
Iphone: XML image problem

Hi! I have a question about parsing XML and putting it into a table. I parsed the following elements from a RSS feed : title, dc:creator and enclosure url (= an image). The parsing is working, i can see everything showing up in the console. But when i try to load everything into the tablecell, everything shows up except for the image. ...

Sending information back from delegate [iPhone]

I'm using NSXMLParser in my RootViewController.m file. NSXMLParser *xmlParser = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithData:response_data]; [xmlParser setDelegate:self]; [xmlParser parse]; [xmlParser release]; I'm also implementing this method to add entries to a dictionary defined in RootViewController.m for later use: - (void)parser:(NSXMLPa...

Using NSXMLParser to extract attributes that are URL encoded?

Hello, I am trying to use NSXMLParser on the iPhone to parse a string that contains HTML, similar to the HTML shown below... <html><head><title>Working...</title></head><body><form method="POST" name="hiddenform" action="http://xxx/zfp"&gt;&lt;input type="hidden" name="wa" value="wsignin1.0" /><input type="hidden" name="wresult" value=...

Can NSXMLParser read Chinese?

I'm using an NSXMLParser to grab the an XML file on the web like so: NSXMLParser *xmlParser = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url]; [xmlParser setDelegate:delegate]; [xmlParser parse]; [xmlParser release]; In the delegate I have the following code: - (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didStartElement:(NSString *)elementNam...

Parse XML Using NSXMLParser for display in table view

I am parsing some XML from an RSS feed (using NSXMLParser) for a blog and would like to display the data for each post in a table cell. The XML looks like this: <item> <title>Blog post 1</title> . . </item> <item> <title>Blog post 22</title> . . </item> How would I store this data so that it is available to my ...

NSXMLParserDelegate and iPhone SDK 3.1.X

I have an app on the store which was built for 3.1.2, but which was crashing under 4.0GM. I've fixed the crash problem using Xcode 3.2.3, but was also getting warnings that such-and-such class did not implement NSXMLParserDelegate. I added to the headers and everything seemed fine. I've now submitted the app and it's waiting for review....

NSXMLParser adds extra characters to every string

I am creating a simple FeedReader iPhone app where a RSS is feed is parsed using NSXMLParser. The code to parse the RSS is a standard code similar to the one shown here. But I noticed that every parsed element has the '\n\t\t' characters at the end. Ex. link = "http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/view/exporting-data-to-csv-the-cakephp-...

make replaceOccurrencesOfString work only in some sentence string in xml in iphone

Hi, Everyone: I use the NSXMLParser to do the XML Parser from my Web Service(SOAP actually), but i face some problem here. I receive the xml data frame from NSConnection, it contains the & " < RAW string, so i use the following to convert it: [self replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"&" withString:@"&" options:NSLiteralSearch range:NSMakeR...

NSXMLParserDelegate Error when upgrading iphone code 3.x code to 4.0

I have updated my iphone sdk code from 3.x to 4.0. I am getting cannot find protocol declaration for NSXMLParserDelegate Its showing error when build and debug but when i run application its showing as warning. I just want to remove all before submitting to app store If i added protocol declaration then its not compiling for 3.x How...

how to get the nodes with specific element value

Could some one please tell me how do we use the text function in the XPath query. I needed the information for Hillman Library present in the xml http://www.sis.pitt.edu/~arazeez/Librarydata.xml resultNodes = [rssParser nodesForXPath:@"//Library[1]/Hours/TermOrHolidays" error:nil];. for now I used the [1]. But I wanted to use the tex...

NSXMLParser not parsing on iPhone

Hi all, I'm facing a problem in which NSXMLParser is parsing the data provided to it by an XML file on localhost on simulator but not on iPhone. I'm using the following code: NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@";offset=0&amp;limit=20"]; NSXMLParser *xmlParser = [...

Where is the leak?

I have been using an RSS reader code example but have found a leak in the parser. here's the code... -(BOOL)fetchAndParseRss{ NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; [UIApplication sharedApplication].networkActivityIndicatorVisible = YES; //To suppress the leak in NSXMLParser [[NSURLCache shared...

iPhone app crashes in xmlparser in the middle of nowhere??

This app has been running fine for months, but now on iOS4 i get crashes when using NSXMLParser. It is crashing in the middle of parsing. The problem is that i dont get a decent call-stack. the result is: 0 func_.29470 1 stub helpers combined with a: Program received signal: “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”. in the logs. I enabled: NSZombieEnabled...

how to pass local path to NSXMLParser

how to pass local path to NSXMLParser like this NSXMLParser *xmlParser = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:storePath]; where storepath is a local path like this: /var/mobile/Applications/56EEB906-2B73-493C-9BE7-2732440CDB69/Documents/xml1.php and my code is like this: //NSURL *urla = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:storePa...

Need help with NSXMLPARSER!

<webservicecep> <quantidade>2</quantidade> <retorno> <cep>31010330</cep> <uf>MG</uf> <cidade>Belo Horizonte</cidade> <bairro>Santa Teresa</bairro> <tipo_logradouro>Rua</tipo_logradouro> <logradouro>Paraisópolis</logradouro> <resultado>1</resultado> <resultado_txt>sucesso. logradouro encontrado local</resultado_txt> <limite_buscas>5</lim...

Parse kml example?

Hey just wondering if there was an example anywhere to do this ? I know KML is just like XML and can be treated the same. Also I know you can use NSXMLParser , and this is a great example for XML http://www.iphonesdkarticles.com/2008/11/parsing-xml-files.html ...

NSXMLParser for xml! why is it so hard to use? is there an easy way?

For the last few hours I have tired to get my head around using NSXMLParser. I understand parts of how it works. WHY Oh WHY! is this so hard? Is there an easy way to do it, like just name the tag and get the contents? Oh how I miss XmlDocument object from .Net. Thanks a million. ...

"Unable to download content from web site" while NSXMLParser initWithData

Hello, Currently I am trying to parse an xml string that I already have (no web calls needed). My app is native iPhone in Objective-C. I have set up an NSXMLParser delegate class which uses initWithData:xmlData. For some reason, the first and only callback on my delegate is to parser: parseErrorOccurred with the following text: "Unab...

NSXMLDocument: missing nodes

I'm trying to parse some placemarks on a Google Earth .kml file. I'm creating the document, and going through the placemarks, and I'm able to access all placemark names, but I can't access their descriptions: for (NSXMLNode *placemark in nodes) { NSArray *elements = [placemark nodesForXPath: @"name" error:&err]; NSXMLNod...

NSXMLParser with UTF8 Data

I'm having a really hard time trying to figure this out and would really appreciate any help. I'm trying to parse a utf 8 string with NSXMLParser but it won't work. here is my string <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><host><type>mac</type><port>62181</port><address></address><hostname>Samuel’s%20Mac%20Book</hostname><...