
Advanced Localization with Omission of Arguments in Xcode

I have this formatted string that I am having a translator work on. ENGLISH "Check out the %1$@ %2$@ in %3$@: %4$@" = "Check out the %1$@ %2$@ in %3$@: %4$@" GERMAN TRANSLATION "Check out the %1$@ %2$@ in %3$@: %4$@" = "Hör Dir mal %2$@ in %3$@ an: %4$@"; These are passed to a [NSString stringWithFormat:] call: ////////////////...

iPhone Internationalization. What is the simplest workflow for me?

Hello, I am wising up and getting my internationalization act together. Right off the bat I am a bit swamped by all the docs Apple provides so I was wondering of someone could sketch a workflow for my situation. Before I begin, I browsed some Apple example code and noticed this NIB file - MainWindow.xib - in the Resources folder: ...

Multi-line strings in objective-c localized strings file

I have a template for an email that I've put in a localized strings file, and I'm loading the string with the NSLocalizedString macro. I'd rather not make each line its own string with a unique key. In Objective-C, I can create a human-readable multiline string like so: NSString *email = @"Hello %@,\n" "\n" "Check out %@.\n" ...

Have different fallback language than the keys used in NSLocalizedString(@"Text aka. key",@"Description")

I use everywhere NSLocalizedString(@"Text in deutsch",@"das Textfeld Text in deutsch") I have two Localizable.strings files. One for german and one for english. What I realized now is. If you have a german iPhone, you get the german text, if you have your iPhone set to english you get the english text. But if you have lets say french, t...

Overriding preferred strings localization on the fly for testing

Using the Settings app in the iPhone simulator to switch languages is a PITA way of testing localization tweaks. I'm trying to figure out a way to switch localizations (en/fr/es/etc) on the fly in my app with a debug setting without restarting the app. NSBundle provides ways of requesting localized resources from an arbitrary localizati...

Does Apple provide localized recovery options for common NSButton title's for NSError's?

Does Apple provide localized strings for common NSButton titles, such as the equivalents to OK, Cancel, Try Again, and Quit? I'm attempting to create a custom NSError object from one handed to me by another Cocoa framework. I want to implement the NSErrorRecoveryAttempting informal protocol to let the user Try Again or Quit if an error...

Unicode not converted when displayed

Hi, I'm localizing an app to spanish, and characters are encoded in the Localizable.strings file for that language using Unicode. For example, I have the entry: "login.saveSettings"="Guardar configuraci\\u00F3n:"; which is displayed in a UILabel exactly like that ("Guardar configuraci\\u00F3n:"), instead of "Guardar configuración:". I t...

iPhone app using different language than the one set in OS / device?

Hi, Is it possible to have my app running in a different language than the one that is set in the OS? I want to have a language switch in my app’s setting menu, where the user can e.g. select german for the app, while his system is running in english. From what I’ve already read, it seems it’s not possible without having my own localiz...

Possible to use variables and/or parameters with NSLocalizedString?

I have tried using a variable as an input parameter to NSLocalizedString, but all I am getting back is the input parameter. What am I doing wrong? Is it possible to use a variable string value as an index for NSLocalized string? For example, I have some strings that I want localized versions to be displayed. However, I would like to use...

NSLocalizedString seems to ignore regions unless there is nothing else. Is this true or am i doing something wrong?

For my localizable strings I currently have an en, fr and en_CA. It all works fine and well except when I'm trying to use the en_CA. I have it set right and it is even reporting the currentLocale is en_CA but it still seems to use the en's values instead of the en_CA's. Has anyone faced this before? Thanks! ...

How to change all the strings in an iphone application with respective selected language in settings?

Hi Guys, I need help from you, I need to display all the text, labels , strings and what ever text is showing to user in the iphone application with respective selected language in settings of iphone. for example user selects German or French in settings of iPhone language, then my application should provide or view the details in that...

Xcode: Localizable.strings: Conversion of string failed. The string is empty. copystrings failed with exit code 1

Hi everybody, I use a Localizable.strings file and replaces the strings in my app with NSLocalizedString(@"KEY",@" COMMENT"). I replaced up to now a lot of strings and it worked well. I have added some more strings and now I have got the following error message : CopyStringsFile build/Debug-iphoneos/Australia.app/en.lproj/Localizable....

Unit Testing iPhone Code That Uses NSLocalizedString

I have an iPhone iOS4.1 application that uses localized strings. I have just started building unit tests using the SenTestingKit. I have been able to successfully test many different types of values. I am unable to correctly test any of my code that uses NSLocalizedString calls, because when the code runs in my LogicTests target, all of...

Is it common to localize you iphone app? Do you localize by default?

Trying to settle a debate with a client. I didnt localize the strings and images in the application and it didnt come up during the 3 week define and discover. They seem to think its a basic best practice and that it should have been done by default. I disagree, especially if there are no planned languages otw. Seems like you would leav...