
NPPExec script for C# (csc.exe)

Hi all - I'm having trouble writing a NPPExec script (for Notepad++) to compile C# source using Microsoft's csc.exe. I had no problem getting MinGW up and running for my c++ stuff, but the same script structure doesn't seem to work for C#. Does anybody have a working C# NPPExec script? Three quick notes: 1)While my mingw installed to a...

NPPExec: F6 not working anymore in Notepad++

Hi all - I can't seem to get F6 to work anymore to pull up the Execute in Notepad++'s NPPExec function. It was working fine until two days ago. None of the other function keys work to pull up Execute either. Any ideas what happened? Thanks. ...

Automating GNUStep from Notepad++

I use GNUStep to compile Objective-C on Windows 7 using GCC and MinGW. I'd like to be able to automate the "make" instruction (with make files) from Notepad++ and have any complier errors reported to Notepad++s console window. Edit: What I am trying to do is script GNUStep/Bash to login to the right directory, build the directory, then ...

How to find multiple words on the same line in Notepad++

I have a 4MB log file from the Windows XP firewall which I'm trying to find lines that have both DROP and an IP and a port number. My regex-fu is weak and I'm assuming this is the reason I'm struggling. The words "DROP", "" (for example) and "8801" need to be found on the same line and may be spread across the line and separated...

Mercurial Editor: "abort: The system cannot find the file specified"

I have a problem getting Mercurial to recognise my editor. I have a file, c:\windows\notepad.exe and typing "notepad" at the command prompt works. I can commit by using the "-m" argument to supply the commit title. But a simple "hg commit" brings up the error. A call to "hg --traceback commit" brings up: Traceback (most recent call las...

Notepad ++ Replace All Regular Expression (Start of the line and End of the line)

Hello, I am tryin to Replace the start of line with a "(". However when i use replace all i'm not able to do so. For eg: 432425\n 4254645\n w4546746\n 46457367\n 4765756\n I want the output as using Replace All So i use the ^ symbol with Regular Expression Selected and Replace All. Using only Replace works fine. (432425\n (4254645...

how can I make shortcut the menu, Language -> J -> Javascript

I often open .aspx file. I used to do language -> j -> javascript. every time when I open aspx file it's really annoying I like to make short cut or macro. But I cannot find this menu on Shortcut mapper. How Can I do this? ...

How to find different words like a or b in notepad++?

Notepad++'s Regular Expressions don't support symbol |.So how can I find different words like a or b in notepad++? ...

How to use "Nppexec" for Notepad++?

Hi everybody! Is there anybody who shows me how to configure nppexec-plugin for Notepad++? I actually want npp to compile my c-files, run them and to show me their output. I already downloaded the plugin, but I wasn't able to configure it. Maybe anyone out there who is able to show me how? kind regards ...

RegExp: want to find all links that do not end in ".html"

Hi, I'm a relative novice to regular expressions (although I've used them many times successfully). I want to find all links in a document that do not end in ".html" The regular expression I came up with is: href=\"([^"]*)(?<!html)\" In Notepad++, my editor, href=\"([^"]*)\" finds all the links (both those that end in "html" and thos...

Inserting a Page Break Character in Notepad++

In UltraEdit-32, inserting a page break character can be done by using your assigned keyboard shortcut (mine is CTRL+Enter). UltraEdit-32 will render a nice horizontal rule to imply a page break. How can I do the same thing in Notepad++? ...

Does anyone have a Notepad++ plugin that will generate UUIDs and insert them.

I Often need UUIDs inserted into files that I'm editing in Notepad++. Does anyone have a macro or add in that does this. Or an autohotkey script? ...

notepad++ tab to left

if i press tab the line moves to right, what i must press to move line to left? ...

Using jsDoc in Notepad++

Hi, I use notepad++ for my JavaScript development now. I am wondering if anyone has successfully integrated jsDoc with notepad++ for easy code commenting. I was usint Aptana earlier and it was already integrated in it as ScriptDoc I believe but Aptana grew out to be painfully slow. ...

Is there a notepad++ plugin that will replace a date/time stamp in the document when saving?

Hello I'm looking for a notepad++ plugin that will replace a date/time stamp within the file when i save it (not to change the file name Thanks in advance for any assistance, ---MikeO ...

Character Encoding, UTF or ANSI?

I'm using Eclipse in Ubuntu to edit PHP files. But, unfortunately, some of these PHP files were created in Notepad++ in Windows XP, with ANSI encoding defined. Also, these files generates HTML codes with charset=ISO-8859-1. When I configured Eclipse to ISO-8859-1, many special characters were lost and changed to '???', and when I try ...

Regex in Notepad++

Can anyone provide a regex for notepad++ for the below search and replace (conversion) ADD ( PRIMARY KEY (xxx) ) ; to ADD PRIMARY KEY (xxx) ; basically, removed a () around primary key expression. the value xxx is different among statements. If not notepad++, I may also try the regex for vim or any shell script. thanks a lot. B...

How to run dos commands from Notepad++ Execute command

I've written a small script in the Notepad++ Execute textarea (hotkey F6) npp_switch cd ..\..\..\ javac -sourcepath src -classpath classes;lib\*.jar src\com\myfirm\*.java -d classes java -classpath classes;lib\*.jar com.myfirm."$(NAME_PART)" It requires a class in the same directory that ends with name. However, it...

Making Swedish characters show properly in Windows Command Prompt using Python in Notepad++

The title explains it well. I have set up Notepad++ to open the Python script in the command prompt when I press F8 but all Swedish characters looks messed up when opening in CMD but perfectly fine in e.g IDLE. This simple example code: #!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- print "åäö" Looks like this. As you can see the outp...

Finding Line Beginning using Regular expression in Notepad++

Finding Line Beginning using Regular expression in Notepad++ (Sorry if this is a newbie question) I want to strip a 4000-line HTML file from all the jQuery "done" stuff, e.g.: <DIV class=menu done27="1" done26="0" done9="1" done8="0" done7="1" done6="0" done4="20"> should be replaced with: <DIV class=menu> In