What are the best practices for NoSQL Databases, OODBs or whatever other acronyms may exist for them?
For example, I've often seen a field "type" being used for deciding how the DB document (in couchDB/mongoDB terms) should be interpreted by the client, the application.
Where applicable, use PHP as a reference language. Read: I'm also ...
What exactly is NoSQL? Is it database systems that only work with {key:value} pairs?
As far as I know MemCache is one of such database systems, am I right?
What other popular NoSQL databases are there and where exactly are they useful?
Thanks, Boda Cydo.
I'm looking into NoSQL for scaling alternatives to a database. What do I do if I want transaction-based things that are sensitive to these kind of things?
We are looking at using Cassandra to store a stream of information coming from various sources.
One issue we are facing is the best way to query between two dates.
For example we will need to retrieve an object between datetime dt1 and datetime dt2.
We are currently considering the created unix timestamp as the key pointing to the act...
I have been looking for a database solution to allow user defined fields and values (allowing an unlimited number). At first glance, EAV seemed like the right fit, but after some reading I am not sure anymore.
What are the pros and cons of EAV?
Is there an alternative database method to allow user defined attributes/fields and values?...
We have a 300 Gb+ data array we'd like to query as fast as possible. Traditional SQL databases (specifically, SQL Server) cannot handle this volume as effectively as we need (like, perform a select with 10-20 conditions in where clause in less than 10 sec), so I'm investigating other solutions for this problem.
I've been reading about N...
I'm willing to give MongoDB and CouchDB a serious try. So far I've worked a bit with Mongo, but I'm also intrigued by Couch's RESTful approach.
Having worked for years with relational DBs, I still don't get what is the best way to get some things done with non relational databases.
For example, if I have 1000 car shops and 1000 ca...
I have used many SQL abstraction libraries, such as ODBC, JDBC, and ActiveRecord. What are the abstraction options in the NoSQL / key-value store world?
I am mostly asking this so that if I choose a key-value store then I can use an abstraction library and not be locked in, which I think is important given the number of key value store...
Hi I am keen on setting up a Linux box to play around with Rails, No-Sql, Mono C#... and opensource projects!
I am keen on learning Ruby on Rails and don't have a Mac so I think for now the cheapest option is to install a Linux distro on my computer. I am also keen on trying out MongoDB
I am a complete nube to Linux and am wondering if...
Good day,
I have been using Rails/Mysql for the past while but I have been hearing about Cassandra, MongoDB, CouchDB and other document-store DB/Non-relational databases. I'm planning to explore them later as they might be better alternative for scalability.
I'm planning to start an application soon. Will it make a different with Rail...
Our application will be serving a large number of small, thumbnail-size images (about 6-12KB in size) through HTTP. I've been asked to investigate whether using a NoSQL data store is a viable solution for data storage. Ideally, we would like our data store to be fault-toerant and distributed. Anyone in the StackOverflow community have an...
NoSQL refers to non-relational data stores that break with the history of relational databases and ACID guarantees. Popular open source NoSQL data stores include:
Cassandra (tabular, written in Java, used by Cisco WebEx, Digg, Facebook, IBM, Mahalo, Rackspace, Reddit and Twitter)
CouchDB (document, written in Erlang, used by BBC and En...
I'm not looking for a holy war here, I am thinking through a distributed architecture and would like input on How do I choose between a RDBMS vs. a DocDBMS?
We cannot deny the power that can be had by using a RDBMS (i.e. MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS Sql Server, etc), they have been in development for more than 30 years and many issues have bee...
I am learning about the Apache Cassandra database [sic].
Does anyone have any good/bad experiences with deploying Cassandra to less than dedicated hardware like the offerings of Linode or Slicehost?
I think Cassandra would be a great way to scale a web service easily to meet read/write/request load... just add another Linode running...
So far Django has good integration with several RDBMS. NoSQL, schema-less and document-oriented DBMS are picking up. What's the status of integration those on-trend and fashionable DBMSes with Django? Are there any production-ready or at least ready-to-use libraries for Django?
So far I have these at hand:
I have my mind firmly wrapped around relational databases and how to code efficiently against them. Most of my experience is with MySQL and SQL. I like many of the things I'm hearing about document-based databases, especially when someone in a recent podcast mentioned huge performance benefits. So, if I'm going to go down that road, what...
Hi all,
I've seen NoSQL pop up quite a bit on SO and I have a solid understanding of why you would use it (from here, Wikipedia, etc). This could be due to the lack of concrete and uniform definition of what it is (more of a paradigm than concrete implementation), but I'm struggling to wrap my head around how I would go about designing...
Surely one can run a single node cluster but I'd like some level of fault-tolerance.
At present I can afford to lease two servers (8GB RAM, private VLAN @1GigE) but not 3.
My understanding is that 3 nodes is the minimum needed for a Cassandra cluster because there's no possible majority between 2 nodes, and a majority is required for r...
I'm trying to learn how to map the entities/actors/objects/things in my application for storage in Cassandra. There was a great tutorial for Redis on modeling Twitter data and typical access patterns called Retwis [1]. I've found a couple of examples for Cassandra.
How did you start to gain an intuition for Cassandra's data model?
Hello all,
For a bit of background - this question deals with a project running on a single small EC2 instance, and is about to migrate to a medium one. The main components are Django, MySQL and a large number of custom analysis tools written in python and java, which do the heavy
lifting. The same machine is running Apache as well.