
What was your first home computer?

What was your first home computer? The one that made you "fall in love" with programming. There are 300+ entries, many (most?) of which are duplicates. As with all Stack Overflow poll type Q&As, please make certain your answer is NOT listed already before adding a new answer - searching doesn't always find it (model naming variation...

Old Computers, and other Memorabilia ... Walk Down Memory Lane

I've been in the computer industry for a long time ... and one of the ways I minimize my mid-life crisis is to collect old computers and software! I cut my programming and gaming teeth on these vintage computers. I've managed to acquire some of the following computers: Commodore Pet, Commodore VIC 20, Commodore 64, Atari 800, Compaq...

What was your first programming language?

When you first started to write program, what was the first programming language you learned? Please don't post repeats. If someone already posted it, just vote for it. ...

Whats the first program you WANTED to write but couldn't finish?

I was in 6th or 7th grade when I first started coding on an 8088 with DOS and Turbo C. The first real program I ever wanted to write was a reminder app for DOS to use for a little business I came up with and I never finished it. The idea was that the app would let you enter people, phone numbers, and details about what you should r...

How do I code and compile an Amiga application?

I would like to program an application for the Amiga, just for fun! Please could someone post a step by step howto based on the following? Exactly what programming tools I should use, are there any already installed? Am I limited to plain text editors, or are there IDEs and debugging tools available? If no tools are already installed,...

What is a good piece of low cost electronic kit for programming?

Now that systems are so powerful, there doesn't seem to be anything like the fun challenge of trying to get the most out of some 8-bit micro and with less than 64kb memory. Is there something (that isn't an emulator) which can provide a similar experience? ...

Is there any sort of programming environment that runs ON an IPhone?

I'm just recalling the days when Radio Shack used to sell pocket computers. (Many moons ago, w/ only a few K of memory.) They had the ability to write small programs on Pocket computer. Maybe it's just nostalgic, but I alway thought that was handy. (Through the fog of my memory.) Is there any capability like that for an Iphone? Edit...

Are there still BASIC compilers/interpreters that use line numbers?

When I learned to program, (30 years ago) I was using a ZX-81 which used line numbers to label every line of code. The Sinclair QL I had next did support this too but also allowed the use of subroutines. The first GWBasic/ABasic interpreters also supported the use of line numbers instead of the "modern techniques" of the modern BASIC com...

Is there any console "graphics" library for .Net?

My basic goal here is writing a .NET remake of Kingdom of Kroz. For those not familiar with the game: Originally it was supposed to be a quick distraction project to give me a break from all the generic enterprise WCF/WF/LINQ2SQL/etc work pro...