
(null) values in NSMutableArray after inserting an NSMutableDictionary

I'm using an NSXMLParser to grab data and build an array of dictionaries with some information on a set of photos. Whenever I attempt to add a dictionary to the array, the value is always (null) Code: - (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didStartElement:(NSString *)elementName namespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedName:(NSStr...

Array is empty after function

Hello everyone, I am newbie with Cocoa Touch, I have a problem that I try to figure out. I will appreciate if anyone could help. I would like to create a tableDataList to display on the table. AsyncViewController will call TableHandler fillList method to initialize table data. But after fillList call, the tableDataList return empty. C...

How to search 'objects' in NSMutableArray in objective-c

Hi, I am working on a application in which i need to search values in array which is storing the values from xml. I shall be thankful for this. with Regards Prateek Bhanot ...

Save NSTextView in NSMutableArray and read it

Hi Everyone! My question is the following, I have an NSTextView and I want to do 2 things : First save this textview in an NSMutableArray and assign a X,Y position to it in this array. Secondly, get this textview from the NSMutableArray and display it at the position I've set when I saved it in the array. Anyone have an idea of ho...

Objective-C NSMutableArray of sockets?

Hey guys, I want to store a couple of sockets in an ArrayList/NSMutableArray, but the sockets are of type int and NSMutableArray only accepts objects (id). Is there another data type that I can use as a container for sockets? I am not sure how many entries I will have, so I would like the data container to be like an ArrayList. Thanks!...

NSMutableArray getting overwritten on every pass within a loop

greetings Cocoa masters - this simple issue has me crawling the walls. I have a custom class called Movie which consists of a bunch of properties and a few collections. I am populating it successfully using FMDB and SQLite. However, with each pass through the result collection from the DB, my addObject: seems to be writing over the entir...

how to get index of a item in a array

i am having array called stored and i want to access thier indexes so that i can select them individually to do my operations... if i want to print thier indexes what should i do?.... ...

Problem with NSMutableArray and custom NSObject

Hi, I'm really desperate on this one. I'm trying to make a Framework which you can search and play YouTube videos with. But while testing it, I'm running in to a big problem. In the search operation I'm adding YTVideos (a subclass of NSObject) to a NSMutableArray. When I loop thru it in the main(), I'm getting nil-objects: Method - (N...

JSON data in NSMutable Array is out of scope and tableView won't display the cellData

So i'm working on an iphone app that parses json and tries to put the results into a plain UITableview. I have my tableview setup in the xib file and also setup the datasource and the delegate as the MainViewController (this is utility application). I get the JSON request just fine and I always test this by outputting it to a text label...

retrieving doubles in NSMutableArray converted with [NSNumber numberWithDouble:doubleVar]

I am looking for what is probably a simple answer to my novice question. I know that NSMutableArray can only hold objects, so when I put the double into the array I used the [myArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:aValue]]; conversion method. What I need to do now is to pull the values out as doubles and average them. I believe...

Objective-C Sort NSMutableArray of Objects by a specific Object attribute

I have an object called Station in my system with these attributes: @interface Station : NSObject { NSString *stationID; NSString *callsign; NSString *stationState; } I also have an NSMutableArray containing 20 'Station' objects as defined above. I need to define a method which can can sort this array in 2 ways: 1) By stationID 2) By...

Objective-C NSMutableArray: Problem with sorting objects?

I currently have an object called Station defined as: @interface RFStation : NSObject { NSString *stationID; NSString *callsign; NSString *logo; NSString *frequency; @end I also have an NSMutableArray containing a list of 'Station' objects. I need to have a method to sort these objects by the 'stationState' attrib...

copy NSMutableArray item

I am copying a mutable array like this: //copy players' info into playerList from a dictionary playerList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[params objectForKey:@"p"] copyItems:YES]; The items in the array implement copyWithZone like this: - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { PlayerInfo* copy = [[[self class] allocWithZone:zo...

NSMutableArray and KVO : how to get inserted and removed objects

Hi, I'm trying to use KVO to observe a mutable array : How can i use NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew and NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld to get the objects that have been inserted or removed ? Here is what i tried : in the viewDidLoad method : [self addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"recipeList" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | ...

How to archive an NSArray of custom objects to file in Objective-C

Hello, Can you show me the syntax or any sample programs to archive an NSArray of custom objects in Objective-C? ...

Adding Object NSMutableArray with ForEach Loop

Hello, here is what i am trying to do: NSMutableArray *objectNames = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (Object *o in objectList){ if (![objectNames containsObject:o.name]) { [objectNames addObject:o.name]; } } I am trying to go through an array of objects, then take the objects name (a string) and add it to a string a...

Getting a signal 10 error when initializing NSMutableArray

Hi Everyone, I'm a beginner at Objective-C and am trying to initialize an NSMutableArray with objects of various types. Here is my code: NSMutableArray *mutArr = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:1]; [mutArr addObject:path]; [mutArr addObject:fullPath]; [mutArr addObject:pathArray]; [mutArr addObject:pI]; [mutArr addObject:proces...

Synchronizing NSMutableArray for Thread Security ?

HI All, I have a Threaded application, in which there is a NSMutableArray, which contains the NSManagedObjects, Now i want my array to be accessed once at a time by any Thread. So how do i synchronize that array, or may be put locking mechanism on it. Thanks in Advance ... ...

Can I release an object which was added to a NSMutableArray or does this affect a crash?

Hi, i've got one question about the memory management of the NSMutableArray. I create an object of my custom class and add this object to a NSMutableArray. Is this automatically retained, so that I can release my created object? Thanks! ...

Insert NSMutableDictionary with NSDictionaries

I tried to insert NSDictionary's in a NSMutableDictionary. There is noch Error but it won't work :-( It's empty like before. Here's my code: NSMutableDictionary *einnahmen = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:20]; NSArray *objects = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: name, [NS...