
Having a menu open when you click on a NotifyIcon (VB.NET)

I want to have a NotifyIcon in the system tray that when clicked, opens a context menu on the NotifyIcon with several options that open different forms. I have read I need to use a ContextMenu and after Google'ing and trying out various code I can't seem to get it working :/ Any help on the matter is greatly appreicated. ...

Overlaying Notification Icon with text

Hey Guys, After some help here, I've got WPF using the windows.forms notifyIcon class (It's not a major app so not worried about purity). And I was wondering if its possible to overlay some text on the icom? Basically I need it to visually show how many entries is in my gridview. And run this on everytime the SizeChanged event. This is...

C# Getting the text off notifyIcons (tray icons)

I'm crafting this "what you are listening to" - plugin for learning purposes that displays the current Spotify or Winamp song as a message in an IM client. So far it's really simple, I'm merely getting the song played from the title like so Process.GetProcessesByName("spotify"); and then just pick out the song part ("Spotify - < song...

Invoke NotifyIcon's Context Menu

I want to have it such that left clicking on the NotifyIcon also causes the context menu (set with the ContextMenuStrip property) to open as well. How would I achieve this? Do I have to handle Click and figure out the positioning myself? Thanks! Edit: showing the menu with trayIcon.ContextMenuStrip.Show() results is a few undesirable...

NotifyIcon not firing double-click event

I have a double click event for a notify icon that will bring up my main form. The double click event isnt firing. Even if I put a breakpoint in the code it never gets executed. Here is what I have so far: Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing Me.WindowState =...

Show NotifyIcon Context Menu and Control Its Position?

I'm trying to show a context menu when I left-click a NotifyIcon. Just calling NotifyIcon.ContextMenuStrip.Show() doesn't work very well. A solution has been posted here before that calls a secret method using Reflection: Dim mi As System.Reflection.MethodInfo = GetType(NotifyIcon).GetMethod("ShowContextMenu", Reflection.BindingFlags.In...

c# catch clipboard changes, wont work if form minimized to tray

Hi .. i have a problem using the "Catch Clipboard Events code" found on this link : the code works great only if the form stays in the foreground, not minimized to tray BUT: if you add a notifyicon and minimize the form to tray and turn the showintaskbar to fal...

Animate tray icon while processing

How can I animate the tray icon while the main application is processing? I already tried the suggestion here, but the icon does not animate during process. I also tried putting the animation in a separate thread but still no luck. ...

Animated Notify Icon like the task manager graph

Hi guys, I'm trying to create a bandwidth monitor - I've done most of it, but I want to have a notifyicon that changes dependent on the bandwidth. The same as when you open task manager and then minimise it, there is a little animated bar graph by the clock showing CPU usage... How do I do that??? Any help would be appreciated. ...

Winforms - why does a "Show()" after a system tray double click end up in my app minimized?

Hi Winforms - why does a "Show()" after a system tray double click end up in my app minimized? How do I ensure Inthe notifyicon double click event that my hidden main form comes back visible as normal, not minimized (nor maximised for that matter too) ...

drag and drop on NotifyIcon in tray in C#

I am trying to create a C# application that runs in tray where I can drop files on it's icon. Is there any way to get the path of the file dropped on the System Tray icon? System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon does not have any events related to drag and drop. ...

How to run an "empty" Windows Application that only has a NotifyIcon?

I want to make an Application that only has a NotifyIcon. It doesn't need to have at all a "Main" Form. When I want to achieve something like this, I just create an invisible form and run it, but would there be a more "elegant" way of doing this, I'd like to know it. How do you generally do this? This application can't be a Windows Serv...

Custom NotifyIcon ballon in VS2005

I want to show the notifyicon's balloon in custom shape (i.e) Rectangle with color controls i to do this i am using VS2005 how to achieve this. Suggestions of 3rd-party tools are fine. ...

C# NotifyIcon ShowBalloonTip timeout

Hi, In my c# (2.0 framework) application I'm using notify Icon control. I want to show from this control a balloon tip. but the "showBalloonTip" event i slimite to a timeout and I want to show this balloon forever. I've tried to use a timer that will show the balloon again and again but in vista there is a fading effect for balloons and...

WinForms notifyicon high dpi

in my c# application (2.0 framework) I'm using notifyicon. I set the icon to an ico file that contains 16X16 and 32X32 icons. when I change the DPI to 150% in win7 the icon looks the 16X16 icon. it looks with very low resolution. ...

WPF NotifyIcon Help C#

Hi everyone. I'm having trouble with a NotifyIcon in WPF I currently have the following: notifyI = new NotifyIcon(); notifyI.Icon = new Icon("Power.ico"); notifyI.Text = "Shutdown Timer"; notifyI.Visible = true; notifyI.MouseDoubleClick...

System Tray Application and Memory Footprint

Hello everyone, I have created a small application that, basically, exists in the system tray and the user only needs to open the actual application in VERY few cases. The problem is, that once the suer opened the application for the first time, the memory is filled up with an awful lot of data (WPF UI for datagrids, treeviews etc). But...

Using a Windows Forms icon in WPF

I've got this WPF code which works... Uri iconUri = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/media/images/VS.ico", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); this.Icon = BitmapFrame.Create(iconUri); I'm using a windows forms notifyIcon control in my WPF app, and I now need to assing the Icon to it. How do I get from my WPF icon to a System.Drawing.Icon ? ...

Disabling Alt-F4 on a Win Forms NotifyIcon

I am using a NotifyIcon from Win Forms to make a systray icon for my WPF C# application. I have a bug where if the user right clicks the icon for the context menu, they can press Alt-F4 and the icon will disappear from the tray, but the Main WPF application is still running. This is especially a problem when they have "minimized to syst...

Using Invoke with a UI element that extends Application Context?

I have a taskBarIcon element extending Application Context from which my entire UI is designed. This is because the original functionality of the application was to run a background process and simply provide the icon as a confirmation that the app was running. However, I am now adding additional functionality in the form of a menu that ...