product can have many categories. One category can have many products. So, I have a third table as ProductCategory, which has ProductID and CategoryID. In Fluent NHibernate, what does the mapping class should look like? For example, For ProductMap class is it correct: HasMany(x =>...

Enum parsing doesn't seem to work with Fluent NHibernate

Hi all I have a data access class with an Enum called Salutation: public enum Salutation { Unknown = 0, Dame = 1, etc Mr = 5, etc } I am peristing the class with NHibernate, and up until this morning I was using .hbm.xml files for mapping. However, I've now switched to using Fluent NHibernate, but loading ins...

To cascade or not to cascade? ("object references an unsaved transient instance" error)

Hello, gentlemen! First, I've tried to ask the similar question yesterday (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3255407/nhibernate-many-to-many-relationship-question-can-select-cant-update), but after a debugging night hopefully I can rephrase a question the better (right?) way. If I am doing something wrong by that - please tell - I'll er...

NHibernate one-to-many mapping does not populate the bag

I have a simple object model of a header with multiple detail lines. I have mapped a bag property on the header object to the line class and also put a header property on the line class to set the two way relationship. When I run my tests, using NHibernate Profiler I can see that the query is being performed, and the header and lines ar...

How do i transform a HQL result to List<T> where T is a mapped class.

I have this nhibernate query: var q = NHibernateSession.Current.CreateSQLQuery ( @"SELECT LastestEvents.* FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT SbQcontainer.Container FROM HistoricEvents SbQc...

One-To-Many , Many-To-One recursive Relationship in NHibernate

I have a use-case in my app where I need the first two levels of my object tree. I have an object called Player which has a list called CheckIns that holds a many-to-one connection to Player as an object reference when I execute the Query I get back a seemingly endless chain of Player->CheckIns->Player->CheckIns and so on.. What I nee...

Mapping a backing field, that has a diferent type from the respective property, using Fluent NHibernate

I need to persist this class on database using Fluent NHibernate: public class RaccoonCity { public virtual int Id { get; private set; } public virtual DateTime InfectionStart { get; private set; } private IList<Zombie> _zombies = new List<Zombie>(); public virtual IEnumerable<Zombie> Zombies { get { retu...

Nhibernate one-to-many lazy loading not working as expected.

Consider the following scenario: Class A has a one-to-many relationship to Class B. Class B has a many-to-one relationship to Class C. class A { IList<B> BList {get;set;} } class B { C CMember{get;set;} } class C { //null } If I load class B from the database using something like IList<B> result = query.List<B>(); every...

NHibernate One-To-Many Using A Join Table

Is this possible without mapping the join table to a domain entity? For example if I have the following three tables, account and note are joined by the table account_note. Can i map a collection of notes to account class with a one to many mapping? 1 to M | 1 to M Account -> Account_Note -> Note ...

Nhibernate multiple unique-key on same field

I have a hierarchical structure like this: class Node { Node Parent; string Name; string Code; } and I need to reflect in nhibernate mapping files that the combinations (Parent, Name) and (Parent, Code) BOTH are unique (even when Parent is null). Does nhibernate allows multiple unique-key on the same field? Something in the like...

Mapping a Private Field in NHibernate (with Fluent NH)

Hi friends! I'd like to know, How Could I map (with fluent nhibernate) this model: public class Category { private IList<Product> _products; public IEnumerable<Product> Products { get { return _products; } } /* others properties */ public Category() { _products = new List<Product>(); } // to add...

nHibernate List mapping without key column?

I have the following entities. class Parent { public virtual int ID {get; set;} public virtual string Key {get; set;} public virtual string Type {get; set;} public virtual string Value {get; set;} public virtual IList<Child> Children {get; set;} } class Child { public virtual int ID {get; set;} public virtual string Paren...

Multiple return types from NHibernate.

Earlier I asked this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3339477/loop-in-mysql-or-alternative/3339494#3339494 I got a great answer and it does work. Now in my application I am using NHibernate(in C# .NET 3.5) as the DAL. I dont really know how to deal with multiple return types, so I tried the following: var session = NHibe...

Error in my hibernate request

hello i have an error when i execute a request with hibernate ERROR ast.ErrorCounter (ErrorCounter.java:33) - line 1:22: expecting IDENT, found '*' my dao: public List rechercheValeurTarifs() throws Exception { List tarifs = null; try{ tarifs = getHibernateTemplate().find("SELECT FE_TARIF_IDF.* " + ...

Creation of mapping Entities for NHibernate having multiple databases with different servers

I'm looking for some suggestion. We have server setup as below for 3 applications interacting together. 1) Application A with Database A 2) Application B with Database B 3) Application C with Database C Use Case: User's from application A submits some requests which is then sent to application B or C for approval. User's from applicat...